A privacy-focused, self-hostable email proxy and temporary email solution
To get a pre-compiled binary for your architecture, just head over to the releases page.
If you would like to compile it yourself:
go get gitlab.com/hackandsla.sh/letterbox
$ ./letterbox -h
letterbox helps do stuff
letterbox [flags]
letterbox [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate shell completions
docs Generate docs for this package
help Help about any command
init Initialize the initial admin user
smtp-cli Send a SMTP message
--cleanup-interval duration The time between expired mailbox cleanup (default 1m0s)
--config string config file
--db-database string Specify the database to use (default "letterbox")
--db-host string Specify the database host to use
--db-insecure If specified, will not use SSL to connect to the database
--db-password string Specify database password. ONLY USE THE ON THE CLI FOR TESTING
--db-port int Specify the database port to use
--db-user string Specify database user (default "letterbox")
--development Enable development mode
-h, --help help for letterbox
--init-password string The initial admin password. If specified, letterbox will attempt to create the initial admin account. Otherwise, an admin account will have to be specified manually.
--init-username string The initial admin username
--jail-time duration The amount of time an IP gets banned for (default 10m0s)
-l, --log-file string File to log to
--max-auth-attempts int The allowed number of auth attempts before the IP is banned (default 10)
--max-shutdown-seconds int The max time (in seconds) to wait for the HTTP server to shut down (default 30)
-p, --port int Port to run HTTP server on (default 8080)
--smtp-hostname string The hostname to use on the SMTP server
--smtp-max-size string The maximum email size to accept (default "10MB")
--smtp-outbound-host string The host to use to send proxied emails
--smtp-outbound-password string The password to authenticate to the outbound SMTP server with
--smtp-outbound-port int The port to use to send proxied emails (default 587)
--smtp-outbound-username string The username to authenticate to the outbound SMTP server with
--smtp-port int Specify the SMTP port to use (default 587)
--smtp-tls-cert string The TLS certificate string to use
--smtp-tls-certfile string The TLS certificate file to use
--smtp-tls-key string The TLS key string to use
--smtp-tls-keyfile string The TLS key file to use
--smtp-tls-port int The port to use for the implicit TLS server (see RFC8314) (default 465)
-v, --verbose Run with verbose logs
Use "letterbox [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Docker usage
To run the tool with Docker, just run the latest version of the hackandslash/letterbox
docker run \
Docker-Compose Usage
To run the server as simply as possible:
- Copy the contents of docker-compose-simple.yaml into a file called
- Change
to a securely-generated random password
- Run
docker-compose up -d
About Me
Trevor Taubitz – @terrabitz
Distributed under the AGPL license. See LICENSE
for more information.