
v0.5.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 30, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 11 Imported by: 0



Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Structure and Organisation
  3. Class Diagram
  4. Functionality
  5. Data Types
  6. Testing
  7. Proposed Functionality/Requirements
  8. References



This package contains all network related code such as p2p communication, ip over libp2p and other networks that might be needed in the future.

Structure and Organisation

Here is quick overview of the contents of this pacakge:

  • README: Current file which is aimed towards developers who wish to use and modify the package functionality.

  • network: This file defines Network and Messenger interfaces and a method to create a new network.

  • types: This file defines the VPN interface.

  • libp2p: This contains code related to libp2p functionality.

  • specs: This contains class diagram of the package built in plantuml.

Class Diagram

The class diagram for the network package is shown below.

Source file

network Class Diagram

Rendered from source file
!$rootUrlGitlab = ""
!$packageRelativePath = "/network"
!$packageUrlGitlab = $rootUrlGitlab + $packageRelativePath
!include $packageUrlGitlab/specs/class_diagram.puml


Note: the functionality of DMS is being currently developed. See the proposed section for the suggested design of interfaces and methods.

Data Types


Note: the functionality of DMS is being currently developed. See the proposed section for the suggested data types.



Proposed Functionality / Requirements
List of issues

All issues that are related to the implementation of network package can be found below. These include any proposals for modifications to the package or new data structures needed to cover the requirements of other packages.

Interfaces and methods
proposed Network interface
// Network defines an interface provided by DMS to be implemented by various
// network providers. This could be libp2p, or other p2p providers.
type Network interface {
	// Config sets the configuration for the network in
	Config() error

	// Init initializes the node with config specific in Config() phase.
	// tags: Start
	Init() error

	// EventRegister sets handlers to handle events such as change of local address
	EventRegister() error

	// Dial connects to a peer
	// tags: ConnectPeer
	Dial() error

	// Listen listens on a connection. Example could be a stream for libp2p connection.
	Listen() error

	// Status returns status of current host in regards to implementation.
	// Output must follow a generic struct.
	Status() bool

	// Tears down network interface.
	Stop() error

Let's have a look at the methods and rationale behind them:

  1. Config():

Config is where host is prepared with desired settings. Settings are loaded from the file if required. An example in libp2p implementation would be to configure parameters which needs to be passed to libp2p.New() method, it can also a good place to set the stream handlers.

Things like private network are configured at this point.

  1. Init():

Init or Start starts up the host. This is a good place to start discovery and starting goroutines for fetching DHT update and updating peerstore.

  1. EventRegister():

In libp2p, we can listen to specific events. EventRegister is to set handler to such event. A few events in libp2p are:

  • EvtLocalAddressesUpdated
  • EvtLocalReachabilityChanged
  • EvtPeerIdentificationCompleted
  • EvtNATDeviceTypeChanged
  • EvtPeerConnectednessChanged

More events can be found here

  1. Dial():

Dial is for connecting to a peer. When peer A dials peer B, peer B has to Listen to the incoming connection.

  1. Listen():

Listen is the counterpart to Dial. Read more about listening and dialing here

  1. Status():


  • All peers we are corrently connected to.
  • ??
  1. Stop():

Basically it's like shutting down the peer. It is opposite of Init or Start.

proposed VPN interface
type VPN interface {
	// Start takes in an initial routing table and starts the VPN.
	Start() error

	// AddPeer is for adding the peers after the VPN has been started.
	// This should also update the routing table with the new peer.
	AddPeer() error

	// RemovePeer is oppisite of AddPeer. It should also update the routing table.
	RemovePeer() error

	// Stop tears down the VPN.
	Stop() error

Let's have a look at the methods and background behind them:

TBD: Parameter are still to be defined. Should we pass the peer ID? Or make it more generic to have IP addresses?

  1. Start():

Start() takes in initial list of hosts and assigns each peer a private IP.

  1. AddPeer():

AddPeer() is for adding a new peer to the VPN after the VPN is created. This should also update the routing table with the new peer. It should also not affect the existing peers, and should not lead to any IP collision.

  1. RemovePeer():

RemovePeer() should remove a peer from remove peers from the private network.

  1. Stop():

TBD: What should be done when the VPN is stopped? Should all the peers be removed from the network?

proposed Internal APIs
  1. publishJob
  • signature: publishJob(dms.orchestrator.BidRequest)

  • input: Bid request

  • output: None

publishJob is responsible for publishing a request for bid to the network for a job received by the DMS.

  1. There should be a top level package for set of functions/initlializers for management of:
  • TUN/TAP device
  • Virtual ethernet
  • Virtual switch
  • Firewall management
proposed sendLibP2PMessage

sendLibP2PMessage shall be called by dms.orchestrator.sendMessage() function ito send the telemetry.Message object via libP2P interface defined in network package. It is a low level implementation of sending messages in NuNet network via libp2p.

proposed receiveLibP2PMessage


proposed processMessage


proposed Private Swarm

Note: Private Swarm functionality is expected to be moved to libp2p sub-package once specific methods and interfaces have been defined

The private swarm functionality allows users to create and join a private network with some authorised peers. Note that these peers need to be identified beforehand to use this feature. It is also required that all peers have onboarded to the Nunet network and are using the same channel. It is because the identification of peers is done using libp2p public key generated during the onboarding process.

The creation of private network consists of the following operations.

Configure Private Network

The user who wants to create the private network should have a list of peer ids it wants to authorise to join the private network. This process configures the network by creating a swarm key and a bootstrap node.

  actor sp-user as Service Provider User
  participant asset as Service Provider Machine
  participant dmssp as DMS <br> on Service Provider
  participant dmscp as DMS <br> on Compute Provider

rect rgb(252, 242, 232)
    loop Configuration of private network
      sp-user -->> dmssp: Request to configure a private network for authorised peer ids
      dmssp ->> asset: Save the peer ids to database
      loop retrieve public keys for all peer ids
      dmssp ->> dmscp: Read the public key 
      dmssp ->> asset: Save the public key to database

      dmssp ->> dmssp: Create a swarm key
      dmssp ->> dmssp: Create a bootstrap node
      dmssp ->> asset: Save swarm key and bootstrap node id to database
      dmssp ->> sp-user: Status of private network configuration
Exchange Swarm Key

The authorised user who wants to connect to the private network will request for a swarm key from the node that has configured the private network. The node which has created the swarm key shares it with the authorised user when requested. The authentication of the user is based on its public key.

  actor sp-user as Service Provider User
  participant dmssp as DMS <br> on Service Provider
  participant dmscp as DMS <br> on Compute Provider
  actor cp-user as Compute Provider User

rect rgb(252, 242, 232)
    loop Swarm key exchange
      cp-user -->> dmscp: Request to retrieve private network swarm key from a peer
      dmscp ->> dmscp: Creates a request message and signs it using its private key
      dmscp ->> dmssp: Sends the signed request message for swarm key to SP DMS
      loop Share swarm key
      dmssp ->> dmssp: Checks if received message is signed by a authorised peer
      dmssp ->> dmssp: Encrypts the swarm key with public key of CP DMS
      dmssp ->> dmssp: Creates a response message and signs it with its private key
      dmssp ->> dmscp: Shares the encrypted swarm key and signed message 
      dmssp ->> sp-user: Notifies user about swarm key sharing to CP DMS
      dmscp ->> dmscp: Validates that message is signed by the correct SP DMS
      dmscp ->> dmscp: Decrypts the swarm key using its private key
      dmscp ->> dmscp: Saves the swarm key to the database
Join Private Network

The DMS will disconnect from the public network and join the private network using the shared swarm key.

  actor sp-user as Service Provider User
  participant dmssp as DMS <br> on Service Provider
  participant dmscp as DMS <br> on Compute Provider
  actor cp-user as Compute Provider User

rect rgb(252, 242, 232)
    loop Join private network
      sp-user -->> dmscp: Request to join private network
      dmssp ->> dmssp: Disconnect from public network
      dmssp ->> dmssp: Read the swarm key from database
      dmssp ->> dmssp: Configure the swarm key at the required path
      dmssp ->> dmssp: Start the network as bootstrap node
      dmssp ->> sp-user: Notify user  
    loop Join private network
      cp-user -->> dmscp: Request to join private network
      dmscp ->> dmscp: Disconnect from public network
      dmscp ->> dmscp: Read the swarm key from database
      dmscp ->> dmscp: Configure the swarm key at the required path
      dmscp ->> dmscp: Connect to the private network
      dmscp ->> cp-user: Notify user
Disconnect Private Network

The DMS will disconnect from the private network and join the public network the user onboarded on to.

  actor sp-user as Service Provider User
  participant dmssp as DMS <br> on Service Provider

rect rgb(252, 242, 232)
    loop Disconnect from private network and connect to public network
      sp-user -->> dmssp: Request to disconnect from private network
      dmssp ->> dmssp: Removes the swarm key from the configuration
      dmssp ->> dmssp: Read the public channel from the database
      dmssp ->> dmssp: Connect to the channel identified in the previous step
      dmssp ->> sp-user: Confirmation of change in network

Rotate Swarm Key

The DMS will generate a new swarm key for the private network and notify the authorised users.

  actor sp-user as Service Provider User
  participant dmssp as DMS <br> on Service Provider

rect rgb(252, 242, 232)
    loop Rotate Swarm Key
      sp-user -->> dmssp: Request to rotate swarm key
      dmssp ->> dmssp: Generate a new swarm key
      dmssp ->> dmssp: Save the new swarm key to the database
      loop Notify authorised peers
      dmssp ->> dmscp: Swarm key changed message
      dmssp ->> sp-user: Success message




Package network provides a simple network interface for the rest of the DMS.



View Source
const (
	ValidationAccept = libp2p.ValidationAccept
	ValidationReject = libp2p.ValidationReject
	ValidationIgnore = libp2p.ValidationIgnore


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type Messenger

type Messenger interface {
	// SendMessage asynchronously sends a message to the given peer.
	SendMessage(ctx context.Context, hostID string, msg types.MessageEnvelope, expiry time.Time) error

	// SendMessageSync synchronously sends a message to the given peer.
	// This method blocks until the message has been sent.
	SendMessageSync(ctx context.Context, hostID string, msg types.MessageEnvelope, expiry time.Time) error

Messenger defines the interface for sending messages.

type Network

type Network interface {
	// Messenger embedded interface

	// Init initializes the network
	Init(*config.Config) error
	// Start starts the network
	Start() error
	// Stat returns the network information
	Stat() types.NetworkStats
	// Ping pings the given address and returns the PingResult
	Ping(ctx context.Context, address string, timeout time.Duration) (types.PingResult, error)
	// GetHostID returns the host ID
	GetHostID() PeerID
	// GetPeerPubKey returns the public key for the given peerID
	GetPeerPubKey(peerID PeerID) crypto.PubKey
	// HandleMessage is responsible for registering a message type and its handler.
	HandleMessage(messageType string, handler func(data []byte, peerId peer.ID)) error
	// UnregisterMessageHandler unregisters a stream handler for a specific protocol.
	UnregisterMessageHandler(messageType string)
	// ResolveAddress given an id it retruns the address of the peer.
	// In libp2p, id represents the peerID and the response is the addrinfo
	ResolveAddress(ctx context.Context, id string) ([]string, error)
	// Advertise advertises the given data with the given adId
	// such as advertising device capabilities on the DHT
	Advertise(ctx context.Context, key string, data []byte) error
	// Unadvertise stops advertising data corresponding to the given adId
	Unadvertise(ctx context.Context, key string) error
	// Query returns the network advertisement
	Query(ctx context.Context, key string) ([]*commonproto.Advertisement, error)
	// Publish publishes the given data to the given topic if the network
	// type allows publish/subscribe functionality such as gossipsub or nats
	Publish(ctx context.Context, topic string, data []byte) error
	// Subscribe subscribes to the given topic and calls the handler function
	// if the network type allows it similar to Publish()
	Subscribe(ctx context.Context, topic string, handler func(data []byte), validator libp2p.Validator) (uint64, error)
	// Unsubscribe from a topic
	Unsubscribe(topic string, subID uint64) error
	// SetupBroadcastTopic allows the application to configure pubsub topic directly
	SetupBroadcastTopic(topic string, setup func(*Topic) error) error
	// SetupBroadcastAppScore allows the application to configure application level
	// scoring for pubsub
	SetBroadcastAppScore(func(PeerID) float64)
	// GetBroadcastScore returns the latest broadcast score snapshot
	GetBroadcastScore() map[PeerID]*PeerScoreSnapshot
	// Notify allows the application to receive notifications about peer connections
	// and disconnecions
	Notify(ctx context.Context, preconnected func(PeerID, []ProtocolID, int), connected, disconnected func(PeerID), identified, updated func(PeerID, []ProtocolID)) error
	// PeerConnected returs true if the peer is currently connected
	PeerConnected(p PeerID) bool
	// Stop stops the network including any existing advertisements and subscriptions
	Stop() error

	// GetPeerIP returns the ipv4 or v6 of a peer
	GetPeerIP(p PeerID) string

	// CreateSubnet creates a subnet with the given subnetID and CIDR
	CreateSubnet(ctx context.Context, subnetID string, routingTable map[string]string) error

	// RemoveSubnet removes a subnet
	DestroySubnet(subnetID string) error

	// AddSubnetPeer adds a peer to the subnet
	AddSubnetPeer(subnetID, peerID, ip string) error

	// RemoveSubnetPeer removes a peer from the subnet
	RemoveSubnetPeer(subnetID, peerID, ip string) error

	// AcceptSubnetPeer accepts a peer to the subnet
	AcceptSubnetPeer(subnetID, peerID, ip string) error

	// MapPort maps a sourceIp:sourcePort to destIP:destPort
	MapPort(subnetID, protocol, sourceIP, sourcePort, destIP, destPort string) error

	// UnmapPort removes a previous port map
	UnmapPort(subnetID, protocol, sourceIP, sourcePort, destIP, destPort string) error

	// AddSubnetDNSRecords adds dns records to our local resolver
	AddSubnetDNSRecords(subnetID string, records map[string]string) error

	// RemoveDNSRecord removes a dns record from our local resolver
	RemoveSubnetDNSRecord(subnetID, name string) error

func NewNetwork

func NewNetwork(netConfig *types.NetworkConfig, fs afero.Fs) (Network, error)

NewNetwork returns a new network given the configuration.

type PeerID

type PeerID = libp2p.PeerID

type PeerScoreSnapshot

type PeerScoreSnapshot = libp2p.PeerScoreSnapshot

type ProtocolID

type ProtocolID = libp2p.ProtocolID

type Topic

type Topic = libp2p.Topic

type VPN

type VPN interface {
	// Start takes in an initial routing table and starts the VPN.
	Start() error

	// AddPeer is for adding the peers after the VPN has been started.
	// This should also update the routing table with the new peer.
	AddPeer() error

	// RemovePeer is oppisite of AddPeer. It should also update the routing table.
	RemovePeer() error

	// Stop tears down the VPN.
	Stop() error

type ValidationResult

type ValidationResult = libp2p.ValidationResult

type Validator

type Validator = libp2p.Validator


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