Overview ¶
Package core implements the Ethereum consensus protocol.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func ApplyIncomingReceipt(config *params.ChainConfig, db *state.DB, header *block.Header, ...) error
- func ApplyStakingMessage(evm *vm.EVM, msg Message, gp *GasPool) (uint64, error)
- func ApplyStakingTransaction(bc ChainContext, author *common.Address, gp *GasPool, statedb *state.DB, ...) (receipt *types.Receipt, gas uint64, err error)
- func ApplyTransaction(bc ChainContext, author *common.Address, gp *GasPool, statedb *state.DB, ...) (*types.Receipt, *types.CXReceipt, []staking.StakeMsg, uint64, error)
- func CalcGasLimit(parent *block.Header, gasFloor, gasCeil uint64) uint64
- func CalculateMigrationGasFn(chain ChainContext) vm.CalculateMigrationGasFunc
- func CanTransfer(db vm.StateDB, addr common.Address, amount *big.Int) bool
- func CollectRewardsFn(ref *block.Header, chain ChainContext) vm.CollectRewardsFunc
- func CreateValidatorFn(ref *block.Header, chain ChainContext) vm.CreateValidatorFunc
- func DelegateFn(ref *block.Header, chain ChainContext) vm.DelegateFunc
- func EditValidatorFn(ref *block.Header, chain ChainContext) vm.EditValidatorFunc
- func EncodeGenesisConfig(fileName string) string
- func ExportPreimages(chain BlockChain, path string) error
- func FindMissingRange(imported, start, end, current uint64) (uint64, uint64)
- func GeneratePreimages(chain BlockChain, start, end uint64) error
- func GetHashFn(ref *block.Header, chain ChainContext) func(n uint64) common.Hash
- func GetInitialFunds(shardID uint32) *big.Int
- func GetVRFFn(ref *block.Header, chain ChainContext) func(n uint64) common.Hash
- func ImportPreimages(chain BlockChain, path string) error
- func IsEpochBlock(block *types.Block) bool
- func IsValidator(db vm.StateDB, addr common.Address) bool
- func MayBalanceMigration(gasPool *GasPool, header *block.Header, db *state.DB, chain BlockChain) (*types.CXReceipt, error)
- func MayShardReduction(bc ChainContext, statedb *state.DB, header *block.Header) error
- func NewEVMContext(msg Message, header *block.Header, chain ChainContext, author *common.Address) vm.Context
- func SetReceiptsData(config *params.ChainConfig, block *types.Block, receipts types.Receipts) error
- func StakingToMessage(tx *staking.StakingTransaction, blockNum *big.Int) (types.Message, error)
- func StringToBigInt(s string, base int) *big.Int
- func Transfer(db vm.StateDB, sender, recipient common.Address, amount *big.Int, ...)
- func UndelegateFn(ref *block.Header, chain ChainContext) vm.UndelegateFunc
- func UpdateValidatorVotingPower(bc BlockChain, block *types.Block, ...) (map[common.Address]*staking.ValidatorStats, error)
- func VerifyAndCollectRewardsFromDelegation(stateDB vm.StateDB, delegations []staking.DelegationIndex) ([]*staking.ValidatorWrapper, *big.Int, error)
- func VerifyAndCreateValidatorFromMsg(stateDB vm.StateDB, chainContext ChainContext, epoch *big.Int, ...) (*staking.ValidatorWrapper, error)
- func VerifyAndDelegateFromMsg(stateDB vm.StateDB, epoch *big.Int, msg *staking.Delegate, ...) ([]*staking.ValidatorWrapper, *big.Int, map[common.Address]*big.Int, error)
- func VerifyAndEditValidatorFromMsg(stateDB vm.StateDB, chainContext ChainContext, epoch, blockNum *big.Int, ...) (*staking.ValidatorWrapper, error)
- func VerifyAndMigrateFromMsg(stateDB vm.StateDB, msg *staking.MigrationMsg, ...) ([]*staking.ValidatorWrapper, []interface{}, error)
- func VerifyAndUndelegateFromMsg(stateDB vm.StateDB, epoch *big.Int, msg *staking.Undelegate) (*staking.ValidatorWrapper, error)
- func VerifyBlockCrossLinks(blockchain BlockChain, block *types.Block) error
- func VerifyCrossLink(blockchain BlockChain, cl types.CrossLink) error
- func VerifyIncomingReceipts(blockchain BlockChain, block *types.Block) error
- func VerifyPreimages(header *block.Header, chain BlockChain) (uint64, error)
- func WritePreimagesMetricsIntoPrometheus(chain BlockChain, ...)
- type AllowedTxData
- type BadBlock
- type BlockChain
- type BlockChainImpl
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) AddPendingCrossLinks(pendingCLs []types.CrossLink) (int, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) AddPendingSlashingCandidates(candidates slash.Records) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) BadBlocks() []BadBlock
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) CXMerkleProof(toShardID uint32, block *block.Header) (*types.CXMerkleProof, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) CachePendingCrossLinks(crossLinks []types.CrossLink) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ChainDb() ethdb.Database
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) CommitOffChainData(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, block *types.Block, receipts []*types.Receipt, ...) (status WriteStatus, err error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) CommitPreimages() error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ComputeAndUpdateAPR(block *types.Block, now *big.Int, wrapper *staking.ValidatorWrapper, ...) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) Config() *params.ChainConfig
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ContractCode(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) CurrentBlock() *types.Block
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) CurrentFastBlock() *types.Block
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) CurrentHeader() *block.Header
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) DelegatorsInformation(addr common.Address) []*staking.Delegation
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) DeleteCrossLinks(cls []types.CrossLink) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) DeleteFromPendingCrossLinks(crossLinks []types.CrossLink) (int, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) DeleteFromPendingSlashingCandidates(processed slash.Records) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) EnablePruneBeaconChainFeature()
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) Engine() consensus_engine.Engine
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) Export(w io.Writer) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ExportN(w io.Writer, first uint64, last uint64) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) Genesis() *types.Block
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetAncestor(hash common.Hash, number, ancestor uint64, maxNonCanonical *uint64) (common.Hash, uint64)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetBlock(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *types.Block
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetBlockByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.Block
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetBlockByNumber(number uint64) *types.Block
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetBlockHashesFromHash(hash common.Hash, max uint64) []common.Hash
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetBlocksFromHash(hash common.Hash, n int) (blocks []*types.Block)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetBody(hash common.Hash) *types.Body
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetBodyRLP(hash common.Hash) rlp.RawValue
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetCanonicalHash(number uint64) common.Hash
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetECDSAFromCoinbase(header *block.Header) (common.Address, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetEpochBlockNumber(epoch *big.Int) (*big.Int, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetHeader(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *block.Header
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetHeaderByHash(hash common.Hash) *block.Header
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetHeaderByNumber(number uint64) *block.Header
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase(h *block.Header) (*bls.PublicKeyWrapper, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetMaxGarbageCollectedBlockNumber() int64
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetReceiptsByHash(hash common.Hash) types.Receipts
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetSnapshotTrie() *snapshot.Tree
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetStateCache() state.Database
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetTd(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *big.Int
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetTdByHash(hash common.Hash) *big.Int
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetUnclesInChain(b *types.Block, length int) []*block.Header
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetVMConfig() *vm.Config
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetVdfByNumber(number uint64) []byte
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetVrfByNumber(number uint64) []byte
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) HasBlock(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) HasBlockAndState(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) HasHeader(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) HasState(hash common.Hash) bool
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) InitTiKV(conf *intelchainconfig.TiKVConfig)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) InsertChain(chain types.Blocks, verifyHeaders bool) (int, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) InsertReceiptChain(blockChain types.Blocks, receiptChain []types.Receipts) (int, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) IsEnablePruneBeaconChainFeature() bool
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) IsSameLeaderAsPreviousBlock(block *types.Block) bool
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) IsSpent(cxp *types.CXReceiptsProof) bool
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) IsTikvWriterMaster() bool
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) LastContinuousCrossLink(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, shardID uint32) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) LeaderRotationMeta() LeaderRotationMeta
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) PostChainEvents(events []interface{}, logs []*types.Log)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) Processor() Processor
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadBlockRewardAccumulator(number uint64) (*big.Int, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadCXReceipts(shardID uint32, blockNum uint64, blockHash common.Hash) (types.CXReceipts, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadCommitSig(blockNum uint64) ([]byte, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadCrossLink(shardID uint32, blockNum uint64) (*types.CrossLink, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadDelegationsByDelegator(delegator common.Address) (m staking.DelegationIndexes, err error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadDelegationsByDelegatorAt(delegator common.Address, blockNum *big.Int) (m staking.DelegationIndexes, err error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadEpochVdfBlockNum(epoch *big.Int) (*big.Int, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadEpochVrfBlockNums(epoch *big.Int) ([]uint64, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadPendingCrossLinks() ([]types.CrossLink, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadPendingSlashingCandidates() slash.Records
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadShardLastCrossLink(shardID uint32) (*types.CrossLink, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadShardState(epoch *big.Int) (*shard.State, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadTxLookupEntry(txID common.Hash) (common.Hash, uint64, uint64)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorInformation(addr common.Address) (*staking.ValidatorWrapper, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorInformationAtRoot(addr common.Address, root common.Hash) (*staking.ValidatorWrapper, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorInformationAtState(addr common.Address, state *state.DB) (*staking.ValidatorWrapper, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorList() ([]common.Address, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorSnapshot(addr common.Address) (*staking.ValidatorSnapshot, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorSnapshotAtEpoch(epoch *big.Int, addr common.Address) (*staking.ValidatorSnapshot, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorStats(addr common.Address) (*staking.ValidatorStats, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) RedisPreempt() *redis_helper.RedisPreempt
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) Rollback(chain []common.Hash) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) SavePendingCrossLinks() error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ShardID() uint32
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) Snapshots() *snapshot.Tree
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) State() (*state.DB, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) StateAt(root common.Hash) (*state.DB, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) Stop()
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) StoreEpochBlockNumber(epoch *big.Int, blockNum *big.Int) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- ChainEvent) event.Subscription
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- ChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) SubscribeChainSideEvent(ch chan<- ChainSideEvent) event.Subscription
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) SubscribeLogsEvent(ch chan<- []*types.Log) event.Subscription
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent(ch chan<- RemovedLogsEvent) event.Subscription
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) SubscribeTraceEvent(ch chan<- TraceEvent) event.Subscription
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) SuperCommitteeForNextEpoch(beacon consensus_engine.ChainReader, header *block.Header, isVerify bool) (*shard.State, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) SyncFromTiKVWriter(newBlkNum uint64, logs []*types.Log) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) TrieDB() *trie.Database
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) TrieNode(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) UpdateBlockRewardAccumulator(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, diff *big.Int, number uint64) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) UpdateStakingMetaData(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, block *types.Block, stakeMsgs []staking.StakeMsg, ...) (newValidators []common.Address, err error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) UpdateValidatorSnapshots(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, epoch *big.Int, state *state.DB, ...) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ValidateNewBlock(block *types.Block, beaconChain BlockChain) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) Validator() Validator
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ValidatorCandidates() []common.Address
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ValidatorCode(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteBlockRewardAccumulator(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, reward *big.Int, number uint64) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteBlockWithState(block *types.Block, receipts []*types.Receipt, cxReceipts []*types.CXReceipt, ...) (status WriteStatus, err error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteBlockWithoutState(block *types.Block) (err error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteCXReceiptsProofSpent(db rawdb.DatabaseWriter, cxps []*types.CXReceiptsProof) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteCommitSig(blockNum uint64, lastCommits []byte) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteCrossLinks(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, cls []types.CrossLink) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteEpochVdfBlockNum(epoch *big.Int, blockNum *big.Int) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteEpochVrfBlockNums(epoch *big.Int, vrfNumbers []uint64) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteHeadBlock(block *types.Block) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteShardStateBytes(db rawdb.DatabaseWriter, epoch *big.Int, shardState []byte) (*shard.State, error)
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteValidatorList(db rawdb.DatabaseWriter, addrs []common.Address) error
- func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteValidatorSnapshot(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, snapshot *staking.ValidatorSnapshot) error
- type BlockValidator
- func (v *BlockValidator) ValidateBody(block *types.Block) error
- func (v *BlockValidator) ValidateCXReceiptsProof(cxp *types.CXReceiptsProof) error
- func (v *BlockValidator) ValidateHeader(block *types.Block, seal bool) error
- func (v *BlockValidator) ValidateState(block *types.Block, statedb *state.DB, receipts types.Receipts, ...) error
- type CacheConfig
- type Chain
- type ChainContext
- type ChainEvent
- type ChainHeadEvent
- type ChainIndexer
- func (c *ChainIndexer) AddCheckpoint(section uint64, shead common.Hash)
- func (c *ChainIndexer) AddChildIndexer(indexer *ChainIndexer)
- func (c *ChainIndexer) Close() error
- func (c *ChainIndexer) SectionHead(section uint64) common.Hash
- func (c *ChainIndexer) Sections() (uint64, uint64, common.Hash)
- func (c *ChainIndexer) Start(chain ChainIndexerChain)
- type ChainIndexerBackend
- type ChainIndexerChain
- type ChainSideEvent
- type CxEntry
- type CxPool
- type DeleteCallback
- type EpochChain
- func (bc *EpochChain) CommitPreimages() error
- func (bc *EpochChain) Config() *params.ChainConfig
- func (bc *EpochChain) CurrentBlock() *types.Block
- func (bc *EpochChain) CurrentHeader() *block.Header
- func (bc *EpochChain) Engine() engine.Engine
- func (bc *EpochChain) GetBlockNumber(hash common.Hash) *uint64
- func (bc *EpochChain) GetCanonicalHash(number uint64) common.Hash
- func (bc *EpochChain) GetHeader(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *block.Header
- func (bc *EpochChain) GetHeaderByHash(hash common.Hash) *block.Header
- func (bc *EpochChain) GetHeaderByNumber(number uint64) *block.Header
- func (bc *EpochChain) GetVMConfig() *vm.Config
- func (bc *EpochChain) InsertChain(blocks types.Blocks, _ bool) (int, error)
- func (bc *EpochChain) IsSameLeaderAsPreviousBlock(block *types.Block) bool
- func (bc *EpochChain) ReadShardState(epoch *big.Int) (*shard.State, error)
- func (bc *EpochChain) ShardID() uint32
- func (bc *EpochChain) Stop()
- func (bc *EpochChain) WriteHeadBlock(block *types.Block) error
- type ExecutionResult
- type GasPool
- type Genesis
- type GenesisAccount
- type GenesisAlloc
- type GenesisInitializer
- type GenesisItem
- type GenesisMismatchError
- type HeaderChain
- func (hc *HeaderChain) Config() *params.ChainConfig
- func (hc *HeaderChain) CurrentHeader() *block.Header
- func (hc *HeaderChain) Engine() consensus_engine.Engine
- func (hc *HeaderChain) GetAncestor(hash common.Hash, number, ancestor uint64, maxNonCanonical *uint64) (common.Hash, uint64)
- func (hc *HeaderChain) GetBlock(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *types.Block
- func (hc *HeaderChain) GetBlockHashesFromHash(hash common.Hash, max uint64) []common.Hash
- func (hc *HeaderChain) GetBlockNumber(hash common.Hash) *uint64
- func (hc *HeaderChain) GetCanonicalHash(number uint64) common.Hash
- func (hc *HeaderChain) GetHeader(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *block.Header
- func (hc *HeaderChain) GetHeaderByHash(hash common.Hash) *block.Header
- func (hc *HeaderChain) GetHeaderByNumber(number uint64) *block.Header
- func (hc *HeaderChain) GetTd(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *big.Int
- func (hc *HeaderChain) GetTdByHash(hash common.Hash) *big.Int
- func (hc *HeaderChain) HasHeader(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool
- func (hc *HeaderChain) SetCurrentHeader(head *block.Header) error
- func (hc *HeaderChain) SetGenesis(head *block.Header)
- func (hc *HeaderChain) SetHead(head uint64, delFn DeleteCallback) error
- func (hc *HeaderChain) ValidateHeaderChain(chain []*block.Header, checkFreq int) (int, error)
- func (hc *HeaderChain) WriteHeader(header *block.Header) (status WriteStatus, err error)
- func (hc *HeaderChain) WriteTd(hash common.Hash, number uint64, td *big.Int) error
- type LeaderRotationMeta
- type Message
- type NewMinedBlockEvent
- type NewTxsEvent
- type Options
- type PendingLogsEvent
- type Processor
- type ProcessorResult
- type RemovedLogsEvent
- type SideEffect
- type StateProcessor
- type StateTransition
- type Stub
- func (a Stub) AddPendingCrossLinks(pendingCLs []types.CrossLink) (int, error)
- func (a Stub) AddPendingSlashingCandidates(candidates slash.Records) error
- func (a Stub) BadBlocks() []BadBlock
- func (a Stub) CXMerkleProof(toShardID uint32, block *block.Header) (*types.CXMerkleProof, error)
- func (a Stub) CachePendingCrossLinks(crossLinks []types.CrossLink) error
- func (a Stub) ChainDb() ethdb.Database
- func (a Stub) CommitOffChainData(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, block *types.Block, receipts []*types.Receipt, ...) (status WriteStatus, err error)
- func (a Stub) CommitPreimages() error
- func (a Stub) ComputeAndUpdateAPR(block *types.Block, now *big.Int, wrapper *staking.ValidatorWrapper, ...) error
- func (a Stub) Config() *params.ChainConfig
- func (a Stub) ContractCode(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)
- func (a Stub) CurrentBlock() *types.Block
- func (a Stub) CurrentFastBlock() *types.Block
- func (a Stub) CurrentHeader() *block.Header
- func (a Stub) DelegatorsInformation(addr common.Address) []*staking.Delegation
- func (a Stub) DeleteCrossLinks(cls []types.CrossLink) error
- func (a Stub) DeleteFromPendingCrossLinks(crossLinks []types.CrossLink) (int, error)
- func (a Stub) DeleteFromPendingSlashingCandidates(processed slash.Records) error
- func (a Stub) EnablePruneBeaconChainFeature()
- func (a Stub) Engine() engine.Engine
- func (a Stub) GetBlock(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *types.Block
- func (a Stub) GetBlockByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.Block
- func (a Stub) GetBlockByNumber(number uint64) *types.Block
- func (a Stub) GetCanonicalHash(number uint64) common.Hash
- func (a Stub) GetECDSAFromCoinbase(header *block.Header) (common.Address, error)
- func (a Stub) GetEpochBlockNumber(epoch *big.Int) (*big.Int, error)
- func (a Stub) GetHeader(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *block.Header
- func (a Stub) GetHeaderByHash(hash common.Hash) *block.Header
- func (a Stub) GetHeaderByNumber(number uint64) *block.Header
- func (a Stub) GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase(h *block.Header) (*bls.PublicKeyWrapper, error)
- func (a Stub) GetMaxGarbageCollectedBlockNumber() int64
- func (a Stub) GetReceiptsByHash(hash common.Hash) types.Receipts
- func (a Stub) GetSnapshotTrie() *snapshot.Tree
- func (a Stub) GetStateCache() state.Database
- func (a Stub) GetVMConfig() *vm.Config
- func (a Stub) GetVdfByNumber(number uint64) []byte
- func (a Stub) GetVrfByNumber(number uint64) []byte
- func (a Stub) HasBlock(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool
- func (a Stub) HasBlockAndState(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool
- func (a Stub) HasState(hash common.Hash) bool
- func (a Stub) InitTiKV(conf *intelchainconfig.TiKVConfig)
- func (a Stub) InsertChain(chain types.Blocks, verifyHeaders bool) (int, error)
- func (a Stub) InsertReceiptChain(blockChain types.Blocks, receiptChain []types.Receipts) (int, error)
- func (a Stub) IsEnablePruneBeaconChainFeature() bool
- func (a Stub) IsSameLeaderAsPreviousBlock(block *types.Block) bool
- func (a Stub) IsSpent(cxp *types.CXReceiptsProof) bool
- func (a Stub) IsTikvWriterMaster() bool
- func (a Stub) LastContinuousCrossLink(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, shardID uint32) error
- func (a Stub) LeaderRotationMeta() LeaderRotationMeta
- func (a Stub) Processor() Processor
- func (a Stub) ReadBlockRewardAccumulator(number uint64) (*big.Int, error)
- func (a Stub) ReadCXReceipts(shardID uint32, blockNum uint64, blockHash common.Hash) (types.CXReceipts, error)
- func (a Stub) ReadCommitSig(blockNum uint64) ([]byte, error)
- func (a Stub) ReadCrossLink(shardID uint32, blockNum uint64) (*types.CrossLink, error)
- func (a Stub) ReadDelegationsByDelegator(delegator common.Address) (m staking.DelegationIndexes, err error)
- func (a Stub) ReadDelegationsByDelegatorAt(delegator common.Address, blockNum *big.Int) (m staking.DelegationIndexes, err error)
- func (a Stub) ReadEpochVdfBlockNum(epoch *big.Int) (*big.Int, error)
- func (a Stub) ReadEpochVrfBlockNums(epoch *big.Int) ([]uint64, error)
- func (a Stub) ReadPendingCrossLinks() ([]types.CrossLink, error)
- func (a Stub) ReadPendingSlashingCandidates() slash.Records
- func (a Stub) ReadShardLastCrossLink(shardID uint32) (*types.CrossLink, error)
- func (a Stub) ReadShardState(epoch *big.Int) (*shard.State, error)
- func (a Stub) ReadTxLookupEntry(txID common.Hash) (common.Hash, uint64, uint64)
- func (a Stub) ReadValidatorInformation(addr common.Address) (*staking.ValidatorWrapper, error)
- func (a Stub) ReadValidatorInformationAtRoot(addr common.Address, root common.Hash) (*staking.ValidatorWrapper, error)
- func (a Stub) ReadValidatorInformationAtState(addr common.Address, state *state.DB) (*staking.ValidatorWrapper, error)
- func (a Stub) ReadValidatorList() ([]common.Address, error)
- func (a Stub) ReadValidatorSnapshot(addr common.Address) (*staking.ValidatorSnapshot, error)
- func (a Stub) ReadValidatorSnapshotAtEpoch(epoch *big.Int, addr common.Address) (*staking.ValidatorSnapshot, error)
- func (a Stub) ReadValidatorStats(addr common.Address) (*staking.ValidatorStats, error)
- func (a Stub) RedisPreempt() *redis_helper.RedisPreempt
- func (a Stub) Rollback(chain []common.Hash) error
- func (a Stub) SavePendingCrossLinks() error
- func (a Stub) SetHead(head uint64) error
- func (a Stub) ShardID() uint32
- func (a Stub) Snapshots() *snapshot.Tree
- func (a Stub) State() (*state.DB, error)
- func (a Stub) StateAt(common.Hash) (*state.DB, error)
- func (a Stub) Stop()
- func (a Stub) StoreEpochBlockNumber(epoch *big.Int, blockNum *big.Int) error
- func (a Stub) SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- ChainEvent) event.Subscription
- func (a Stub) SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- ChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription
- func (a Stub) SubscribeChainSideEvent(ch chan<- ChainSideEvent) event.Subscription
- func (a Stub) SubscribeLogsEvent(ch chan<- []*types.Log) event.Subscription
- func (a Stub) SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent(ch chan<- RemovedLogsEvent) event.Subscription
- func (a Stub) SubscribeTraceEvent(ch chan<- TraceEvent) event.Subscription
- func (a Stub) SuperCommitteeForNextEpoch(beacon engine.ChainReader, header *block.Header, isVerify bool) (*shard.State, error)
- func (a Stub) SyncFromTiKVWriter(newBlkNum uint64, logs []*types.Log) error
- func (a Stub) TrieDB() *trie.Database
- func (a Stub) TrieNode(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)
- func (a Stub) UpdateBlockRewardAccumulator(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, diff *big.Int, number uint64) error
- func (a Stub) UpdateStakingMetaData(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, block *types.Block, stakeMsgs []staking.StakeMsg, ...) (newValidators []common.Address, err error)
- func (a Stub) UpdateValidatorSnapshots(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, epoch *big.Int, state *state.DB, ...) error
- func (a Stub) UpdateValidatorVotingPower(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, block *types.Block, ...) (map[common.Address]*staking.ValidatorStats, error)
- func (a Stub) ValidateNewBlock(block *types.Block, beaconChain BlockChain) error
- func (a Stub) Validator() Validator
- func (a Stub) ValidatorCandidates() []common.Address
- func (a Stub) ValidatorCode(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)
- func (a Stub) WriteBlockRewardAccumulator(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, reward *big.Int, number uint64) error
- func (a Stub) WriteBlockWithState(block *types.Block, receipts []*types.Receipt, cxReceipts []*types.CXReceipt, ...) (status WriteStatus, err error)
- func (a Stub) WriteBlockWithoutState(block *types.Block) (err error)
- func (a Stub) WriteCXReceiptsProofSpent(db rawdb.DatabaseWriter, cxps []*types.CXReceiptsProof) error
- func (a Stub) WriteCommitSig(blockNum uint64, lastCommits []byte) error
- func (a Stub) WriteCrossLinks(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, cls []types.CrossLink) error
- func (a Stub) WriteEpochVdfBlockNum(epoch *big.Int, blockNum *big.Int) error
- func (a Stub) WriteEpochVrfBlockNums(epoch *big.Int, vrfNumbers []uint64) error
- func (a Stub) WriteHeadBlock(block *types.Block) error
- func (a Stub) WriteShardStateBytes(db rawdb.DatabaseWriter, epoch *big.Int, shardState []byte) (*shard.State, error)
- func (a Stub) WriteValidatorList(db rawdb.DatabaseWriter, addrs []common.Address) error
- func (a Stub) WriteValidatorSnapshot(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, snapshot *staking.ValidatorSnapshot) error
- type TraceEvent
- type TxPool
- func (pool *TxPool) AddLocal(tx types.PoolTransaction) error
- func (pool *TxPool) AddLocals(txs types.PoolTransactions) []error
- func (pool *TxPool) AddRemote(tx types.PoolTransaction) error
- func (pool *TxPool) AddRemotes(txs types.PoolTransactions) []error
- func (pool *TxPool) Content() (map[common.Address]types.PoolTransactions, ...)
- func (pool *TxPool) GasPrice() *big.Int
- func (pool *TxPool) Get(hash common.Hash) types.PoolTransaction
- func (pool *TxPool) GetTxPoolSize() uint64
- func (pool *TxPool) Locals() []common.Address
- func (pool *TxPool) Pending() (map[common.Address]types.PoolTransactions, error)
- func (pool *TxPool) Queued() (map[common.Address]types.PoolTransactions, error)
- func (pool *TxPool) SetGasPrice(price *big.Int)
- func (pool *TxPool) State() *state.ManagedState
- func (pool *TxPool) Stats() (int, int)
- func (pool *TxPool) Status(hashes []common.Hash) []TxStatus
- func (pool *TxPool) Stop()
- func (pool *TxPool) SubscribeNewTxsEvent(ch chan<- NewTxsEvent) event.Subscription
- type TxPoolConfig
- type TxStatus
- type UsedGas
- type Validator
- type WhCallback
- type WriteStatus
Constants ¶
const ( // GenesisEpoch is the number of the genesis epoch. GenesisEpoch = 0 // GenesisITCToken is the initial total number of ONE in the genesis block for mainnet. GenesisITCToken = 12600000000 // ContractDeployerInitFund is the initial fund for the contract deployer account in testnet/devnet. ContractDeployerInitFund = 10000000000 // InitFreeFund is the initial fund for permissioned accounts for testnet/devnet/ InitFreeFund = 100 )
const (
// BlockChainVersion ensures that an incompatible database forces a resync from scratch.
BlockChainVersion = 3
const (
// CxPoolSize is the maximum size of the pool
CxPoolSize = 50
Variables ¶
var ( // ErrNoGenesis is the error when there is no genesis. ErrNoGenesis = errors.New("Genesis not found in chain") ErrEmptyChain = errors.New("empty chain") ErrNotLastBlockInEpoch = errors.New("not last block in epoch") )
var ( // ErrKnownBlock is returned when a block to import is already known locally. ErrKnownBlock = errors.New("block already known") // ErrGasLimitReached is returned by the gas pool if the amount of gas required // by a transaction is higher than what's left in the block. ErrGasLimitReached = errors.New("gas limit reached") // ErrBlacklistedHash is returned if a block to import is on the blacklist. ErrBlacklistedHash = errors.New("blacklisted hash") // ErrNonceTooHigh is returned if the nonce of a transaction is higher than the // next one expected based on the local chain. ErrNonceTooHigh = errors.New("nonce too high") // ErrShardStateNotMatch is returned if the calculated shardState hash not equal that in the block header ErrShardStateNotMatch = errors.New("shard state root hash not match") )
var ( ErrNoMigrationRequired = errors.New("No balance migration required") ErrNoMigrationPossible = errors.New("No balance migration possible") )
var ( // ErrInvalidSender is returned if the transaction contains an invalid signature. ErrInvalidSender = errors.New("invalid sender") // ErrInvalidShard is returned if the transaction is for the wrong shard. ErrInvalidShard = errors.New("invalid shard") // ErrNonceTooLow is returned if the nonce of a transaction is lower than the // one present in the local chain. ErrNonceTooLow = errors.New("nonce too low") // ErrUnderpriced is returned if a transaction's gas price is below the minimum // configured for the transaction pool. ErrUnderpriced = errors.New("transaction underpriced") // ErrReplaceUnderpriced is returned if a transaction is attempted to be replaced // with a different one without the required price bump. ErrReplaceUnderpriced = errors.New("replacement transaction underpriced") // ErrInsufficientFunds is returned if the total cost of executing a transaction // is higher than the balance of the user's account. ErrInsufficientFunds = errors.New("insufficient funds for gas * price + value") // ErrIntrinsicGas is returned if the transaction is specified to use less gas // than required to start the invocation. ErrIntrinsicGas = errors.New("intrinsic gas too low") // ErrGasLimit is returned if a transaction's requested gas limit exceeds the // maximum allowance of the current block. ErrGasLimit = errors.New("exceeds block gas limit") // ErrNegativeValue is a sanity error to ensure noone is able to specify a // transaction with a negative value. ErrNegativeValue = errors.New("negative value") // ErrOversizedData is returned if the input data of a transaction is greater // than some meaningful limit a user might use. This is not a consensus error // making the transaction invalid, rather a DOS protection. ErrOversizedData = errors.New("oversized data") // ErrKnownTransaction is returned if a transaction that is already in the pool // attempting to be added to the pool. ErrKnownTransaction = errors.New("known transaction") // ErrInvalidMsgForStakingDirective is returned if a staking message does not // match the related directive ErrInvalidMsgForStakingDirective = errors.New("staking message does not match directive message") // ErrBlacklistFrom is returned if a transaction's from/source address is blacklisted ErrBlacklistFrom = errors.New("`from` address of transaction in blacklist and not in allowlist") // ErrBlacklistTo is returned if a transaction's to/destination address is blacklisted ErrBlacklistTo = errors.New("`to` address of transaction in blacklist") ErrAllowedTxs = errors.New("transaction allowed whitelist check failed.") )
var DefaultTxPoolConfig = TxPoolConfig{ Journal: "transactions.rlp", Rejournal: time.Hour, PriceLimit: 100e9, PriceBump: 1, AccountSlots: 16, GlobalSlots: 4096, AccountQueue: 64, GlobalQueue: 5120, Lifetime: 30 * time.Minute, Blacklist: map[common.Address]struct{}{}, AllowedTxs: map[common.Address][]AllowedTxData{}, }
DefaultTxPoolConfig contains the default configurations for the transaction pool.
var ( // GenesisFund is the initial total number of ITC (in intello) in the genesis block for mainnet. GenesisFund = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(GenesisITCToken), big.NewInt(denominations.Itc)) )
Functions ¶
func ApplyIncomingReceipt ¶
func ApplyIncomingReceipt( config *params.ChainConfig, db *state.DB, header *block.Header, cxp *types.CXReceiptsProof, ) error
ApplyIncomingReceipt will add amount into ToAddress in the receipt
func ApplyStakingMessage ¶
ApplyStakingMessage computes the new state for staking message
func ApplyStakingTransaction ¶
func ApplyStakingTransaction( bc ChainContext, author *common.Address, gp *GasPool, statedb *state.DB, header *block.Header, tx *staking.StakingTransaction, usedGas *uint64, cfg vm.Config) (receipt *types.Receipt, gas uint64, err error)
ApplyStakingTransaction attempts to apply a staking transaction to the given state database and uses the input parameters for its environment. It returns the receipt for the staking transaction, gas used and an error if the transaction failed, indicating the block was invalid. staking transaction will use the code field in the account to store the staking information
func ApplyTransaction ¶
func ApplyTransaction(bc ChainContext, author *common.Address, gp *GasPool, statedb *state.DB, header *block.Header, tx *types.Transaction, usedGas *uint64, cfg vm.Config) (*types.Receipt, *types.CXReceipt, []staking.StakeMsg, uint64, error)
ApplyTransaction attempts to apply a transaction to the given state database and uses the input parameters for its environment. It returns the receipt for the transaction, gas used and an error if the transaction failed, indicating the block was invalid.
func CalcGasLimit ¶
CalcGasLimit computes the gas limit of the next block after parent. It aims to keep the baseline gas above the provided floor, and increase it towards the ceil if the blocks are full. If the ceil is exceeded, it will always decrease the gas allowance.
func CalculateMigrationGasFn ¶
func CalculateMigrationGasFn(chain ChainContext) vm.CalculateMigrationGasFunc
calculate the gas for migration; no checks done here similar to other functions the checks are handled by staking_verifier.go, ex, if you try to delegate to an address who is not a validator - you will be charged all gas passed in two steps - 22k initially when gas is calculated - remainder when the tx inevitably is a no-op i have followed the same logic here, this only produces an error if can't read from db
func CanTransfer ¶
CanTransfer checks whether there are enough funds in the address' account to make a transfer. This does not take the necessary gas in to account to make the transfer valid.
func CollectRewardsFn ¶
func CollectRewardsFn(ref *block.Header, chain ChainContext) vm.CollectRewardsFunc
func CreateValidatorFn ¶
func CreateValidatorFn(ref *block.Header, chain ChainContext) vm.CreateValidatorFunc
HandleStakeMsgFn returns a function which accepts (1) the chain state database (2) the processed staking parameters the function can then be called through the EVM context
func DelegateFn ¶
func DelegateFn(ref *block.Header, chain ChainContext) vm.DelegateFunc
func EditValidatorFn ¶
func EditValidatorFn(ref *block.Header, chain ChainContext) vm.EditValidatorFunc
func EncodeGenesisConfig ¶
EncodeGenesisConfig converts json file into binary format for genesis block
func ExportPreimages ¶
func ExportPreimages(chain BlockChain, path string) error
ExportPreimages is public so `main.go` can call it directly`
func FindMissingRange ¶
func GeneratePreimages ¶
func GeneratePreimages(chain BlockChain, start, end uint64) error
func GetInitialFunds ¶
GetInitialFunds for a given shard
func ImportPreimages ¶
func ImportPreimages(chain BlockChain, path string) error
ImportPreimages is public so `main.go` can call it directly`
func IsEpochBlock ¶
IsEpochBlock returns whether this block is the first block of an epoch. by checking if the previous block is the last block of the previous epoch
func IsValidator ¶
IsValidator determines whether it is a validator address or not
func MayBalanceMigration ¶
func MayShardReduction ¶
MayShardReduction handles the change in the number of Shards. It will mark the affected validator as inactive. This function does not handle all cases, only for ShardNum from 4 to 2.
func NewEVMContext ¶
func NewEVMContext(msg Message, header *block.Header, chain ChainContext, author *common.Address) vm.Context
NewEVMContext creates a new context for use in the EVM.
func SetReceiptsData ¶
SetReceiptsData computes all the non-consensus fields of the receipts
func StakingToMessage ¶
StakingToMessage returns the staking transaction as a core.Message. requires a signer to derive the sender. put it here to avoid cyclic import
func StringToBigInt ¶
StringToBigInt converts a string to BigInt
func Transfer ¶
func Transfer(db vm.StateDB, sender, recipient common.Address, amount *big.Int, txType types.TransactionType)
Transfer subtracts amount from sender and adds amount to recipient using the given Db
func UndelegateFn ¶
func UndelegateFn(ref *block.Header, chain ChainContext) vm.UndelegateFunc
func VerifyAndCollectRewardsFromDelegation ¶
func VerifyAndCollectRewardsFromDelegation( stateDB vm.StateDB, delegations []staking.DelegationIndex, ) ([]*staking.ValidatorWrapper, *big.Int, error)
VerifyAndCollectRewardsFromDelegation verifies and collects rewards from the given delegation slice using the stateDB. It returns all of the edited validatorWrappers and the sum total of the rewards.
Note that this function never updates the stateDB, it only reads from stateDB.
func VerifyAndCreateValidatorFromMsg ¶
func VerifyAndCreateValidatorFromMsg( stateDB vm.StateDB, chainContext ChainContext, epoch *big.Int, blockNum *big.Int, msg *staking.CreateValidator, ) (*staking.ValidatorWrapper, error)
VerifyAndCreateValidatorFromMsg verifies the create validator message using the stateDB, epoch, & blocknumber and returns the validatorWrapper created in the process.
Note that this function never updates the stateDB, it only reads from stateDB.
func VerifyAndDelegateFromMsg ¶
func VerifyAndDelegateFromMsg( stateDB vm.StateDB, epoch *big.Int, msg *staking.Delegate, delegations []staking.DelegationIndex, chainConfig *params.ChainConfig, ) ([]*staking.ValidatorWrapper, *big.Int, map[common.Address]*big.Int, error)
VerifyAndDelegateFromMsg verifies the delegate message using the stateDB and returns the balance to be deducted by the delegator as well as the validatorWrapper with the delegation applied to it.
Note that this function never updates the stateDB, it only reads from stateDB.
func VerifyAndEditValidatorFromMsg ¶
func VerifyAndEditValidatorFromMsg( stateDB vm.StateDB, chainContext ChainContext, epoch, blockNum *big.Int, msg *staking.EditValidator, ) (*staking.ValidatorWrapper, error)
VerifyAndEditValidatorFromMsg verifies the edit validator message using the stateDB, chainContext and returns the edited validatorWrapper.
Note that this function never updates the stateDB, it only reads from stateDB.
func VerifyAndMigrateFromMsg ¶
func VerifyAndMigrateFromMsg( stateDB vm.StateDB, msg *staking.MigrationMsg, fromDelegations []staking.DelegationIndex, ) ([]*staking.ValidatorWrapper, []interface{}, error)
VerifyAndMigrateFromMsg verifies and transfers all delegations of msg.From to msg.To. Returns all modified validator wrappers and delegate msgs for metadata Note that this function never updates the stateDB, it only reads from stateDB.
func VerifyAndUndelegateFromMsg ¶
func VerifyAndUndelegateFromMsg( stateDB vm.StateDB, epoch *big.Int, msg *staking.Undelegate, ) (*staking.ValidatorWrapper, error)
VerifyAndUndelegateFromMsg verifies the undelegate validator message using the stateDB & chainContext and returns the edited validatorWrapper with the undelegation applied to it.
Note that this function never updates the stateDB, it only reads from stateDB.
func VerifyBlockCrossLinks ¶
func VerifyBlockCrossLinks(blockchain BlockChain, block *types.Block) error
VerifyBlockCrossLinks verifies the crosslinks of the block. This function should be called from beacon chain.
func VerifyCrossLink ¶
func VerifyCrossLink(blockchain BlockChain, cl types.CrossLink) error
VerifyCrossLink verifies the header is valid
func VerifyIncomingReceipts ¶
func VerifyIncomingReceipts(blockchain BlockChain, block *types.Block) error
func VerifyPreimages ¶
func VerifyPreimages(header *block.Header, chain BlockChain) (uint64, error)
func WritePreimagesMetricsIntoPrometheus ¶
func WritePreimagesMetricsIntoPrometheus(chain BlockChain, sendMetrics func(preimageStart, preimageEnd, lastPreimageImport, verifiedAddresses uint64, shard uint32))
Types ¶
type AllowedTxData ¶
type BlockChain ¶
type BlockChain interface { // ValidateNewBlock validates new block. ValidateNewBlock(block *types.Block, beaconChain BlockChain) error // ShardID returns the shard Id of the blockchain. ShardID() uint32 // CurrentBlock retrieves the current head block of the canonical chain. The // block is retrieved from the blockchain's internal cache. CurrentBlock() *types.Block // CurrentFastBlock retrieves the current fast-sync head block of the canonical // block is retrieved from the blockchain's internal cache. CurrentFastBlock() *types.Block // Validator returns the current validator. Validator() Validator // Processor returns the current processor. Processor() Processor // State returns a new mutable state based on the current HEAD block. State() (*state.DB, error) // StateAt returns a new mutable state based on a particular point in time. StateAt(root common.Hash) (*state.DB, error) // Snapshots returns the blockchain snapshot tree. Snapshots() *snapshot.Tree // TrieDB returns trie database TrieDB() *trie.Database // HasBlock checks if a block is fully present in the database or not. HasBlock(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool // HasState checks if state trie is fully present in the database or not. HasState(hash common.Hash) bool // HasBlockAndState checks if a block and associated state trie is fully present // in the database or not, caching it if present. HasBlockAndState(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool // GetBlock retrieves a block from the database by hash and number, // caching it if found. GetBlock(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *types.Block // GetBlockByHash retrieves a block from the database by hash, caching it if found. GetBlockByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.Block // GetBlockByNumber retrieves a block from the database by number, caching it // (associated with its hash) if found. GetBlockByNumber(number uint64) *types.Block // GetReceiptsByHash retrieves the receipts for all transactions in a given block. GetReceiptsByHash(hash common.Hash) types.Receipts // TrieNode retrieves a blob of data associated with a trie node // either from ephemeral in-memory cache, or from persistent storage. TrieNode(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error) // ContractCode retrieves a blob of data associated with a contract // hash either from ephemeral in-memory cache, or from persistent storage. // // If the code doesn't exist in the in-memory cache, check the storage with // new code scheme. ContractCode(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error) // ValidatorCode retrieves a blob of data associated with a validator // hash either from ephemeral in-memory cache, or from persistent storage. // // If the code doesn't exist in the in-memory cache, check the storage with // new code scheme. ValidatorCode(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error) // Stop stops the blockchain service. If any imports are currently in progress // it will abort them using the procInterrupt. Stop() // Rollback is designed to remove a chain of links from the database that aren't // certain enough to be valid. Rollback(chain []common.Hash) error // writeHeadBlock writes a new head block WriteHeadBlock(block *types.Block) error // WriteBlockWithoutState writes only the block and its metadata to the database, // but does not write any state. This is used to construct competing side forks // up to the point where they exceed the canonical total difficulty. WriteBlockWithoutState(block *types.Block) (err error) // WriteBlockWithState writes the block and all associated state to the database. WriteBlockWithState( block *types.Block, receipts []*types.Receipt, cxReceipts []*types.CXReceipt, stakeMsgs []types2.StakeMsg, paid reward.Reader, state *state.DB, ) (status WriteStatus, err error) // GetMaxGarbageCollectedBlockNumber .. GetMaxGarbageCollectedBlockNumber() int64 // InsertChain attempts to insert the given batch of blocks in to the canonical // chain or, otherwise, create a fork. If an error is returned it will return // the index number of the failing block as well an error describing what went // wrong. // // After insertion is done, all accumulated events will be fired. InsertChain(chain types.Blocks, verifyHeaders bool) (int, error) // InsertReceiptChain attempts to complete an already existing header chain with // transaction and receipt data. InsertReceiptChain(blockChain types.Blocks, receiptChain []types.Receipts) (int, error) // LeaderRotationMeta returns the number of continuous blocks by the leader. LeaderRotationMeta() LeaderRotationMeta // BadBlocks returns a list of the last 'bad blocks' that // the client has seen on the network. BadBlocks() []BadBlock // CurrentHeader retrieves the current head header of the canonical chain. The // header is retrieved from the HeaderChain's internal cache. CurrentHeader() *block.Header // GetHeader retrieves a block header from the database by hash and number, // caching it if found. GetHeader(hash common.Hash, number uint64) *block.Header // GetHeaderByHash retrieves a block header from the database by hash, caching it if // found. GetHeaderByHash(hash common.Hash) *block.Header // GetCanonicalHash returns the canonical hash for a given block number. GetCanonicalHash(number uint64) common.Hash // GetHeaderByNumber retrieves a block header from the database by number, // caching it (associated with its hash) if found. GetHeaderByNumber(number uint64) *block.Header // Config retrieves the blockchain's chain configuration. Config() *params.ChainConfig // Engine retrieves the blockchain's consensus engine. Engine() engine.Engine // SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent registers a subscription of RemovedLogsEvent. SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent(ch chan<- RemovedLogsEvent) event.Subscription // SubscribeTraceEvent registers a subscription of ChainEvent. SubscribeTraceEvent(ch chan<- TraceEvent) event.Subscription // SubscribeChainEvent registers a subscription of ChainEvent. SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- ChainEvent) event.Subscription // SubscribeChainHeadEvent registers a subscription of ChainHeadEvent. SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- ChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription // SubscribeChainSideEvent registers a subscription of ChainSideEvent. SubscribeChainSideEvent(ch chan<- ChainSideEvent) event.Subscription // SubscribeLogsEvent registers a subscription of []*types.Log. SubscribeLogsEvent(ch chan<- []*types.Log) event.Subscription // ReadShardState retrieves sharding state given the epoch number. ReadShardState(epoch *big.Int) (*shard.State, error) // WriteShardStateBytes saves the given sharding state under the given epoch number. WriteShardStateBytes(db rawdb.DatabaseWriter, epoch *big.Int, shardState []byte, ) (*shard.State, error) // ReadCommitSig retrieves the commit signature on a block. ReadCommitSig(blockNum uint64) ([]byte, error) // WriteCommitSig saves the commits signatures signed on a block. WriteCommitSig(blockNum uint64, lastCommits []byte) error // GetVdfByNumber retrieves the rand seed given the block number, return 0 if not exist. GetVdfByNumber(number uint64) []byte // GetVrfByNumber retrieves the randomness preimage given the block number, return 0 if not exist GetVrfByNumber(number uint64) []byte // ChainDb returns the database. ChainDb() ethdb.Database // ReadEpochVrfBlockNums retrieves block numbers with valid VRF for the specified epoch. ReadEpochVrfBlockNums(epoch *big.Int) ([]uint64, error) // WriteCrossLinks saves the hashes of crosslinks by shardID and blockNum combination key. WriteCrossLinks(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, cls []types.CrossLink) error // DeleteCrossLinks removes the hashes of crosslinks by shardID and blockNum combination key. DeleteCrossLinks(cls []types.CrossLink) error // ReadCrossLink retrieves crosslink given shardID and blockNum. ReadCrossLink(shardID uint32, blockNum uint64) (*types.CrossLink, error) // LastContinuousCrossLink saves the last crosslink of a shard // This function will update the latest crosslink in the sense that // any previous block's crosslink is received up to this point // there is no missing hole between genesis to this crosslink of given shardID. LastContinuousCrossLink(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, shardID uint32) error // ReadShardLastCrossLink retrieves the last crosslink of a shard. ReadShardLastCrossLink(shardID uint32) (*types.CrossLink, error) // DeleteFromPendingSlashingCandidates .. DeleteFromPendingSlashingCandidates( processed slash.Records, ) error // ReadPendingSlashingCandidates retrieves pending slashing candidates. ReadPendingSlashingCandidates() slash.Records // ReadPendingCrossLinks retrieves pending crosslinks. ReadPendingCrossLinks() ([]types.CrossLink, error) // CachePendingCrossLinks caches the pending crosslinks in memory. CachePendingCrossLinks(crossLinks []types.CrossLink) error // SavePendingCrossLinks saves the pending crosslinks in db. SavePendingCrossLinks() error // AddPendingSlashingCandidates appends pending slashing candidates. AddPendingSlashingCandidates( candidates slash.Records, ) error // AddPendingCrossLinks appends pending crosslinks. AddPendingCrossLinks(pendingCLs []types.CrossLink) (int, error) // DeleteFromPendingCrossLinks delete pending crosslinks that already committed (i.e. passed in the params). DeleteFromPendingCrossLinks(crossLinks []types.CrossLink) (int, error) // IsSameLeaderAsPreviousBlock retrieves a block from the database by number, caching it. IsSameLeaderAsPreviousBlock(block *types.Block) bool // GetVMConfig returns the blockchain VM config. GetVMConfig() *vm.Config // ReadCXReceipts retrieves the cross shard transaction receipts of a given shard. ReadCXReceipts(shardID uint32, blockNum uint64, blockHash common.Hash) (types.CXReceipts, error) // CXMerkleProof calculates the cross shard transaction merkle proof of a given destination shard. CXMerkleProof(toShardID uint32, block *block.Header) (*types.CXMerkleProof, error) // WriteCXReceiptsProofSpent mark the CXReceiptsProof list with given unspent status WriteCXReceiptsProofSpent(db rawdb.DatabaseWriter, cxps []*types.CXReceiptsProof) error // IsSpent checks whether a CXReceiptsProof is spent. IsSpent(cxp *types.CXReceiptsProof) bool // ReadTxLookupEntry returns where the given transaction resides in the chain, // as a (block hash, block number, index in transaction list) triple. // returns 0, 0 if not found. ReadTxLookupEntry(txID common.Hash) (common.Hash, uint64, uint64) // ReadValidatorInformationAtRoot reads staking // information of given validatorWrapper at a specific state root. ReadValidatorInformationAtRoot( addr common.Address, root common.Hash, ) (*types2.ValidatorWrapper, error) // ReadValidatorInformationAtState reads staking // information of given validatorWrapper at a specific state root. ReadValidatorInformationAtState( addr common.Address, state *state.DB, ) (*types2.ValidatorWrapper, error) // ReadValidatorInformation reads staking information of given validator address. ReadValidatorInformation( addr common.Address, ) (*types2.ValidatorWrapper, error) // ReadValidatorSnapshotAtEpoch reads the snapshot // staking validator information of given validator address. ReadValidatorSnapshotAtEpoch( epoch *big.Int, addr common.Address, ) (*types2.ValidatorSnapshot, error) // ReadValidatorSnapshot reads the snapshot staking information of given validator address. ReadValidatorSnapshot( addr common.Address, ) (*types2.ValidatorSnapshot, error) // WriteValidatorSnapshot writes the snapshot of provided validator. WriteValidatorSnapshot( batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, snapshot *types2.ValidatorSnapshot, ) error // ReadValidatorStats reads the stats of a validator. ReadValidatorStats( addr common.Address, ) (*types2.ValidatorStats, error) // ComputeAndUpdateAPR ... ComputeAndUpdateAPR( block *types.Block, now *big.Int, wrapper *types2.ValidatorWrapper, stats *types2.ValidatorStats, ) error // UpdateValidatorSnapshots updates the content snapshot of all validators // Note: this should only be called within the blockchain insert process. UpdateValidatorSnapshots( batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, epoch *big.Int, state *state.DB, newValidators []common.Address, ) error // ReadValidatorList reads the addresses of current all validators. ReadValidatorList() ([]common.Address, error) // WriteValidatorList writes the list of validator addresses to database // Note: this should only be called within the blockchain insert process. WriteValidatorList( db rawdb.DatabaseWriter, addrs []common.Address, ) error // ReadDelegationsByDelegator reads the addresses of validators delegated by a delegator. ReadDelegationsByDelegator( delegator common.Address, ) (m types2.DelegationIndexes, err error) // ReadDelegationsByDelegatorAt reads the addresses of validators delegated by a delegator at a given block. ReadDelegationsByDelegatorAt( delegator common.Address, blockNum *big.Int, ) (m types2.DelegationIndexes, err error) // UpdateStakingMetaData updates the metadata of validators and delegations, // including the full validator list and delegation indexes. // Note: this should only be called within the blockchain insert process. UpdateStakingMetaData( batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, block *types.Block, stakeMsgs []types2.StakeMsg, state *state.DB, epoch, newEpoch *big.Int, ) (newValidators []common.Address, err error) // ReadBlockRewardAccumulator must only be called on beaconchain // Note that block rewards are only for staking era. ReadBlockRewardAccumulator(number uint64) (*big.Int, error) // WriteBlockRewardAccumulator directly writes the BlockRewardAccumulator value // Note: this should only be called once during staking launch. WriteBlockRewardAccumulator( batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, reward *big.Int, number uint64, ) error // UpdateBlockRewardAccumulator .. // Note: this should only be called within the blockchain insert process. UpdateBlockRewardAccumulator( batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, diff *big.Int, number uint64, ) error // ValidatorCandidates returns the up to date validator candidates for next epoch. ValidatorCandidates() []common.Address // DelegatorsInformation returns up to date information of delegators of a given validator address. DelegatorsInformation(addr common.Address) []*types2.Delegation // GetECDSAFromCoinbase retrieve corresponding ecdsa address from Coinbase Address. GetECDSAFromCoinbase(header *block.Header) (common.Address, error) // SuperCommitteeForNextEpoch ... // isVerify=true means validators use it to verify // isVerify=false means leader is to propose. SuperCommitteeForNextEpoch( beacon engine.ChainReader, header *block.Header, isVerify bool, ) (*shard.State, error) // EnablePruneBeaconChainFeature enabled prune BeaconChain feature. EnablePruneBeaconChainFeature() // IsEnablePruneBeaconChainFeature returns is enable prune BeaconChain feature. IsEnablePruneBeaconChainFeature() bool // CommitOffChainData write off chain data of a block onto db writer. CommitOffChainData( batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, block *types.Block, receipts []*types.Receipt, cxReceipts []*types.CXReceipt, stakeMsgs []types2.StakeMsg, payout reward.Reader, state *state.DB, ) (status WriteStatus, err error) GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase(h *block.Header) (*bls.PublicKeyWrapper, error) CommitPreimages() error GetStateCache() state.Database GetSnapshotTrie() *snapshot.Tree // return true if is tikv writer master IsTikvWriterMaster() bool // RedisPreempt used for tikv mode, get the redis preempt instance RedisPreempt() *redis_helper.RedisPreempt // SyncFromTiKVWriter used for tikv mode, all reader or follower writer used to sync block from master writer SyncFromTiKVWriter(newBlkNum uint64, logs []*types.Log) error // InitTiKV used for tikv mode, init the tikv mode InitTiKV(conf *intelchainconfig.TiKVConfig) }
BlockChain represents the canonical chain given a database with a genesis block. The Blockchain manages chain imports, reverts, chain reorganisations.
Importing blocks in to the blockchain happens according to the set of rules defined by the two stage validator. Processing of blocks is done using the Processor which processes the included transaction. The validation of the state is done in the second part of the validator. Failing results in aborting of the import.
The BlockChain also helps in returning blocks from **any** chain included in the database as well as blocks that represents the canonical chain. It's important to note that GetBlock can return any block and does not need to be included in the canonical one where as GetBlockByNumber always represents the canonical chain.
type BlockChainImpl ¶
type BlockChainImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBlockChain ¶
func NewBlockChain( db ethdb.Database, stateCache state.Database, beaconChain BlockChain, cacheConfig *CacheConfig, chainConfig *params.ChainConfig, engine consensus_engine.Engine, vmConfig vm.Config, ) (*BlockChainImpl, error)
NewBlockChain returns a fully initialised block chain using information available in the database. It initialises the default Ethereum validator and Processor. As of Aug-23, this is only used by tests
func NewBlockChainWithOptions ¶
func NewBlockChainWithOptions( db ethdb.Database, stateCache state.Database, beaconChain BlockChain, cacheConfig *CacheConfig, chainConfig *params.ChainConfig, engine consensus_engine.Engine, vmConfig vm.Config, options Options, ) (*BlockChainImpl, error)
NewBlockChainWithOptions same as NewBlockChain but can accept additional behaviour options.
func (*BlockChainImpl) AddPendingCrossLinks ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) AddPendingCrossLinks(pendingCLs []types.CrossLink) (int, error)
func (*BlockChainImpl) AddPendingSlashingCandidates ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) AddPendingSlashingCandidates( candidates slash.Records, ) error
func (*BlockChainImpl) BadBlocks ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) BadBlocks() []BadBlock
func (*BlockChainImpl) CXMerkleProof ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) CXMerkleProof(toShardID uint32, block *block.Header) (*types.CXMerkleProof, error)
func (*BlockChainImpl) CachePendingCrossLinks ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) CachePendingCrossLinks(crossLinks []types.CrossLink) error
func (*BlockChainImpl) ChainDb ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ChainDb() ethdb.Database
func (*BlockChainImpl) CommitOffChainData ¶
func (*BlockChainImpl) CommitPreimages ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) CommitPreimages() error
func (*BlockChainImpl) ComputeAndUpdateAPR ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ComputeAndUpdateAPR( block *types.Block, now *big.Int, wrapper *staking.ValidatorWrapper, stats *staking.ValidatorStats, ) error
func (*BlockChainImpl) Config ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) Config() *params.ChainConfig
func (*BlockChainImpl) ContractCode ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ContractCode(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)
ContractCode retrieves a blob of data associated with a contract hash either from ephemeral in-memory cache, or from persistent storage.
If the code doesn't exist in the in-memory cache, check the storage with new code scheme.
func (*BlockChainImpl) CurrentBlock ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) CurrentBlock() *types.Block
func (*BlockChainImpl) CurrentFastBlock ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) CurrentFastBlock() *types.Block
CurrentFastBlock retrieves the current fast-sync head block of the canonical chain. The block is retrieved from the blockchain's internal cache.
func (*BlockChainImpl) CurrentHeader ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) CurrentHeader() *block.Header
func (*BlockChainImpl) DelegatorsInformation ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) DelegatorsInformation(addr common.Address) []*staking.Delegation
func (*BlockChainImpl) DeleteCrossLinks ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) DeleteCrossLinks(cls []types.CrossLink) error
func (*BlockChainImpl) DeleteFromPendingCrossLinks ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) DeleteFromPendingCrossLinks(crossLinks []types.CrossLink) (int, error)
func (*BlockChainImpl) DeleteFromPendingSlashingCandidates ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) DeleteFromPendingSlashingCandidates( processed slash.Records, ) error
func (*BlockChainImpl) EnablePruneBeaconChainFeature ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) EnablePruneBeaconChainFeature()
func (*BlockChainImpl) Engine ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) Engine() consensus_engine.Engine
func (*BlockChainImpl) Export ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) Export(w io.Writer) error
Export writes the active chain to the given writer.
func (*BlockChainImpl) Genesis ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) Genesis() *types.Block
Genesis retrieves the chain's genesis block.
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetAncestor ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetAncestor(hash common.Hash, number, ancestor uint64, maxNonCanonical *uint64) (common.Hash, uint64)
GetAncestor retrieves the Nth ancestor of a given block. It assumes that either the given block or a close ancestor of it is canonical. maxNonCanonical points to a downwards counter limiting the number of blocks to be individually checked before we reach the canonical chain.
Note: ancestor == 0 returns the same block, 1 returns its parent and so on.
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetBlockByHash ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetBlockByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.Block
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetBlockByNumber ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetBlockByNumber(number uint64) *types.Block
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetBlockHashesFromHash ¶
GetBlockHashesFromHash retrieves a number of block hashes starting at a given hash, fetching towards the genesis block.
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetBlocksFromHash ¶
GetBlocksFromHash returns the block corresponding to hash and up to n-1 ancestors. [deprecated by eth/62]
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetBody ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetBody(hash common.Hash) *types.Body
GetBody retrieves a block body (transactions and uncles) from the database by hash, caching it if found.
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetBodyRLP ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetBodyRLP(hash common.Hash) rlp.RawValue
GetBodyRLP retrieves a block body in RLP encoding from the database by hash, caching it if found.
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetCanonicalHash ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetCanonicalHash(number uint64) common.Hash
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetECDSAFromCoinbase ¶
TODO: optimize this func by adding cache etc.
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetEpochBlockNumber ¶
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetHeaderByHash ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetHeaderByHash(hash common.Hash) *block.Header
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetHeaderByNumber ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetHeaderByNumber(number uint64) *block.Header
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase(h *block.Header) (*bls.PublicKeyWrapper, error)
GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase retrieve corresponding blsPublicKey from Coinbase Address
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetMaxGarbageCollectedBlockNumber ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetMaxGarbageCollectedBlockNumber() int64
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetReceiptsByHash ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetReceiptsByHash(hash common.Hash) types.Receipts
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetSnapshotTrie ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetSnapshotTrie() *snapshot.Tree
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetStateCache ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetStateCache() state.Database
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetTd ¶
GetTd retrieves a block's total difficulty in the canonical chain from the database by hash and number, caching it if found.
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetTdByHash ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetTdByHash(hash common.Hash) *big.Int
GetTdByHash retrieves a block's total difficulty in the canonical chain from the database by hash, caching it if found.
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetUnclesInChain ¶
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetVMConfig ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetVMConfig() *vm.Config
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetVdfByNumber ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetVdfByNumber(number uint64) []byte
func (*BlockChainImpl) GetVrfByNumber ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) GetVrfByNumber(number uint64) []byte
func (*BlockChainImpl) HasBlock ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) HasBlock(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool
func (*BlockChainImpl) HasBlockAndState ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) HasBlockAndState(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool
func (*BlockChainImpl) HasHeader ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) HasHeader(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool
HasHeader checks if a block header is present in the database or not, caching it if present.
func (*BlockChainImpl) InitTiKV ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) InitTiKV(conf *intelchainconfig.TiKVConfig)
InitTiKV used for tikv mode, init the tikv mode
func (*BlockChainImpl) InsertChain ¶
func (*BlockChainImpl) InsertReceiptChain ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) InsertReceiptChain(blockChain types.Blocks, receiptChain []types.Receipts) (int, error)
InsertReceiptChain attempts to complete an already existing header chain with transaction and receipt data.
func (*BlockChainImpl) IsEnablePruneBeaconChainFeature ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) IsEnablePruneBeaconChainFeature() bool
func (*BlockChainImpl) IsSameLeaderAsPreviousBlock ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) IsSameLeaderAsPreviousBlock(block *types.Block) bool
func (*BlockChainImpl) IsSpent ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) IsSpent(cxp *types.CXReceiptsProof) bool
func (*BlockChainImpl) IsTikvWriterMaster ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) IsTikvWriterMaster() bool
func (*BlockChainImpl) LastContinuousCrossLink ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) LastContinuousCrossLink(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, shardID uint32) error
func (*BlockChainImpl) LeaderRotationMeta ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) LeaderRotationMeta() LeaderRotationMeta
func (*BlockChainImpl) PostChainEvents ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) PostChainEvents(events []interface{}, logs []*types.Log)
PostChainEvents iterates over the events generated by a chain insertion and posts them into the event feed. TODO: Should not expose PostChainEvents. The chain events should be posted in WriteBlock.
func (*BlockChainImpl) Processor ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) Processor() Processor
func (*BlockChainImpl) ReadBlockRewardAccumulator ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadBlockRewardAccumulator(number uint64) (*big.Int, error)
func (*BlockChainImpl) ReadCXReceipts ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadCXReceipts(shardID uint32, blockNum uint64, blockHash common.Hash) (types.CXReceipts, error)
func (*BlockChainImpl) ReadCommitSig ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadCommitSig(blockNum uint64) ([]byte, error)
func (*BlockChainImpl) ReadCrossLink ¶
func (*BlockChainImpl) ReadDelegationsByDelegator ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadDelegationsByDelegator( delegator common.Address, ) (m staking.DelegationIndexes, err error)
func (*BlockChainImpl) ReadDelegationsByDelegatorAt ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadDelegationsByDelegatorAt( delegator common.Address, blockNum *big.Int, ) (m staking.DelegationIndexes, err error)
func (*BlockChainImpl) ReadEpochVdfBlockNum ¶
func (*BlockChainImpl) ReadEpochVrfBlockNums ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadEpochVrfBlockNums(epoch *big.Int) ([]uint64, error)
func (*BlockChainImpl) ReadPendingCrossLinks ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadPendingCrossLinks() ([]types.CrossLink, error)
ReadPendingCrossLinks returns pending crosslinks
func (*BlockChainImpl) ReadPendingSlashingCandidates ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadPendingSlashingCandidates() slash.Records
func (*BlockChainImpl) ReadShardLastCrossLink ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadShardLastCrossLink(shardID uint32) (*types.CrossLink, error)
func (*BlockChainImpl) ReadShardState ¶
func (*BlockChainImpl) ReadTxLookupEntry ¶
func (*BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorInformation ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorInformation( addr common.Address, ) (*staking.ValidatorWrapper, error)
func (*BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorInformationAtRoot ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorInformationAtRoot( addr common.Address, root common.Hash, ) (*staking.ValidatorWrapper, error)
func (*BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorInformationAtState ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorInformationAtState( addr common.Address, state *state.DB, ) (*staking.ValidatorWrapper, error)
func (*BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorList ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorList() ([]common.Address, error)
func (*BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorSnapshot ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorSnapshot( addr common.Address, ) (*staking.ValidatorSnapshot, error)
func (*BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorSnapshotAtEpoch ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorSnapshotAtEpoch( epoch *big.Int, addr common.Address, ) (*staking.ValidatorSnapshot, error)
func (*BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorStats ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ReadValidatorStats( addr common.Address, ) (*staking.ValidatorStats, error)
func (*BlockChainImpl) RedisPreempt ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) RedisPreempt() *redis_helper.RedisPreempt
RedisPreempt used for tikv mode, get the redis preempt instance
func (*BlockChainImpl) SavePendingCrossLinks ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) SavePendingCrossLinks() error
func (*BlockChainImpl) ShardID ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ShardID() uint32
func (*BlockChainImpl) Snapshots ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) Snapshots() *snapshot.Tree
Snapshots returns the blockchain snapshot tree.
func (*BlockChainImpl) Stop ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) Stop()
func (*BlockChainImpl) StoreEpochBlockNumber ¶
func (*BlockChainImpl) SubscribeChainEvent ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- ChainEvent) event.Subscription
func (*BlockChainImpl) SubscribeChainHeadEvent ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- ChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription
func (*BlockChainImpl) SubscribeChainSideEvent ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) SubscribeChainSideEvent(ch chan<- ChainSideEvent) event.Subscription
func (*BlockChainImpl) SubscribeLogsEvent ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) SubscribeLogsEvent(ch chan<- []*types.Log) event.Subscription
func (*BlockChainImpl) SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent(ch chan<- RemovedLogsEvent) event.Subscription
func (*BlockChainImpl) SubscribeTraceEvent ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) SubscribeTraceEvent(ch chan<- TraceEvent) event.Subscription
func (*BlockChainImpl) SuperCommitteeForNextEpoch ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) SuperCommitteeForNextEpoch( beacon consensus_engine.ChainReader, header *block.Header, isVerify bool, ) (*shard.State, error)
func (*BlockChainImpl) SyncFromTiKVWriter ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) SyncFromTiKVWriter(newBlkNum uint64, logs []*types.Log) error
SyncFromTiKVWriter used for tikv mode, all reader or follower writer used to sync block from master writer
func (*BlockChainImpl) TrieDB ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) TrieDB() *trie.Database
TrieDB returns trie database
func (*BlockChainImpl) TrieNode ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) TrieNode(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)
TrieNode retrieves a blob of data associated with a trie node (or code hash) either from ephemeral in-memory cache, or from persistent storage.
func (*BlockChainImpl) UpdateBlockRewardAccumulator ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) UpdateBlockRewardAccumulator( batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, diff *big.Int, number uint64, ) error
func (*BlockChainImpl) UpdateStakingMetaData ¶
func (*BlockChainImpl) UpdateValidatorSnapshots ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) UpdateValidatorSnapshots( batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, epoch *big.Int, state *state.DB, newValidators []common.Address, ) error
func (*BlockChainImpl) ValidateNewBlock ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ValidateNewBlock(block *types.Block, beaconChain BlockChain) error
func (*BlockChainImpl) Validator ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) Validator() Validator
Validator returns the current validator.
func (*BlockChainImpl) ValidatorCandidates ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ValidatorCandidates() []common.Address
func (*BlockChainImpl) ValidatorCode ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) ValidatorCode(hash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)
ValidatorCode retrieves a blob of data associated with a validator hash either from ephemeral in-memory cache, or from persistent storage.
If the code doesn't exist in the in-memory cache, check the storage with new code scheme.
func (*BlockChainImpl) WriteBlockRewardAccumulator ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteBlockRewardAccumulator( batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, reward *big.Int, number uint64, ) error
func (*BlockChainImpl) WriteBlockWithState ¶
func (*BlockChainImpl) WriteBlockWithoutState ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteBlockWithoutState(block *types.Block) (err error)
func (*BlockChainImpl) WriteCXReceiptsProofSpent ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteCXReceiptsProofSpent(db rawdb.DatabaseWriter, cxps []*types.CXReceiptsProof) error
func (*BlockChainImpl) WriteCommitSig ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteCommitSig(blockNum uint64, lastCommits []byte) error
func (*BlockChainImpl) WriteCrossLinks ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteCrossLinks(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, cls []types.CrossLink) error
func (*BlockChainImpl) WriteEpochVdfBlockNum ¶
func (*BlockChainImpl) WriteEpochVrfBlockNums ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteEpochVrfBlockNums(epoch *big.Int, vrfNumbers []uint64) error
func (*BlockChainImpl) WriteHeadBlock ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteHeadBlock(block *types.Block) error
func (*BlockChainImpl) WriteShardStateBytes ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteShardStateBytes(db rawdb.DatabaseWriter, epoch *big.Int, shardState []byte, ) (*shard.State, error)
func (*BlockChainImpl) WriteValidatorList ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteValidatorList( db rawdb.DatabaseWriter, addrs []common.Address, ) error
func (*BlockChainImpl) WriteValidatorSnapshot ¶
func (bc *BlockChainImpl) WriteValidatorSnapshot( batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, snapshot *staking.ValidatorSnapshot, ) error
type BlockValidator ¶
type BlockValidator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BlockValidator is responsible for validating block headers, uncles and processed state.
BlockValidator implements validator.
func NewBlockValidator ¶
func NewBlockValidator(blockchain BlockChain) *BlockValidator
NewBlockValidator returns a new block validator which is safe for re-use
func (*BlockValidator) ValidateBody ¶
func (v *BlockValidator) ValidateBody(block *types.Block) error
ValidateBody verifies the block header's transaction root. The headers are assumed to be already validated at this point.
func (*BlockValidator) ValidateCXReceiptsProof ¶
func (v *BlockValidator) ValidateCXReceiptsProof(cxp *types.CXReceiptsProof) error
ValidateCXReceiptsProof checks whether the given CXReceiptsProof is consistency with itself
func (*BlockValidator) ValidateHeader ¶
func (v *BlockValidator) ValidateHeader(block *types.Block, seal bool) error
ValidateHeader checks whether a header conforms to the consensus rules of a given engine. Verifying the seal may be done optionally here, or explicitly via the VerifySeal method.
func (*BlockValidator) ValidateState ¶
func (v *BlockValidator) ValidateState(block *types.Block, statedb *state.DB, receipts types.Receipts, cxReceipts types.CXReceipts, usedGas uint64) error
ValidateState validates the various changes that happen after a state transition, such as amount of used gas, the receipt roots and the state root itself. ValidateState returns a database batch if the validation was a success otherwise nil and an error is returned.
type CacheConfig ¶
type CacheConfig struct { Disabled bool // Whether to disable trie write caching (archive node) TrieNodeLimit int // Memory limit (MB) at which to flush the current in-memory trie to disk TrieTimeLimit time.Duration // Time limit after which to flush the current in-memory trie to disk TriesInMemory uint64 // Block number from the head stored in disk before exiting TrieDirtyLimit int // Memory limit (MB) at which to start flushing dirty trie nodes to disk TrieDirtyDisabled bool // Whether to disable trie write caching and GC altogether (archive node) TrieCleanLimit int // Memory allowance (MB) to use for caching trie nodes in memory TrieCleanJournal string // Disk journal for saving clean cache entries. Preimages bool // Whether to store preimage of trie key to the disk SnapshotLimit int // Memory allowance (MB) to use for caching snapshot entries in memory SnapshotNoBuild bool // Whether the background generation is allowed SnapshotWait bool // Wait for snapshot construction on startup. TODO(karalabe): This is a dirty hack for testing, nuke it }
CacheConfig contains the configuration values for the trie caching/pruning that's resident in a blockchain.
type ChainContext ¶
type ChainContext interface { // GetHeader returns the hash corresponding to their hash. GetHeader(common.Hash, uint64) *block.Header // ReadDelegationsByDelegator returns the validators list of a delegator ReadDelegationsByDelegator(common.Address) (stakingTypes.DelegationIndexes, error) // ReadDelegationsByDelegatorAt reads the addresses of validators delegated by a delegator at a given block ReadDelegationsByDelegatorAt(delegator common.Address, blockNum *big.Int) (m stakingTypes.DelegationIndexes, err error) // ReadValidatorSnapshot returns the snapshot of validator at the beginning of current epoch. ReadValidatorSnapshot(common.Address) (*stakingTypes.ValidatorSnapshot, error) // ReadValidatorList returns the list of all validators ReadValidatorList() ([]common.Address, error) // Config returns chain config Config() *params.ChainConfig ShardID() uint32 // this is implemented by blockchain.go already }
ChainContext supports retrieving headers and consensus parameters from the current blockchain to be used during transaction processing.
type ChainEvent ¶
ChainEvent is the struct of chain event.
type ChainHeadEvent ¶
ChainHeadEvent is the struct of chain head event.
type ChainIndexer ¶
type ChainIndexer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ChainIndexer does a post-processing job for equally sized sections of the canonical chain (like BlooomBits and CHT structures). A ChainIndexer is connected to the blockchain through the event system by starting a ChainHeadEventLoop in a goroutine.
Further child ChainIndexers can be added which use the output of the parent section indexer. These child indexers receive new head notifications only after an entire section has been finished or in case of rollbacks that might affect already finished sections.
func NewChainIndexer ¶
func NewChainIndexer(chainDb Chain, indexDb ethdb.Database, backend ChainIndexerBackend, section, confirm uint64, throttling time.Duration, kind string) *ChainIndexer
NewChainIndexer creates a new chain indexer to do background processing on chain segments of a given size after certain number of confirmations passed. The throttling parameter might be used to prevent database thrashing.
func (*ChainIndexer) AddCheckpoint ¶
func (c *ChainIndexer) AddCheckpoint(section uint64, shead common.Hash)
AddCheckpoint adds a checkpoint. Sections are never processed and the chain is not expected to be available before this point. The indexer assumes that the backend has sufficient information available to process subsequent sections.
Note: knownSections == 0 and storedSections == checkpointSections until syncing reaches the checkpoint
func (*ChainIndexer) AddChildIndexer ¶
func (c *ChainIndexer) AddChildIndexer(indexer *ChainIndexer)
AddChildIndexer adds a child ChainIndexer that can use the output of this one
func (*ChainIndexer) Close ¶
func (c *ChainIndexer) Close() error
Close tears down all goroutines belonging to the indexer and returns any error that might have occurred internally.
func (*ChainIndexer) SectionHead ¶
func (c *ChainIndexer) SectionHead(section uint64) common.Hash
SectionHead retrieves the last block hash of a processed section from the index database.
func (*ChainIndexer) Sections ¶
func (c *ChainIndexer) Sections() (uint64, uint64, common.Hash)
Sections returns the number of processed sections maintained by the indexer and also the information about the last header indexed for potential canonical verifications.
func (*ChainIndexer) Start ¶
func (c *ChainIndexer) Start(chain ChainIndexerChain)
Start creates a goroutine to feed chain head events into the indexer for cascading background processing. Children do not need to be started, they are notified about new events by their parents.
type ChainIndexerBackend ¶
type ChainIndexerBackend interface { // Reset initiates the processing of a new chain segment, potentially terminating // any partially completed operations (in case of a reorg). Reset(ctx context.Context, section uint64, prevHead common.Hash) error // Process crunches through the next header in the chain segment. The caller // will ensure a sequential order of headers. Process(ctx context.Context, header *block.Header) error // Commit finalizes the section metadata and stores it into the database. Commit() error }
ChainIndexerBackend defines the methods needed to process chain segments in the background and write the segment results into the database. These can be used to create filter blooms or CHTs.
type ChainIndexerChain ¶
type ChainIndexerChain interface { // CurrentHeader retrieves the latest locally known header. CurrentHeader() *block.Header // SubscribeChainHeadEvent subscribes to new head header notifications. SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- ChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription }
ChainIndexerChain interface is used for connecting the indexer to a blockchain
type ChainSideEvent ¶
ChainSideEvent is chain side event.
type CxPool ¶
type CxPool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CxPool is to hold a pool of block outgoing receipts to be resend in next round broadcast When a user/client doesn't find the destination shard get the money from cross shard tx it can send RPC call along with txID to allow the any validator to add the corresponding block's receipts to be resent
type DeleteCallback ¶
DeleteCallback is a callback function that is called by SetHead before each header is deleted.
type EpochChain ¶
type EpochChain struct { Stub // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewEpochChain ¶
func NewEpochChain(db ethdb.Database, chainConfig *params.ChainConfig, engine consensus_engine.Engine, vmConfig vm.Config) (*EpochChain, error)
func (*EpochChain) CommitPreimages ¶
func (bc *EpochChain) CommitPreimages() error
func (*EpochChain) Config ¶
func (bc *EpochChain) Config() *params.ChainConfig
func (*EpochChain) CurrentBlock ¶
func (bc *EpochChain) CurrentBlock() *types.Block
func (*EpochChain) CurrentHeader ¶
func (bc *EpochChain) CurrentHeader() *block.Header
func (*EpochChain) Engine ¶
func (bc *EpochChain) Engine() engine.Engine
func (*EpochChain) GetBlockNumber ¶
func (bc *EpochChain) GetBlockNumber(hash common.Hash) *uint64
GetBlockNumber retrieves the block number belonging to the given hash from the cache or database
func (*EpochChain) GetCanonicalHash ¶
func (bc *EpochChain) GetCanonicalHash(number uint64) common.Hash
func (*EpochChain) GetHeader ¶
GetHeader retrieves a block header from the database by hash and number, caching it if found.
func (*EpochChain) GetHeaderByHash ¶
func (bc *EpochChain) GetHeaderByHash(hash common.Hash) *block.Header
func (*EpochChain) GetHeaderByNumber ¶
func (bc *EpochChain) GetHeaderByNumber(number uint64) *block.Header
func (*EpochChain) GetVMConfig ¶
func (bc *EpochChain) GetVMConfig() *vm.Config
func (*EpochChain) InsertChain ¶
func (*EpochChain) IsSameLeaderAsPreviousBlock ¶
func (bc *EpochChain) IsSameLeaderAsPreviousBlock(block *types.Block) bool
func (*EpochChain) ReadShardState ¶
func (*EpochChain) ShardID ¶
func (bc *EpochChain) ShardID() uint32
func (*EpochChain) Stop ¶
func (bc *EpochChain) Stop()
func (*EpochChain) WriteHeadBlock ¶
func (bc *EpochChain) WriteHeadBlock(block *types.Block) error
WriteHeadBlock writes a new head block.
type ExecutionResult ¶
ExecutionResult is the return value from a transaction committed to the DB
func ApplyMessage ¶
ApplyMessage computes the new state by applying the given message against the old state within the environment.
ApplyMessage returns the bytes returned by any EVM execution (if it took place), the gas used (which includes gas refunds) and an error if it failed. An error always indicates a core error meaning that the message would always fail for that particular state and would never be accepted within a block.
func (*ExecutionResult) Failed ¶
func (result *ExecutionResult) Failed() bool
Failed returns the indicator whether the execution is successful or not
func (*ExecutionResult) Return ¶
func (result *ExecutionResult) Return() []byte
Return is a helper function to help caller distinguish between revert reason and function return. Return returns the data after execution if no error occurs.
func (*ExecutionResult) Revert ¶
func (result *ExecutionResult) Revert() []byte
Revert returns the concrete revert reason if the execution is aborted by `REVERT` opcode. Note the reason can be nil if no data supplied with revert opcode.
func (*ExecutionResult) Unwrap ¶
func (result *ExecutionResult) Unwrap() error
Unwrap returns the internal evm error which allows us for further analysis outside.
type GasPool ¶
type GasPool uint64
GasPool tracks the amount of gas available during execution of the transactions in a block. The zero value is a pool with zero gas available.
type Genesis ¶
type Genesis struct { Config *params.ChainConfig `json:"config"` Factory blockfactory.Factory `json:"-"` Nonce uint64 `json:"nonce"` ShardID uint32 `json:"shardID"` Timestamp uint64 `json:"timestamp"` ExtraData []byte `json:"extraData"` GasLimit uint64 `json:"gasLimit" gencodec:"required"` Mixhash common.Hash `json:"mixHash"` Coinbase common.Address `json:"coinbase"` Alloc GenesisAlloc `json:"alloc" gencodec:"required"` ShardStateHash common.Hash `json:"shardStateHash" gencodec:"required"` ShardState shard.State `json:"shardState" gencodec:"required"` // These fields are used for consensus tests. Please don't use them // in actual genesis blocks. Number uint64 `json:"number"` GasUsed uint64 `json:"gasUsed"` ParentHash common.Hash `json:"parentHash"` }
Genesis specifies the header fields, state of a genesis block. It also defines hard fork switch-over blocks through the chain configuration.
func NewGenesisSpec ¶
func NewGenesisSpec(netType nodeconfig.NetworkType, shardID uint32) *Genesis
NewGenesisSpec creates a new genesis spec for the given network type and shard ID. Note that the shard state is NOT initialized.
func (*Genesis) Commit ¶
Commit writes the block and state of a genesis specification to the database. The block is committed as the canonical head block.
func (Genesis) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON marshals as JSON.
func (*Genesis) MustCommit ¶
MustCommit writes the genesis block and state to db, panicking on error. The block is committed as the canonical head block.
func (*Genesis) ToBlock ¶
ToBlock creates the genesis block and writes state of a genesis specification to the given database (or discards it if nil).
func (*Genesis) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from JSON.
type GenesisAccount ¶
type GenesisAccount struct { Code []byte `json:"code,omitempty"` Storage map[common.Hash]common.Hash `json:"storage,omitempty"` Balance *big.Int `json:"balance" gencodec:"required"` Nonce uint64 `json:"nonce,omitempty"` PrivateKey []byte `json:"secretKey,omitempty"` // for tests }
GenesisAccount is an account in the state of the genesis block.
func (GenesisAccount) MarshalJSON ¶
func (g GenesisAccount) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals as JSON.
func (*GenesisAccount) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (g *GenesisAccount) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from JSON.
type GenesisAlloc ¶
type GenesisAlloc map[common.Address]GenesisAccount
GenesisAlloc specifies the initial state that is part of the genesis block.
func (*GenesisAlloc) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (ga *GenesisAlloc) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is to deserialize the data into GenesisAlloc.
type GenesisInitializer ¶
type GenesisInitializer struct {
NetworkType nodeconfig.NetworkType
GenesisInitializer is a shardchain.DBInitializer adapter.
func (*GenesisInitializer) InitChainDB ¶
func (gi *GenesisInitializer) InitChainDB(db ethdb.Database, shardID uint32) error
InitChainDB sets up a new genesis block in the database for the given shard.
type GenesisItem ¶
GenesisItem represents one genesis block transaction
type GenesisMismatchError ¶
GenesisMismatchError is raised when trying to overwrite an existing genesis block with an incompatible one.
func (*GenesisMismatchError) Error ¶
func (e *GenesisMismatchError) Error() string
type HeaderChain ¶
type HeaderChain struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HeaderChain implements the basic block header chain logic that is shared by core.BlockChain and light.LightChain. It is not usable in itself, only as a part of either structure. It is not thread safe either, the encapsulating chain structures should do the necessary mutex locking/unlocking.
func NewHeaderChain ¶
func NewHeaderChain(chainDb ethdb.Database, config *params.ChainConfig, engine consensus_engine.Engine, procInterrupt func() bool) (*HeaderChain, error)
NewHeaderChain creates a new HeaderChain structure.
getValidator should return the parent's validator procInterrupt points to the parent's interrupt semaphore wg points to the parent's shutdown wait group
func (*HeaderChain) Config ¶
func (hc *HeaderChain) Config() *params.ChainConfig
Config retrieves the header chain's chain configuration.
func (*HeaderChain) CurrentHeader ¶
func (hc *HeaderChain) CurrentHeader() *block.Header
CurrentHeader retrieves the current head header of the canonical chain. The header is retrieved from the HeaderChain's internal cache.
func (*HeaderChain) Engine ¶
func (hc *HeaderChain) Engine() consensus_engine.Engine
Engine retrieves the header chain's consensus engine.
func (*HeaderChain) GetAncestor ¶
func (hc *HeaderChain) GetAncestor(hash common.Hash, number, ancestor uint64, maxNonCanonical *uint64) (common.Hash, uint64)
GetAncestor retrieves the Nth ancestor of a given block. It assumes that either the given block or a close ancestor of it is canonical. maxNonCanonical points to a downwards counter limiting the number of blocks to be individually checked before we reach the canonical chain.
Note: ancestor == 0 returns the same block, 1 returns its parent and so on.
func (*HeaderChain) GetBlock ¶
GetBlock implements consensus.ChainReader, and returns nil for every input as a header chain does not have blocks available for retrieval.
func (*HeaderChain) GetBlockHashesFromHash ¶
GetBlockHashesFromHash retrieves a number of block hashes starting at a given hash, fetching towards the genesis block.
func (*HeaderChain) GetBlockNumber ¶
func (hc *HeaderChain) GetBlockNumber(hash common.Hash) *uint64
GetBlockNumber retrieves the block number belonging to the given hash from the cache or database
func (*HeaderChain) GetCanonicalHash ¶
func (hc *HeaderChain) GetCanonicalHash(number uint64) common.Hash
func (*HeaderChain) GetHeader ¶
GetHeader retrieves a block header from the database by hash and number, caching it if found.
func (*HeaderChain) GetHeaderByHash ¶
func (hc *HeaderChain) GetHeaderByHash(hash common.Hash) *block.Header
GetHeaderByHash retrieves a block header from the database by hash, caching it if found.
func (*HeaderChain) GetHeaderByNumber ¶
func (hc *HeaderChain) GetHeaderByNumber(number uint64) *block.Header
GetHeaderByNumber retrieves a block header from the database by number, caching it (associated with its hash) if found.
func (*HeaderChain) GetTd ¶
GetTd retrieves a block's total difficulty in the canonical chain from the database by hash and number, caching it if found.
func (*HeaderChain) GetTdByHash ¶
func (hc *HeaderChain) GetTdByHash(hash common.Hash) *big.Int
GetTdByHash retrieves a block's total difficulty in the canonical chain from the database by hash, caching it if found.
func (*HeaderChain) HasHeader ¶
func (hc *HeaderChain) HasHeader(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool
HasHeader checks if a block header is present in the database or not.
func (*HeaderChain) SetCurrentHeader ¶
func (hc *HeaderChain) SetCurrentHeader(head *block.Header) error
SetCurrentHeader sets the current head header of the canonical chain.
func (*HeaderChain) SetGenesis ¶
func (hc *HeaderChain) SetGenesis(head *block.Header)
SetGenesis sets a new genesis block header for the chain
func (*HeaderChain) SetHead ¶
func (hc *HeaderChain) SetHead(head uint64, delFn DeleteCallback) error
SetHead rewinds the local chain to a new head. Everything above the new head will be deleted and the new one set.
func (*HeaderChain) ValidateHeaderChain ¶
ValidateHeaderChain validates header chain.
func (*HeaderChain) WriteHeader ¶
func (hc *HeaderChain) WriteHeader(header *block.Header) (status WriteStatus, err error)
WriteHeader writes a header into the local chain, given that its parent is already known. If the total difficulty of the newly inserted header becomes greater than the current known TD, the canonical chain is re-routed.
Note: This method is not concurrent-safe with inserting blocks simultaneously into the chain, as side effects caused by reorganisations cannot be emulated without the real blocks. Hence, writing headers directly should only be done in two scenarios: pure-header mode of operation (light clients), or properly separated header/block phases (non-archive clients).
type LeaderRotationMeta ¶
type LeaderRotationMeta struct { Pub []byte // bls public key of previous block miner Epoch uint64 // epoch number of previously inserted block Count uint64 // quantity of continuous blocks inserted by the same leader }
LeaderRotationMeta contains information about leader rotation
func (LeaderRotationMeta) Clone ¶
func (a LeaderRotationMeta) Clone() LeaderRotationMeta
Clone returns a copy of the struct
func (LeaderRotationMeta) Hash ¶
func (a LeaderRotationMeta) Hash() []byte
Hash returns hash of the struct
func (LeaderRotationMeta) ShortString ¶
func (a LeaderRotationMeta) ShortString() string
ShortString returns string representation of the struct
type Message ¶
type Message interface { From() common.Address //FromFrontier() (common.Address, error) To() *common.Address GasPrice() *big.Int Gas() uint64 Value() *big.Int Nonce() uint64 CheckNonce() bool Data() []byte Type() types.TransactionType BlockNum() *big.Int }
Message represents a message sent to a contract.
type NewMinedBlockEvent ¶
NewMinedBlockEvent is posted when a block has been imported.
type NewTxsEvent ¶
type NewTxsEvent struct{ Txs []types.PoolTransaction }
NewTxsEvent is posted when a batch of transactions enter the transaction pool.
type Options ¶
type Options struct { // Subset of blockchain suitable for storing last epoch blocks i.e. blocks with shard state. EpochChain bool }
Options contains configuration values to change blockchain behaviour.
type PendingLogsEvent ¶
PendingLogsEvent is posted pre mining and notifies of pending logs.
type Processor ¶
type Processor interface { Process(block *types.Block, statedb *state.DB, cfg vm.Config, readCache bool) ( types.Receipts, types.CXReceipts, []stakingTypes.StakeMsg, []*types.Log, uint64, reward.Reader, *state.DB, error, ) CacheProcessorResult(cacheKey interface{}, result *ProcessorResult) }
Processor is an interface for processing blocks using a given initial state.
Process takes the block to be processed and the statedb upon which the initial state is based. It should return the receipts generated, amount of gas used in the process and return an error if any of the internal rules failed. Process will cache the result of successfully processed blocks. readCache decides whether the method will try reading from result cache.
type ProcessorResult ¶
type ProcessorResult struct { Receipts types.Receipts CxReceipts types.CXReceipts StakeMsgs []staking.StakeMsg Logs []*types.Log UsedGas uint64 Reward reward.Reader State *state.DB }
this structure is cached, and each individual element is returned
type RemovedLogsEvent ¶
RemovedLogsEvent is posted when a reorg happens
type SideEffect ¶
type SideEffect func()
type StateProcessor ¶
type StateProcessor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StateProcessor is a basic Processor, which takes care of transitioning state from one point to another.
StateProcessor implements Processor.
func NewStateProcessor ¶
func NewStateProcessor( bc BlockChain, beacon BlockChain, ) *StateProcessor
NewStateProcessor initialises a new StateProcessor.
func (*StateProcessor) CacheProcessorResult ¶
func (p *StateProcessor) CacheProcessorResult(cacheKey interface{}, result *ProcessorResult)
CacheProcessorResult caches the process result on the cache key.
func (*StateProcessor) Process ¶
func (p *StateProcessor) Process( block *types.Block, statedb *state.DB, cfg vm.Config, readCache bool, ) ( types.Receipts, types.CXReceipts, []staking.StakeMsg, []*types.Log, UsedGas, reward.Reader, *state.DB, error, )
Process processes the state changes according to the Ethereum rules by running the transaction messages using the statedb and applying any rewards to both the processor (coinbase) and any included uncles.
Process returns the receipts and logs accumulated during the process and returns the amount of gas that was used in the process. If any of the transactions failed to execute due to insufficient gas it will return an error.
type StateTransition ¶
type StateTransition struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StateTransition is the State Transitioning Model which is described as follows:
A state transition is a change made when a transaction is applied to the current world state The state transitioning model does all the necessary work to work out a valid new state root.
1) Nonce handling 2) Pre pay gas 3) Create a new state object if the recipient is \0*32 4) Value transfer == If contract creation ==
4a) Attempt to run transaction data 4b) If valid, use result as code for the new state object
== end == 5) Run Script section 6) Derive new state root
func NewStateTransition ¶
func NewStateTransition(evm *vm.EVM, msg Message, gp *GasPool) *StateTransition
NewStateTransition initialises and returns a new state transition object.
func (*StateTransition) StakingTransitionDb ¶
func (st *StateTransition) StakingTransitionDb() (usedGas uint64, err error)
StakingTransitionDb will transition the state by applying the staking message and returning the result including the used gas. It returns an error if failed. It is used for staking transaction only
func (*StateTransition) TransitionDb ¶
func (st *StateTransition) TransitionDb() (ExecutionResult, error)
TransitionDb will transition the state by applying the current message and returning the result including the used gas. It returns an error if failed. An error indicates a consensus issue.
type Stub ¶
type Stub struct {
Name string
func (Stub) AddPendingCrossLinks ¶
func (Stub) AddPendingSlashingCandidates ¶
func (Stub) CXMerkleProof ¶
func (Stub) CachePendingCrossLinks ¶
func (Stub) CommitOffChainData ¶
func (Stub) CommitPreimages ¶
func (Stub) ComputeAndUpdateAPR ¶
func (a Stub) ComputeAndUpdateAPR(block *types.Block, now *big.Int, wrapper *staking.ValidatorWrapper, stats *staking.ValidatorStats) error
func (Stub) Config ¶
func (a Stub) Config() *params.ChainConfig
func (Stub) CurrentBlock ¶
func (Stub) CurrentFastBlock ¶
func (Stub) CurrentHeader ¶
func (Stub) DelegatorsInformation ¶
func (a Stub) DelegatorsInformation(addr common.Address) []*staking.Delegation
func (Stub) DeleteFromPendingCrossLinks ¶
func (Stub) DeleteFromPendingSlashingCandidates ¶
func (Stub) EnablePruneBeaconChainFeature ¶
func (a Stub) EnablePruneBeaconChainFeature()
func (Stub) GetECDSAFromCoinbase ¶
func (Stub) GetEpochBlockNumber ¶
func (Stub) GetLeaderPubKeyFromCoinbase ¶
func (Stub) GetMaxGarbageCollectedBlockNumber ¶
func (Stub) GetSnapshotTrie ¶
func (Stub) GetStateCache ¶
func (Stub) GetVMConfig ¶
func (Stub) GetVdfByNumber ¶
func (Stub) GetVrfByNumber ¶
func (Stub) InitTiKV ¶
func (a Stub) InitTiKV(conf *intelchainconfig.TiKVConfig)
func (Stub) InsertChain ¶
func (Stub) InsertReceiptChain ¶
func (Stub) IsEnablePruneBeaconChainFeature ¶
func (Stub) IsSameLeaderAsPreviousBlock ¶
func (Stub) IsTikvWriterMaster ¶
func (Stub) LastContinuousCrossLink ¶
func (a Stub) LastContinuousCrossLink(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, shardID uint32) error
func (Stub) LeaderRotationMeta ¶
func (a Stub) LeaderRotationMeta() LeaderRotationMeta
func (Stub) ReadBlockRewardAccumulator ¶
func (Stub) ReadCXReceipts ¶
func (Stub) ReadCrossLink ¶
func (Stub) ReadDelegationsByDelegator ¶
func (Stub) ReadDelegationsByDelegatorAt ¶
func (Stub) ReadEpochVdfBlockNum ¶
func (Stub) ReadEpochVrfBlockNums ¶
func (Stub) ReadPendingCrossLinks ¶
func (Stub) ReadPendingSlashingCandidates ¶
func (Stub) ReadShardLastCrossLink ¶
func (Stub) ReadTxLookupEntry ¶
func (Stub) ReadValidatorInformation ¶
func (Stub) ReadValidatorInformationAtRoot ¶
func (Stub) ReadValidatorInformationAtState ¶
func (Stub) ReadValidatorSnapshot ¶
func (Stub) ReadValidatorSnapshotAtEpoch ¶
func (Stub) ReadValidatorStats ¶
func (Stub) RedisPreempt ¶
func (a Stub) RedisPreempt() *redis_helper.RedisPreempt
func (Stub) SavePendingCrossLinks ¶
func (Stub) StoreEpochBlockNumber ¶
func (Stub) SubscribeChainEvent ¶
func (a Stub) SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- ChainEvent) event.Subscription
func (Stub) SubscribeChainHeadEvent ¶
func (a Stub) SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- ChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription
func (Stub) SubscribeChainSideEvent ¶
func (a Stub) SubscribeChainSideEvent(ch chan<- ChainSideEvent) event.Subscription
func (Stub) SubscribeLogsEvent ¶
func (a Stub) SubscribeLogsEvent(ch chan<- []*types.Log) event.Subscription
func (Stub) SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent ¶
func (a Stub) SubscribeRemovedLogsEvent(ch chan<- RemovedLogsEvent) event.Subscription
func (Stub) SubscribeTraceEvent ¶
func (a Stub) SubscribeTraceEvent(ch chan<- TraceEvent) event.Subscription
func (Stub) SuperCommitteeForNextEpoch ¶
func (Stub) SyncFromTiKVWriter ¶
func (Stub) UpdateBlockRewardAccumulator ¶
func (Stub) UpdateStakingMetaData ¶
func (Stub) UpdateValidatorSnapshots ¶
func (Stub) UpdateValidatorVotingPower ¶
func (Stub) ValidateNewBlock ¶
func (a Stub) ValidateNewBlock(block *types.Block, beaconChain BlockChain) error
func (Stub) ValidatorCandidates ¶
func (Stub) WriteBlockRewardAccumulator ¶
func (Stub) WriteBlockWithState ¶
func (Stub) WriteBlockWithoutState ¶
func (Stub) WriteCXReceiptsProofSpent ¶
func (a Stub) WriteCXReceiptsProofSpent(db rawdb.DatabaseWriter, cxps []*types.CXReceiptsProof) error
func (Stub) WriteCommitSig ¶
func (Stub) WriteCrossLinks ¶
func (Stub) WriteEpochVdfBlockNum ¶
func (Stub) WriteEpochVrfBlockNums ¶
func (Stub) WriteShardStateBytes ¶
func (Stub) WriteValidatorList ¶
func (Stub) WriteValidatorSnapshot ¶
func (a Stub) WriteValidatorSnapshot(batch rawdb.DatabaseWriter, snapshot *staking.ValidatorSnapshot) error
type TraceEvent ¶
type TraceEvent struct {
Tracer *tracers.ParityBlockTracer
type TxPool ¶
type TxPool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
TxPool contains all currently known transactions. Transactions enter the pool when they are received from the network or submitted locally. They exit the pool when they are included in the blockchain.
The pool separates processable transactions (which can be applied to the current state) and future transactions. Transactions move between those two states over time as they are received and processed.
func NewTxPool ¶
func NewTxPool(config TxPoolConfig, chainconfig *params.ChainConfig, chain blockChain, txErrorSink *types.TransactionErrorSink, ) *TxPool
NewTxPool creates a new transaction pool to gather, sort and filter inbound transactions from the network.
func (*TxPool) AddLocal ¶
func (pool *TxPool) AddLocal(tx types.PoolTransaction) error
AddLocal enqueues a single transaction into the pool if it is valid, marking the sender as a local one in the mean time, ensuring it goes around the local pricing constraints.
func (*TxPool) AddLocals ¶
func (pool *TxPool) AddLocals(txs types.PoolTransactions) []error
AddLocals enqueues a batch of transactions into the pool if they are valid, marking the senders as a local ones in the mean time, ensuring they go around the local pricing constraints.
func (*TxPool) AddRemote ¶
func (pool *TxPool) AddRemote(tx types.PoolTransaction) error
AddRemote enqueues a single transaction into the pool if it is valid. If the sender is not among the locally tracked ones, full pricing constraints will apply.
func (*TxPool) AddRemotes ¶
func (pool *TxPool) AddRemotes(txs types.PoolTransactions) []error
AddRemotes enqueues a batch of transactions into the pool if they are valid. If the senders are not among the locally tracked ones, full pricing constraints will apply.
func (*TxPool) Content ¶
func (pool *TxPool) Content() (map[common.Address]types.PoolTransactions, map[common.Address]types.PoolTransactions)
Content retrieves the data content of the transaction pool, returning all the pending as well as queued transactions, grouped by account and sorted by nonce.
func (*TxPool) Get ¶
func (pool *TxPool) Get(hash common.Hash) types.PoolTransaction
Get returns a transaction if it is contained in the pool and nil otherwise.
func (*TxPool) GetTxPoolSize ¶
GetTxPoolSize returns tx pool size.
func (*TxPool) Pending ¶
Pending retrieves all currently executable transactions, grouped by origin account and sorted by nonce. The returned transaction set is a copy and can be freely modified by calling code.
func (*TxPool) Queued ¶
Queued retrieves all currently non-executable transactions, grouped by origin account and sorted by nonce. The returned transaction set is a copy and can be freely modified by calling code.
func (*TxPool) SetGasPrice ¶
SetGasPrice updates the minimum price required by the transaction pool for a new transaction, and drops all transactions below this threshold.
func (*TxPool) State ¶
func (pool *TxPool) State() *state.ManagedState
State returns the virtual managed state of the transaction pool.
func (*TxPool) Stats ¶
Stats retrieves the current pool stats, namely the number of pending and the number of queued (non-executable) transactions.
func (*TxPool) Status ¶
Status returns the status (unknown/pending/queued) of a batch of transactions identified by their hashes.
func (*TxPool) SubscribeNewTxsEvent ¶
func (pool *TxPool) SubscribeNewTxsEvent(ch chan<- NewTxsEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeNewTxsEvent registers a subscription of NewTxsEvent and starts sending event to the given channel.
type TxPoolConfig ¶
type TxPoolConfig struct { Locals []common.Address // Addresses that should be treated by default as local NoLocals bool // Whether local transaction handling should be disabled Journal string // Journal of local transactions to survive node restarts Rejournal time.Duration // Time interval to regenerate the local transaction journal PriceLimit uint64 // Minimum gas price to enforce for acceptance into the pool PriceBump uint64 // Minimum price bump to replace an already existing transaction (nonce) AccountSlots uint64 // Number of executable transaction slots guaranteed per account GlobalSlots uint64 // Maximum number of executable transaction slots for all accounts AccountQueue uint64 // Maximum number of non-executable transaction slots permitted per account GlobalQueue uint64 // Maximum number of non-executable transaction slots for all accounts Lifetime time.Duration // Maximum amount of time non-executable transaction are queued AddEvent func(tx types.PoolTransaction, local bool) // Fire add event Blacklist map[common.Address]struct{} // Set of accounts that cannot be a part of any transaction AllowedTxs map[common.Address][]AllowedTxData // Set of allowed transactions can break the blocklist }
TxPoolConfig are the configuration parameters of the transaction pool.
type TxStatus ¶
type TxStatus uint
TxStatus is the current status of a transaction as seen by the pool.
type Validator ¶
type Validator interface { // ValidateBody validates the given block's content. ValidateBody(block *types.Block) error // ValidateState validates the given statedb and optionally the receipts and // gas used. ValidateState(block *types.Block, state *state.DB, receipts types.Receipts, cxs types.CXReceipts, usedGas uint64) error // ValidateHeader checks whether a header conforms to the consensus rules of a // given engine. Verifying the seal may be done optionally here, or explicitly // via the VerifySeal method. ValidateHeader(block *types.Block, seal bool) error // ValidateCXReceiptsProof checks whether the given CXReceiptsProof is consistency with itself ValidateCXReceiptsProof(cxp *types.CXReceiptsProof) error }
Validator is an interface which defines the standard for block validation. It is only responsible for validating block contents, as the header validation is done by the specific consensus engines.
type WhCallback ¶
WhCallback is a callback function for inserting individual headers. A callback is used for two reasons: first, in a LightChain, status should be processed and light chain events sent, while in a BlockChain this is not necessary since chain events are sent after inserting blocks. Second, the header writes should be protected by the parent chain mutex individually.
type WriteStatus ¶
type WriteStatus byte
WriteStatus status of write
const ( NonStatTy WriteStatus = iota CanonStatTy SideStatTy )
Constants for WriteStatus
Source Files
- block_validator.go
- blockchain.go
- blockchain_impl.go
- blockchain_leader_rotation.go
- blockchain_pruner.go
- blockchain_pruner_metric.go
- blockchain_stub.go
- chain_indexer.go
- cx_pool.go
- epochchain.go
- error.go
- events.go
- evm.go
- gaspool.go
- gen_genesis.go
- gen_genesis_account.go
- genesis.go
- genesis_initializer.go
- genesis_util.go
- headerchain.go
- offchain.go
- preimages.go
- staking_verifier.go
- state_processor.go
- state_transition.go
- tx_journal.go
- tx_list.go
- tx_pool.go
- types.go
Path | Synopsis |
Package rawdb contains a collection of low level database accessors.
Package rawdb contains a collection of low level database accessors. |
Package state provides a caching layer atop the Ethereum state trie.
Package state provides a caching layer atop the Ethereum state trie. |
Package snapshot implements a journalled, dynamic state dump.
Package snapshot implements a journalled, dynamic state dump. |
Package types contains data types related to Ethereum consensus.
Package types contains data types related to Ethereum consensus. |
Package vm implements the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
Package vm implements the Ethereum Virtual Machine. |
Package runtime provides a basic execution model for executing EVM code.
Package runtime provides a basic execution model for executing EVM code. |