
Seamlessly run commands on RIT CS machines with automatic upload, execution, and sync of your local directory.
Checkout the demo video on YouTube
has been tested on macOS only. It should work perfectly fine on linux but might not work in windows. Please report a GitHub issue if you encounter an issue with ritcs
on your system.
You can either install directly using go:
go install go.mattglei.ch/ritcs@latest
or using homebrew:
brew install gleich/homebrew-tap/ritcs
Before using ritcs
you need to have created an ssh key and have it copied over to the cs machine you want to ssh into. This can be done using the following terminal commands:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"
ssh-copy-id username@remote_host
When running the first command it will ask you to enter a password. You can do this if you want, but you will have to enter this password every time you run ritcs
. Having no password is ok.
rsync is used to sync directories to the RIT CS machines. On macOS this comes installed by default. If your linux distribution doesn't come preinstalled with rsync
please install it using your system's package manager.
can be setup automatically using the following terminal command:
ritcs setup
This then creates a configuration file in ~/.config/ritcs/config.toml
Here is an example configuration file that is found in ~/.config/ritcs/config.toml
# required
home = "/home/stu4/s1/mwg2345" # home directory on the cs machine
host = "glados.cs.rit.edu" # hostname of the cs machine
key_path = "/Users/matt/.ssh/id_ed25519" # path to the ssh key
# optional
port = 2021 # ssh port of the cs machine. defaults to 22
silent = true # if the program should not output logs. defaults to false
download = false # if files should be downloaded from the cs machine or not. defaults to true
You can also specify configuration flags when running ritcs
like so:
ritcs --silent make
This flag will make ritcs
not output logs, only the output of the command. Other supported flags are:
or --help
to output all commands that ritcs
has to offer
to only upload the files and run the command
Tried out ritcs
and found it wasn't for you? Simply run following command to remove the local configuration and to remove the remote directories created on the CS machine. You can then uninstall the ritcs
binary and it is as if it was never on your system.
ritcs uninstall