Bichon Code Review
Bichon aims to provide an excellent terminal based user interface for
reviewing GitLab merge requests, for developers who find web based user
interfaces unappealing or inefficient.
Some of the key goals
Enable all code review tasks to be fully accomplished via
the keyboard, with appropriate shortcuts, with no need to
switch to the web UI.
Local caching of merge requests to allow for offline code
review with later publication at time of reconnect.
Customisable and extendable to allow developers to enhance
the standard behaviour to suit their preferred workflow.
Familiar interaction model for developers who have traditionally
done email based code review with the mutt email client.
Bichon is open source software made available under the terms of the
Apache 2.0 license.
Bichon is written in the Go programming language, making use of a number
of excellent 3rd party Go libraries to speed up its development.
Building bichon, requires Golang >= 1.13, and uses the modern Go module
system, so does not have to be placed within a specific $GOPATH directory
Simply run 'go build' from the top level directory which will create a
standalone "bichon" binary
Example setup
$ apt-get install golang-go (Debian/Ubuntu)
$ dnf install golang (RHEL/Fedora/CentOS)
$ git clone
$ cd bichon
$ go build
$ sudo ln -s $PWD/bichon /usr/local/bin/bichon
Or you can just download the nightly build
saving it into /usr/local/bin.
Shell localization
Note that bichon only supports a very limited range of character sets
and it is strongly recommended to use UTF-8. Check the output of the
"locale" command reports UTF-8 against the LC_CTYPE setting.
Bichon uses the GitLab REST API for it tasks and thus requires an API token
to be created.
Login to (or your own hosted instance of GitLab)
Click your profile icon in top right and select "Settings"
Select "Access Tokens" from the left hand panel to display the
form to add a new access token
Give the token any desired name (eg "bichon") and ensure the
access scope selected is "api". Expiry date is optional.
Submit the form to create the access token and make a note of
the token string as you can't retrieve it later
When launching Bichon for the first time, no projects will be defined,
and it will take you straight to the 'Add project' form. Enter the
local directory path containing the checkout of the project. It will
automatically detect the gitlab server & project name from the git
remote. Then enter the access token obtained earlier.
When adding subsequent projects on the same server, it will prepopulate
the same access token.
The list of projects is stored in $HOME/.config/bichon/projects.ini
The access tokens are stored in a platform specific secure storage
vault. On Linux this uses the SecretService DBus API
and expects the 'login' keyring to exit, which is the default with
the GNOME desktop.
The colors and other style options can be customized by editing
the $HOME/.config/bichon/style.ini config file.
History / Motivation
Historically many large open source projects have used an email / mailing
list based code review workflow for a variety of reasons, including (but
not limited to):
Efficiency of an entirely keyboard based workflow with no
need to use the mouse.
Use of open standards with no lockin to a vendor specific
Ability to have an arbitrary choice of client interface and
built custom tools/workflows
Ability to self-host all the project infrastructure needed
for the development workflow
Increasingly, however, newly launched projects will eschew email, picking
a web based git hosting service such as GitHub or GitLab. These lower the
barrier to starting a new project by having a single tool to cover all
common development tasks. The standardization of the project workflow and
tools across the ecosystem facilitates new contributors participating in
a project, whether for the long term, or a one-off drive-by submission.
As a result, projects employing email based code review workflows
increasingly appear antiquated to outside observers. Although hard to
measure with accuracy, the perception is that these projects will not
attract contributions so easily.
The Bichon tool / project is an attempt to bridge the gap between the
historic email based code review workflows and modern web based git
hosting and code review tools.
The intent is that a project can adopt new hosted, web based code review
on GitLab, without entirely discarding the attractive parts of an email
based code review workflow for those developers who like that.
The mutt email client is widely used among developers involved in projects
using email based code review, which developed from ideas and features
found across a variety of earlier email clients. It is effective at
coping with the many tasks for which email is used.
Bichon is directly inspired by mutt, but aims to be a beautiful pure bred
client exclusively for the task of code review with GitLab merge requests.