Overview ¶
Package inject provides dependency injected structures for mocking interfaces.
Index ¶
- type AnalogReader
- type AppServiceClient
- type Arm
- func (a *Arm) Close(ctx context.Context) error
- func (a *Arm) CurrentInputs(ctx context.Context) ([]referenceframe.Input, error)
- func (a *Arm) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (a *Arm) EndPosition(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (spatialmath.Pose, error)
- func (a *Arm) GoToInputs(ctx context.Context, goal []referenceframe.Input) error
- func (a *Arm) IsMoving(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
- func (a *Arm) JointPositions(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (*pb.JointPositions, error)
- func (a *Arm) ModelFrame() referenceframe.Model
- func (a *Arm) MoveToJointPositions(ctx context.Context, jp *pb.JointPositions, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- func (a *Arm) MoveToPosition(ctx context.Context, to spatialmath.Pose, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- func (a *Arm) Name() resource.Name
- func (a *Arm) Stop(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- type AudioInput
- func (ai *AudioInput) Close(ctx context.Context) error
- func (ai *AudioInput) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (ai *AudioInput) MediaProperties(ctx context.Context) (prop.Audio, error)
- func (ai *AudioInput) Name() resource.Name
- func (ai *AudioInput) Stream(ctx context.Context, errHandlers ...gostream.ErrorHandler) (gostream.AudioStream, error)
- type Base
- func (b *Base) Close(ctx context.Context) error
- func (b *Base) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (b *Base) Geometries(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) ([]spatialmath.Geometry, error)
- func (b *Base) IsMoving(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
- func (b *Base) MoveStraight(ctx context.Context, distanceMm int, mmPerSec float64, ...) error
- func (b *Base) Name() resource.Name
- func (b *Base) Properties(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (base.Properties, error)
- func (b *Base) SetPower(ctx context.Context, linear, angular r3.Vector, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- func (b *Base) SetVelocity(ctx context.Context, linear, angular r3.Vector, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- func (b *Base) Spin(ctx context.Context, angleDeg, degsPerSec float64, ...) error
- func (b *Base) Stop(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- type Board
- func (b *Board) AnalogReaderByName(name string) (board.AnalogReader, bool)
- func (b *Board) AnalogReaderByNameCap() []interface{}
- func (b *Board) AnalogReaderNames() []string
- func (b *Board) Close(ctx context.Context) error
- func (b *Board) DigitalInterruptByName(name string) (board.DigitalInterrupt, bool)
- func (b *Board) DigitalInterruptByNameCap() []interface{}
- func (b *Board) DigitalInterruptNames() []string
- func (b *Board) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (b *Board) GPIOPinByName(name string) (board.GPIOPin, error)
- func (b *Board) GPIOPinByNameCap() []interface{}
- func (b *Board) GPIOPinNames() []string
- func (b *Board) I2CByName(name string) (board.I2C, bool)
- func (b *Board) I2CNames() []string
- func (b *Board) Name() resource.Name
- func (b *Board) SPIByName(name string) (board.SPI, bool)
- func (b *Board) SPINames() []string
- func (b *Board) SetPowerMode(ctx context.Context, mode boardpb.PowerMode, duration *time.Duration) error
- func (b *Board) Status(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (*commonpb.BoardStatus, error)
- func (b *Board) StatusCap() []interface{}
- func (b *Board) WriteAnalog(ctx context.Context, pin string, value int32, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- type Camera
- func (c *Camera) Close(ctx context.Context) error
- func (c *Camera) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (c *Camera) Images(ctx context.Context) ([]camera.NamedImage, resource.ResponseMetadata, error)
- func (c *Camera) Name() resource.Name
- func (c *Camera) NextPointCloud(ctx context.Context) (pointcloud.PointCloud, error)
- func (c *Camera) Projector(ctx context.Context) (transform.Projector, error)
- func (c *Camera) Properties(ctx context.Context) (camera.Properties, error)
- func (c *Camera) Stream(ctx context.Context, errHandlers ...gostream.ErrorHandler) (gostream.VideoStream, error)
- type DataManagerService
- func (svc *DataManagerService) Close(ctx context.Context) error
- func (svc *DataManagerService) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (svc *DataManagerService) Name() resource.Name
- func (svc *DataManagerService) Sync(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- type DataServiceClient
- type DigitalInterrupt
- func (d *DigitalInterrupt) AddCallback(c chan board.Tick)
- func (d *DigitalInterrupt) AddPostProcessor(pp board.PostProcessor)
- func (d *DigitalInterrupt) Tick(ctx context.Context, high bool, nanoseconds uint64) error
- func (d *DigitalInterrupt) TickCap() []interface{}
- func (d *DigitalInterrupt) Value(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (int64, error)
- func (d *DigitalInterrupt) ValueCap() []interface{}
- type Encoder
- func (e *Encoder) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (e *Encoder) Name() resource.Name
- func (e *Encoder) Position(ctx context.Context, positionType encoder.PositionType, ...) (float64, encoder.PositionType, error)
- func (e *Encoder) Properties(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (encoder.Properties, error)
- func (e *Encoder) ResetPosition(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- type FrameSystemService
- func (fs *FrameSystemService) Close(ctx context.Context) error
- func (fs *FrameSystemService) CurrentInputs(ctx context.Context) (map[string][]referenceframe.Input, map[string]referenceframe.InputEnabled, ...)
- func (fs *FrameSystemService) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (fs *FrameSystemService) FrameSystem(ctx context.Context, additionalTransforms []*referenceframe.LinkInFrame) (referenceframe.FrameSystem, error)
- func (fs *FrameSystemService) Name() resource.Name
- func (fs *FrameSystemService) TransformPointCloud(ctx context.Context, srcpc pointcloud.PointCloud, srcName, dstName string) (pointcloud.PointCloud, error)
- func (fs *FrameSystemService) TransformPose(ctx context.Context, pose *referenceframe.PoseInFrame, dst string, ...) (*referenceframe.PoseInFrame, error)
- type GPIOPin
- func (gp *GPIOPin) Get(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (bool, error)
- func (gp *GPIOPin) GetCap() []interface{}
- func (gp *GPIOPin) PWM(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (float64, error)
- func (gp *GPIOPin) PWMCap() []interface{}
- func (gp *GPIOPin) PWMFreq(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (uint, error)
- func (gp *GPIOPin) PWMFreqCap() []interface{}
- func (gp *GPIOPin) Set(ctx context.Context, high bool, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- func (gp *GPIOPin) SetCap() []interface{}
- func (gp *GPIOPin) SetPWM(ctx context.Context, dutyCyclePct float64, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- func (gp *GPIOPin) SetPWMCap() []interface{}
- func (gp *GPIOPin) SetPWMFreq(ctx context.Context, freqHz uint, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- func (gp *GPIOPin) SetPWMFreqCap() []interface{}
- type Gantry
- func (g *Gantry) Close(ctx context.Context) error
- func (g *Gantry) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (g *Gantry) Home(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (bool, error)
- func (g *Gantry) IsMoving(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
- func (g *Gantry) Lengths(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) ([]float64, error)
- func (g *Gantry) ModelFrame() referenceframe.Model
- func (g *Gantry) MoveToPosition(ctx context.Context, positions, speeds []float64, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- func (g *Gantry) Name() resource.Name
- func (g *Gantry) Position(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) ([]float64, error)
- func (g *Gantry) Stop(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- type Generic
- type Gripper
- func (g *Gripper) Close(ctx context.Context) error
- func (g *Gripper) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (g *Gripper) Grab(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (bool, error)
- func (g *Gripper) IsMoving(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
- func (g *Gripper) Name() resource.Name
- func (g *Gripper) Open(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- func (g *Gripper) Stop(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- type I2C
- type I2CHandle
- func (handle *I2CHandle) Close() error
- func (handle *I2CHandle) Read(ctx context.Context, count int) ([]byte, error)
- func (handle *I2CHandle) ReadBlockData(ctx context.Context, register byte, numBytes uint8) ([]byte, error)
- func (handle *I2CHandle) ReadByteData(ctx context.Context, register byte) (byte, error)
- func (handle *I2CHandle) Write(ctx context.Context, tx []byte) error
- func (handle *I2CHandle) WriteBlockData(ctx context.Context, register byte, data []byte) error
- func (handle *I2CHandle) WriteByteData(ctx context.Context, register, data byte) error
- type InputController
- func (s *InputController) Controls(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) ([]input.Control, error)
- func (s *InputController) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (s *InputController) Events(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (map[input.Control]input.Event, error)
- func (s *InputController) Name() resource.Name
- func (s *InputController) RegisterControlCallback(ctx context.Context, control input.Control, triggers []input.EventType, ...) error
- type MLModelService
- type MotionService
- func (mgs *MotionService) Close(ctx context.Context) error
- func (mgs *MotionService) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (mgs *MotionService) GetPose(ctx context.Context, componentName resource.Name, destinationFrame string, ...) (*referenceframe.PoseInFrame, error)
- func (mgs *MotionService) ListPlanStatuses(ctx context.Context, req motion.ListPlanStatusesReq) ([]motion.PlanStatusWithID, error)
- func (mgs *MotionService) Move(ctx context.Context, componentName resource.Name, ...) (bool, error)
- func (mgs *MotionService) MoveOnGlobe(ctx context.Context, componentName resource.Name, destination *geo.Point, ...) (bool, error)
- func (mgs *MotionService) MoveOnGlobeNew(ctx context.Context, req motion.MoveOnGlobeReq) (string, error)
- func (mgs *MotionService) MoveOnMap(ctx context.Context, componentName resource.Name, destination spatialmath.Pose, ...) (bool, error)
- func (mgs *MotionService) Name() resource.Name
- func (mgs *MotionService) PlanHistory(ctx context.Context, req motion.PlanHistoryReq) ([]motion.PlanWithStatus, error)
- func (mgs *MotionService) StopPlan(ctx context.Context, req motion.StopPlanReq) error
- type Motor
- func (m *Motor) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (m *Motor) GoFor(ctx context.Context, rpm, revolutions float64, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- func (m *Motor) GoTo(ctx context.Context, rpm, positionRevolutions float64, ...) error
- func (m *Motor) IsMoving(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
- func (m *Motor) IsPowered(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (bool, float64, error)
- func (m *Motor) Name() resource.Name
- func (m *Motor) Position(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (float64, error)
- func (m *Motor) Properties(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (motor.Properties, error)
- func (m *Motor) ResetZeroPosition(ctx context.Context, offset float64, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- func (m *Motor) SetPower(ctx context.Context, powerPct float64, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- func (m *Motor) Stop(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- type MovementSensor
- func (i *MovementSensor) Accuracy(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (map[string]float32, error)
- func (i *MovementSensor) AngularVelocity(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (spatialmath.AngularVelocity, error)
- func (i *MovementSensor) Close(ctx context.Context) error
- func (i *MovementSensor) CompassHeading(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (float64, error)
- func (i *MovementSensor) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (i *MovementSensor) LinearAcceleration(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (r3.Vector, error)
- func (i *MovementSensor) LinearVelocity(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (r3.Vector, error)
- func (i *MovementSensor) Name() resource.Name
- func (i *MovementSensor) Orientation(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (spatialmath.Orientation, error)
- func (i *MovementSensor) Position(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (*geo.Point, float64, error)
- func (i *MovementSensor) Properties(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (*movementsensor.Properties, error)
- type NavigationService
- func (ns *NavigationService) AddWaypoint(ctx context.Context, point *geo.Point, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- func (ns *NavigationService) Close(ctx context.Context) error
- func (ns *NavigationService) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (ns *NavigationService) Location(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (*spatialmath.GeoPose, error)
- func (ns *NavigationService) Mode(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (navigation.Mode, error)
- func (ns *NavigationService) Name() resource.Name
- func (ns *NavigationService) RemoveWaypoint(ctx context.Context, id primitive.ObjectID, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- func (ns *NavigationService) SetMode(ctx context.Context, mode navigation.Mode, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- func (ns *NavigationService) Waypoints(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) ([]navigation.Waypoint, error)
- type PoseTracker
- type PowerSensor
- func (i *PowerSensor) Current(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (float64, bool, error)
- func (i *PowerSensor) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (i *PowerSensor) Name() resource.Name
- func (i *PowerSensor) Power(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (float64, error)
- func (i *PowerSensor) Voltage(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (float64, bool, error)
- type ReadWriteCloser
- type Robot
- func (r *Robot) Close(ctx context.Context) error
- func (r *Robot) Config() *config.Config
- func (r *Robot) DiscoverComponents(ctx context.Context, keys []resource.DiscoveryQuery) ([]resource.Discovery, error)
- func (r *Robot) FrameSystemConfig(ctx context.Context) (*framesystem.Config, error)
- func (r *Robot) Logger() golog.Logger
- func (r *Robot) MockResourcesFromMap(rs map[resource.Name]resource.Resource)
- func (r *Robot) ModuleAddress() (string, error)
- func (r *Robot) OperationManager() *operation.Manager
- func (r *Robot) PackageManager() packages.Manager
- func (r *Robot) ProcessManager() pexec.ProcessManager
- func (r *Robot) RemoteByName(name string) (robot.Robot, bool)
- func (r *Robot) RemoteNames() []string
- func (r *Robot) ResourceByName(name resource.Name) (resource.Resource, error)
- func (r *Robot) ResourceNames() []resource.Name
- func (r *Robot) ResourceRPCAPIs() []resource.RPCAPI
- func (r *Robot) SessionManager() session.Manager
- func (r *Robot) Status(ctx context.Context, resourceNames []resource.Name) ([]robot.Status, error)
- func (r *Robot) StopAll(ctx context.Context, extra map[resource.Name]map[string]interface{}) error
- func (r *Robot) TransformPointCloud(ctx context.Context, srcpc pointcloud.PointCloud, srcName, dstName string) (pointcloud.PointCloud, error)
- func (r *Robot) TransformPose(ctx context.Context, pose *referenceframe.PoseInFrame, dst string, ...) (*referenceframe.PoseInFrame, error)
- type SLAMService
- func (slamSvc *SLAMService) Close(ctx context.Context) error
- func (slamSvc *SLAMService) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (slamSvc *SLAMService) InternalState(ctx context.Context) (func() ([]byte, error), error)
- func (slamSvc *SLAMService) LatestMapInfo(ctx context.Context) (time.Time, error)
- func (slamSvc *SLAMService) Name() resource.Name
- func (slamSvc *SLAMService) PointCloudMap(ctx context.Context) (func() ([]byte, error), error)
- func (slamSvc *SLAMService) Position(ctx context.Context) (spatialmath.Pose, string, error)
- type SPI
- type Sensor
- type SensorsService
- func (s *SensorsService) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (s *SensorsService) Name() resource.Name
- func (s *SensorsService) Readings(ctx context.Context, names []resource.Name, extra map[string]interface{}) ([]sensors.Readings, error)
- func (s *SensorsService) Sensors(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) ([]resource.Name, error)
- type Servo
- func (s *Servo) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (s *Servo) IsMoving(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
- func (s *Servo) Move(ctx context.Context, angleDeg uint32, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- func (s *Servo) Name() resource.Name
- func (s *Servo) Position(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (uint32, error)
- func (s *Servo) Stop(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) error
- type ShellService
- func (s *ShellService) Close(ctx context.Context) error
- func (s *ShellService) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (s *ShellService) Name() resource.Name
- func (s *ShellService) Reconfigure(ctx context.Context, deps resource.Dependencies, conf resource.Config) error
- type TriggerableInputController
- type VisionService
- func (vs *VisionService) Classifications(ctx context.Context, img image.Image, n int, extra map[string]interface{}) (classification.Classifications, error)
- func (vs *VisionService) ClassificationsFromCamera(ctx context.Context, cameraName string, n int, extra map[string]interface{}) (classification.Classifications, error)
- func (vs *VisionService) Close(ctx context.Context) error
- func (vs *VisionService) Detections(ctx context.Context, img image.Image, extra map[string]interface{}) ([]objectdetection.Detection, error)
- func (vs *VisionService) DetectionsFromCamera(ctx context.Context, cameraName string, extra map[string]interface{}) ([]objectdetection.Detection, error)
- func (vs *VisionService) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (vs *VisionService) GetObjectPointClouds(ctx context.Context, cameraName string, extra map[string]interface{}) ([]*viz.Object, error)
- func (vs *VisionService) Name() resource.Name
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AnalogReader ¶
type AnalogReader struct { board.AnalogReader ReadFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (int, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AnalogReader is an injected analog reader.
func (*AnalogReader) ReadCap ¶
func (a *AnalogReader) ReadCap() []interface{}
ReadCap returns the last parameters received by Read, and then clears them.
type AppServiceClient ¶ added in v0.7.3
type AppServiceClient struct { apppb.AppServiceClient ListOrganizationsFunc func(ctx context.Context, in *apppb.ListOrganizationsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*apppb.ListOrganizationsResponse, error) CreateKeyFunc func(ctx context.Context, in *apppb.CreateKeyRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*apppb.CreateKeyResponse, error) }
AppServiceClient represents a fake instance of an app service client.
func (*AppServiceClient) CreateKey ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (asc *AppServiceClient) CreateKey(ctx context.Context, in *apppb.CreateKeyRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption, ) (*apppb.CreateKeyResponse, error)
CreateKey calls the injected CreateKeyFunc or the real version.
func (*AppServiceClient) ListOrganizations ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (asc *AppServiceClient) ListOrganizations(ctx context.Context, in *apppb.ListOrganizationsRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption, ) (*apppb.ListOrganizationsResponse, error)
ListOrganizations calls the injected ListOrganizationsFunc or the real version.
type Arm ¶
type Arm struct { arm.Arm DoFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) EndPositionFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (spatialmath.Pose, error) MoveToPositionFunc func(ctx context.Context, to spatialmath.Pose, extra map[string]interface{}) error MoveToJointPositionsFunc func(ctx context.Context, pos *pb.JointPositions, extra map[string]interface{}) error JointPositionsFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (*pb.JointPositions, error) StopFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) error IsMovingFunc func(context.Context) (bool, error) CloseFunc func(ctx context.Context) error ModelFrameFunc func() referenceframe.Model CurrentInputsFunc func(ctx context.Context) ([]referenceframe.Input, error) GoToInputsFunc func(ctx context.Context, goal []referenceframe.Input) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Arm is an injected arm.
func (*Arm) CurrentInputs ¶ added in v0.7.3
CurrentInputs calls the injected CurrentInputs or the real version.
func (*Arm) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (a *Arm) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real version.
func (*Arm) EndPosition ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (a *Arm) EndPosition(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (spatialmath.Pose, error)
EndPosition calls the injected EndPosition or the real version.
func (*Arm) GoToInputs ¶ added in v0.7.3
GoToInputs calls the injected GoToInputs or the real version.
func (*Arm) JointPositions ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (a *Arm) JointPositions(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (*pb.JointPositions, error)
JointPositions calls the injected JointPositions or the real version.
func (*Arm) ModelFrame ¶ added in v0.2.15
func (a *Arm) ModelFrame() referenceframe.Model
ModelFrame calls the injected ModelFrame or the real version.
func (*Arm) MoveToJointPositions ¶
func (a *Arm) MoveToJointPositions(ctx context.Context, jp *pb.JointPositions, extra map[string]interface{}) error
MoveToJointPositions calls the injected MoveToJointPositions or the real version.
func (*Arm) MoveToPosition ¶
func (a *Arm) MoveToPosition(ctx context.Context, to spatialmath.Pose, extra map[string]interface{}) error
MoveToPosition calls the injected MoveToPosition or the real version.
type AudioInput ¶ added in v0.0.8
type AudioInput struct { audioinput.AudioInput DoFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) StreamFunc func( ctx context.Context, errHandlers ...gostream.ErrorHandler, ) (gostream.AudioStream, error) MediaPropertiesFunc func(ctx context.Context) (prop.Audio, error) CloseFunc func(ctx context.Context) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AudioInput is an injected audio input.
func NewAudioInput ¶ added in v0.2.36
func NewAudioInput(name string) *AudioInput
NewAudioInput returns a new injected audio input.
func (*AudioInput) Close ¶ added in v0.0.8
func (ai *AudioInput) Close(ctx context.Context) error
Close calls the injected Close or the real version.
func (*AudioInput) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (ai *AudioInput) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real version.
func (*AudioInput) MediaProperties ¶ added in v0.0.8
MediaProperties calls the injected MediaProperties or the real version.
func (*AudioInput) Name ¶ added in v0.2.36
func (ai *AudioInput) Name() resource.Name
Name returns the name of the resource.
func (*AudioInput) Stream ¶ added in v0.0.8
func (ai *AudioInput) Stream( ctx context.Context, errHandlers ...gostream.ErrorHandler, ) (gostream.AudioStream, error)
Stream calls the injected Stream or the real version.
type Base ¶
type Base struct { base.Base DoFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) MoveStraightFunc func(ctx context.Context, distanceMm int, mmPerSec float64, extra map[string]interface{}) error SpinFunc func(ctx context.Context, angleDeg, degsPerSec float64, extra map[string]interface{}) error StopFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) error IsMovingFunc func(context.Context) (bool, error) CloseFunc func(ctx context.Context) error SetPowerFunc func(ctx context.Context, linear, angular r3.Vector, extra map[string]interface{}) error SetVelocityFunc func(ctx context.Context, linear, angular r3.Vector, extra map[string]interface{}) error PropertiesFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (base.Properties, error) GeometriesFunc func(ctx context.Context) ([]spatialmath.Geometry, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Base is an injected base.
func (*Base) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (b *Base) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real version.
func (*Base) Geometries ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (b *Base) Geometries(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) ([]spatialmath.Geometry, error)
Geometries returns the base's geometries.
func (*Base) MoveStraight ¶
func (b *Base) MoveStraight(ctx context.Context, distanceMm int, mmPerSec float64, extra map[string]interface{}) error
MoveStraight calls the injected MoveStraight or the real version.
func (*Base) Properties ¶ added in v0.2.50
func (b *Base) Properties(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (base.Properties, error)
Properties returns the base's properties.
func (*Base) SetPower ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (b *Base) SetPower(ctx context.Context, linear, angular r3.Vector, extra map[string]interface{}) error
SetPower calls the injected SetPower or the real version.
func (*Base) SetVelocity ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (b *Base) SetVelocity(ctx context.Context, linear, angular r3.Vector, extra map[string]interface{}) error
SetVelocity calls the injected SetVelocity or the real version.
type Board ¶
type Board struct { board.LocalBoard DoFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) SPIByNameFunc func(name string) (board.SPI, bool) I2CByNameFunc func(name string) (board.I2C, bool) AnalogReaderByNameFunc func(name string) (board.AnalogReader, bool) DigitalInterruptByNameFunc func(name string) (board.DigitalInterrupt, bool) GPIOPinByNameFunc func(name string) (board.GPIOPin, error) SPINamesFunc func() []string I2CNamesFunc func() []string AnalogReaderNamesFunc func() []string DigitalInterruptNamesFunc func() []string GPIOPinNamesFunc func() []string CloseFunc func(ctx context.Context) error StatusFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (*commonpb.BoardStatus, error) SetPowerModeFunc func(ctx context.Context, mode boardpb.PowerMode, duration *time.Duration) error WriteAnalogFunc func(ctx context.Context, pin string, value int32, extra map[string]interface{}) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Board is an injected board.
func (*Board) AnalogReaderByName ¶
func (b *Board) AnalogReaderByName(name string) (board.AnalogReader, bool)
AnalogReaderByName calls the injected AnalogReaderByName or the real version.
func (*Board) AnalogReaderByNameCap ¶
func (b *Board) AnalogReaderByNameCap() []interface{}
AnalogReaderByNameCap returns the last parameters received by AnalogReaderByName, and then clears them.
func (*Board) AnalogReaderNames ¶
AnalogReaderNames calls the injected AnalogReaderNames or the real version.
func (*Board) DigitalInterruptByName ¶
func (b *Board) DigitalInterruptByName(name string) (board.DigitalInterrupt, bool)
DigitalInterruptByName calls the injected DigitalInterruptByName or the real version.
func (*Board) DigitalInterruptByNameCap ¶
func (b *Board) DigitalInterruptByNameCap() []interface{}
DigitalInterruptByNameCap returns the last parameters received by DigitalInterruptByName, and then clears them.
func (*Board) DigitalInterruptNames ¶
DigitalInterruptNames calls the injected DigitalInterruptNames or the real version.
func (*Board) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (b *Board) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real version.
func (*Board) GPIOPinByName ¶
GPIOPinByName calls the injected GPIOPinByName or the real version.
func (*Board) GPIOPinByNameCap ¶
func (b *Board) GPIOPinByNameCap() []interface{}
GPIOPinByNameCap returns the last parameters received by GPIOPinByName, and then clears them.
func (*Board) GPIOPinNames ¶
GPIOPinNames calls the injected GPIOPinNames or the real version.
func (*Board) SetPowerMode ¶ added in v0.2.28
func (b *Board) SetPowerMode(ctx context.Context, mode boardpb.PowerMode, duration *time.Duration) error
SetPowerMode sets the board to the given power mode. If provided, the board will exit the given power mode after the specified duration.
func (*Board) Status ¶
func (b *Board) Status(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (*commonpb.BoardStatus, error)
Status calls the injected Status or the real version.
type Camera ¶
type Camera struct { camera.Camera DoFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) ImagesFunc func(ctx context.Context) ([]camera.NamedImage, resource.ResponseMetadata, error) StreamFunc func( ctx context.Context, errHandlers ...gostream.ErrorHandler, ) (gostream.VideoStream, error) NextPointCloudFunc func(ctx context.Context) (pointcloud.PointCloud, error) ProjectorFunc func(ctx context.Context) (transform.Projector, error) PropertiesFunc func(ctx context.Context) (camera.Properties, error) CloseFunc func(ctx context.Context) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Camera is an injected camera.
func (*Camera) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (c *Camera) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real version.
func (*Camera) Images ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (c *Camera) Images(ctx context.Context) ([]camera.NamedImage, resource.ResponseMetadata, error)
Images calls the injected Images or the real version.
func (*Camera) NextPointCloud ¶
func (c *Camera) NextPointCloud(ctx context.Context) (pointcloud.PointCloud, error)
NextPointCloud calls the injected NextPointCloud or the real version.
func (*Camera) Projector ¶ added in v0.0.8
Projector calls the injected Projector or the real version.
func (*Camera) Properties ¶ added in v0.1.0
Properties calls the injected Properties or the real version.
func (*Camera) Stream ¶ added in v0.0.8
func (c *Camera) Stream( ctx context.Context, errHandlers ...gostream.ErrorHandler, ) (gostream.VideoStream, error)
Stream calls the injected Stream or the real version.
type DataManagerService ¶
type DataManagerService struct { datamanager.Service SyncFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) error DoCommandFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) CloseFunc func(ctx context.Context) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DataManagerService represents a fake instance of an data manager service.
func NewDataManagerService ¶ added in v0.2.36
func NewDataManagerService(name string) *DataManagerService
NewDataManagerService returns a new injected data manager service.
func (*DataManagerService) Close ¶ added in v0.2.36
func (svc *DataManagerService) Close(ctx context.Context) error
Close calls the injected Close or the real version.
func (*DataManagerService) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.2.20
func (svc *DataManagerService) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}, ) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real variant.
func (*DataManagerService) Name ¶ added in v0.2.36
func (svc *DataManagerService) Name() resource.Name
Name returns the name of the resource.
type DataServiceClient ¶ added in v0.8.0
type DataServiceClient struct { datapb.DataServiceClient TabularDataByFilterFunc func( ctx context.Context, in *datapb.TabularDataByFilterRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption, ) (*datapb.TabularDataByFilterResponse, error) }
DataServiceClient represents a fake instance of a data service client.
func (*DataServiceClient) TabularDataByFilter ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (client *DataServiceClient) TabularDataByFilter(ctx context.Context, in *datapb.TabularDataByFilterRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption, ) (*datapb.TabularDataByFilterResponse, error)
TabularDataByFilter calls the injected TabularDataByFilter or the real version.
type DigitalInterrupt ¶
type DigitalInterrupt struct { board.DigitalInterrupt ValueFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (int64, error) TickFunc func(ctx context.Context, high bool, nanoseconds uint64) error AddCallbackFunc func(c chan board.Tick) AddPostProcessorFunc func(pp board.PostProcessor) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DigitalInterrupt is an injected digital interrupt.
func (*DigitalInterrupt) AddCallback ¶
func (d *DigitalInterrupt) AddCallback(c chan board.Tick)
AddCallback calls the injected AddCallback or the real version.
func (*DigitalInterrupt) AddPostProcessor ¶
func (d *DigitalInterrupt) AddPostProcessor(pp board.PostProcessor)
AddPostProcessor calls the injected AddPostProcessor or the real version.
func (*DigitalInterrupt) TickCap ¶
func (d *DigitalInterrupt) TickCap() []interface{}
TickCap returns the last parameters received by Tick, and then clears them.
func (*DigitalInterrupt) ValueCap ¶
func (d *DigitalInterrupt) ValueCap() []interface{}
ValueCap returns the last parameters received by Value, and then clears them.
type Encoder ¶ added in v0.2.34
type Encoder struct { encoder.Encoder DoFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) ResetPositionFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) error PositionFunc func(ctx context.Context, positionType encoder.PositionType, extra map[string]interface{}, ) (float64, encoder.PositionType, error) PropertiesFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (encoder.Properties, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Encoder is an injected encoder.
func NewEncoder ¶ added in v0.2.36
NewEncoder returns a new injected Encoder.
func (*Encoder) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.2.34
func (e *Encoder) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real version.
func (*Encoder) Position ¶ added in v0.2.50
func (e *Encoder) Position( ctx context.Context, positionType encoder.PositionType, extra map[string]interface{}, ) (float64, encoder.PositionType, error)
Position calls the injected Position or the real version.
func (*Encoder) Properties ¶ added in v0.2.50
func (e *Encoder) Properties(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (encoder.Properties, error)
Properties calls the injected Properties or the real version.
type FrameSystemService ¶ added in v0.5.0
type FrameSystemService struct { framesystem.Service TransformPoseFunc func( ctx context.Context, pose *referenceframe.PoseInFrame, dst string, additionalTransforms []*referenceframe.LinkInFrame, ) (*referenceframe.PoseInFrame, error) TransformPointCloudFunc func( ctx context.Context, srcpc pointcloud.PointCloud, srcName, dstName string, ) (pointcloud.PointCloud, error) CurrentInputsFunc func(ctx context.Context) (map[string][]referenceframe.Input, map[string]referenceframe.InputEnabled, error) FrameSystemFunc func( ctx context.Context, additionalTransforms []*referenceframe.LinkInFrame, ) (referenceframe.FrameSystem, error) DoCommandFunc func( ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}, ) (map[string]interface{}, error) CloseFunc func(ctx context.Context) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FrameSystemService represents a fake instance of a framesystem service. Due to the nature of the framesystem service, there should never be more than one on a robot. If you use an injected frame system, do not also create the system's default frame system as well.
func NewFrameSystemService ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewFrameSystemService(name string) *FrameSystemService
NewFrameSystemService returns a new injected framesystem service.
func (*FrameSystemService) Close ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (fs *FrameSystemService) Close(ctx context.Context) error
Close calls the injected Close or the real version.
func (*FrameSystemService) CurrentInputs ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (fs *FrameSystemService) CurrentInputs( ctx context.Context, ) (map[string][]referenceframe.Input, map[string]referenceframe.InputEnabled, error)
CurrentInputs calls the injected method or the real variant.
func (*FrameSystemService) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (fs *FrameSystemService) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}, ) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real variant.
func (*FrameSystemService) FrameSystem ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (fs *FrameSystemService) FrameSystem( ctx context.Context, additionalTransforms []*referenceframe.LinkInFrame, ) (referenceframe.FrameSystem, error)
FrameSystem calls the injected method of the real variant.
func (*FrameSystemService) Name ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (fs *FrameSystemService) Name() resource.Name
Name returns the name of the resource.
func (*FrameSystemService) TransformPointCloud ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (fs *FrameSystemService) TransformPointCloud( ctx context.Context, srcpc pointcloud.PointCloud, srcName, dstName string, ) (pointcloud.PointCloud, error)
TransformPointCloud calls the injected method or the real variant.
func (*FrameSystemService) TransformPose ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (fs *FrameSystemService) TransformPose( ctx context.Context, pose *referenceframe.PoseInFrame, dst string, additionalTransforms []*referenceframe.LinkInFrame, ) (*referenceframe.PoseInFrame, error)
TransformPose calls the injected method or the real variant.
type GPIOPin ¶
type GPIOPin struct { board.GPIOPin SetFunc func(ctx context.Context, high bool, extra map[string]interface{}) error GetFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (bool, error) PWMFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (float64, error) SetPWMFunc func(ctx context.Context, dutyCyclePct float64, extra map[string]interface{}) error PWMFreqFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (uint, error) SetPWMFreqFunc func(ctx context.Context, freqHz uint, extra map[string]interface{}) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GPIOPin is an injected GPIOPin.
func (*GPIOPin) GetCap ¶
func (gp *GPIOPin) GetCap() []interface{}
GetCap returns the last parameters received by Get, and then clears them.
func (*GPIOPin) PWMCap ¶
func (gp *GPIOPin) PWMCap() []interface{}
PWMCap returns the last parameters received by PWM, and then clears them.
func (*GPIOPin) PWMFreqCap ¶
func (gp *GPIOPin) PWMFreqCap() []interface{}
PWMFreqCap returns the last parameters received by PWMFreq, and then clears them.
func (*GPIOPin) SetCap ¶
func (gp *GPIOPin) SetCap() []interface{}
SetCap returns the last parameters received by Set, and then clears them.
func (*GPIOPin) SetPWM ¶
func (gp *GPIOPin) SetPWM(ctx context.Context, dutyCyclePct float64, extra map[string]interface{}) error
SetPWM calls the injected SetPWM or the real version.
func (*GPIOPin) SetPWMCap ¶
func (gp *GPIOPin) SetPWMCap() []interface{}
SetPWMCap returns the last parameters received by SetPWM, and then clears them.
func (*GPIOPin) SetPWMFreq ¶
SetPWMFreq calls the injected SetPWMFreq or the real version.
func (*GPIOPin) SetPWMFreqCap ¶
func (gp *GPIOPin) SetPWMFreqCap() []interface{}
SetPWMFreqCap returns the last parameters received by SetPWMFreq, and then clears them.
type Gantry ¶
type Gantry struct { gantry.Gantry DoFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) PositionFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) ([]float64, error) MoveToPositionFunc func(ctx context.Context, pos, speed []float64, extra map[string]interface{}) error LengthsFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) ([]float64, error) StopFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) error HomeFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (bool, error) IsMovingFunc func(context.Context) (bool, error) CloseFunc func(ctx context.Context) error ModelFrameFunc func() referenceframe.Model // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Gantry is an injected gantry.
func (*Gantry) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (g *Gantry) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real version.
func (*Gantry) ModelFrame ¶
func (g *Gantry) ModelFrame() referenceframe.Model
ModelFrame returns a Gantry ModelFrame.
func (*Gantry) MoveToPosition ¶
func (g *Gantry) MoveToPosition(ctx context.Context, positions, speeds []float64, extra map[string]interface{}) error
MoveToPosition calls the injected MoveToPosition or the real version.
type Generic ¶
type Generic struct { resource.Resource DoFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Generic is an injectable Generic component.
func NewGeneric ¶ added in v0.2.36
NewGeneric returns a new injected generic.
type Gripper ¶
type Gripper struct { gripper.Gripper DoFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) OpenFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) error GrabFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (bool, error) StopFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) error IsMovingFunc func(context.Context) (bool, error) CloseFunc func(ctx context.Context) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Gripper is an injected gripper.
func NewGripper ¶ added in v0.2.36
NewGripper returns a new injected gripper.
func (*Gripper) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (g *Gripper) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real version.
type I2CHandle ¶ added in v0.2.25
type I2CHandle struct { board.I2CHandle WriteFunc func(ctx context.Context, tx []byte) error ReadFunc func(ctx context.Context, count int) ([]byte, error) ReadByteDataFunc func(ctx context.Context, register byte) (byte, error) WriteByteDataFunc func(ctx context.Context, register, data byte) error ReadBlockDataFunc func(ctx context.Context, register byte, numBytes uint8) ([]byte, error) WriteBlockDataFunc func(ctx context.Context, register byte, data []byte) error CloseFunc func() error }
I2CHandle is an injected I2CHandle.
func (*I2CHandle) ReadBlockData ¶ added in v0.2.25
func (handle *I2CHandle) ReadBlockData(ctx context.Context, register byte, numBytes uint8) ([]byte, error)
ReadBlockData calls the injected ReadBlockDataFunc or the real version.
func (*I2CHandle) ReadByteData ¶ added in v0.2.36
ReadByteData calls the injected ReadByteDataFunc or the real version.
func (*I2CHandle) WriteBlockData ¶ added in v0.2.36
WriteBlockData calls the injected WriteBlockDataFunc or the real version.
type InputController ¶
type InputController struct { input.Controller DoFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) ControlsFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) ([]input.Control, error) EventsFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (map[input.Control]input.Event, error) RegisterControlCallbackFunc func( ctx context.Context, control input.Control, triggers []input.EventType, ctrlFunc input.ControlFunction, extra map[string]interface{}, ) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
InputController is an injected InputController.
func NewInputController ¶ added in v0.2.36
func NewInputController(name string) *InputController
NewInputController returns a new injected input controller.
func (*InputController) Controls ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (s *InputController) Controls(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) ([]input.Control, error)
Controls calls the injected function or the real version.
func (*InputController) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (s *InputController) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real version.
func (*InputController) Events ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (s *InputController) Events(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (map[input.Control]input.Event, error)
Events calls the injected function or the real version.
func (*InputController) Name ¶ added in v0.2.36
func (s *InputController) Name() resource.Name
Name returns the name of the resource.
func (*InputController) RegisterControlCallback ¶
func (s *InputController) RegisterControlCallback( ctx context.Context, control input.Control, triggers []input.EventType, ctrlFunc input.ControlFunction, extra map[string]interface{}, ) error
RegisterControlCallback calls the injected function or the real version.
type MLModelService ¶ added in v0.2.34
type MLModelService struct { mlmodel.Service InferFunc func(ctx context.Context, tensors ml.Tensors) (ml.Tensors, error) MetadataFunc func(ctx context.Context) (mlmodel.MLMetadata, error) CloseFunc func(ctx context.Context) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
MLModelService represents a fake instance of an MLModel service.
func NewMLModelService ¶ added in v0.2.36
func NewMLModelService(name string) *MLModelService
NewMLModelService returns a new injected mlmodel service.
func (*MLModelService) Close ¶ added in v0.2.36
func (s *MLModelService) Close(ctx context.Context) error
Close calls the injected Close or the real version.
func (*MLModelService) Metadata ¶ added in v0.2.34
func (s *MLModelService) Metadata(ctx context.Context) (mlmodel.MLMetadata, error)
Metadata calls the injected Metadata or the real variant.
func (*MLModelService) Name ¶ added in v0.2.36
func (s *MLModelService) Name() resource.Name
Name returns the name of the resource.
type MotionService ¶
type MotionService struct { motion.Service MoveFunc func( ctx context.Context, componentName resource.Name, grabPose *referenceframe.PoseInFrame, worldState *referenceframe.WorldState, constraints *servicepb.Constraints, extra map[string]interface{}, ) (bool, error) MoveOnMapFunc func( ctx context.Context, componentName resource.Name, destination spatialmath.Pose, slamName resource.Name, extra map[string]interface{}, ) (bool, error) MoveOnGlobeFunc func( ctx context.Context, componentName resource.Name, destination *geo.Point, heading float64, movementSensorName resource.Name, obstacles []*spatialmath.GeoObstacle, motionCfg *motion.MotionConfiguration, extra map[string]interface{}, ) (bool, error) MoveOnGlobeNewFunc func( ctx context.Context, req motion.MoveOnGlobeReq, ) (string, error) GetPoseFunc func( ctx context.Context, componentName resource.Name, destinationFrame string, supplementalTransforms []*referenceframe.LinkInFrame, extra map[string]interface{}, ) (*referenceframe.PoseInFrame, error) StopPlanFunc func( ctx context.Context, req motion.StopPlanReq, ) error ListPlanStatusesFunc func( ctx context.Context, req motion.ListPlanStatusesReq, ) ([]motion.PlanStatusWithID, error) PlanHistoryFunc func( ctx context.Context, req motion.PlanHistoryReq, ) ([]motion.PlanWithStatus, error) DoCommandFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) CloseFunc func(ctx context.Context) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
MotionService represents a fake instance of an motion service.
func NewMotionService ¶ added in v0.2.36
func NewMotionService(name string) *MotionService
NewMotionService returns a new injected motion service.
func (*MotionService) Close ¶ added in v0.2.36
func (mgs *MotionService) Close(ctx context.Context) error
Close calls the injected Close or the real version.
func (*MotionService) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.2.20
func (mgs *MotionService) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}, ) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real variant.
func (*MotionService) GetPose ¶
func (mgs *MotionService) GetPose( ctx context.Context, componentName resource.Name, destinationFrame string, supplementalTransforms []*referenceframe.LinkInFrame, extra map[string]interface{}, ) (*referenceframe.PoseInFrame, error)
GetPose calls the injected GetPose or the real variant.
func (*MotionService) ListPlanStatuses ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (mgs *MotionService) ListPlanStatuses( ctx context.Context, req motion.ListPlanStatusesReq, ) ([]motion.PlanStatusWithID, error)
ListPlanStatuses calls the injected ListPlanStatuses or the real variant.
func (*MotionService) Move ¶
func (mgs *MotionService) Move( ctx context.Context, componentName resource.Name, destination *referenceframe.PoseInFrame, worldState *referenceframe.WorldState, constraints *servicepb.Constraints, extra map[string]interface{}, ) (bool, error)
Move calls the injected Move or the real variant.
func (*MotionService) MoveOnGlobe ¶ added in v0.2.49
func (mgs *MotionService) MoveOnGlobe( ctx context.Context, componentName resource.Name, destination *geo.Point, heading float64, movementSensorName resource.Name, obstacles []*spatialmath.GeoObstacle, motionCfg *motion.MotionConfiguration, extra map[string]interface{}, ) (bool, error)
MoveOnGlobe calls the injected MoveOnGlobe or the real variant.
func (*MotionService) MoveOnGlobeNew ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (mgs *MotionService) MoveOnGlobeNew(ctx context.Context, req motion.MoveOnGlobeReq) (string, error)
MoveOnGlobeNew calls the injected MoveOnGlobeNew or the real variant.
func (*MotionService) MoveOnMap ¶ added in v0.2.34
func (mgs *MotionService) MoveOnMap( ctx context.Context, componentName resource.Name, destination spatialmath.Pose, slamName resource.Name, extra map[string]interface{}, ) (bool, error)
MoveOnMap calls the injected MoveOnMap or the real variant.
func (*MotionService) Name ¶ added in v0.2.36
func (mgs *MotionService) Name() resource.Name
Name returns the name of the resource.
func (*MotionService) PlanHistory ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (mgs *MotionService) PlanHistory( ctx context.Context, req motion.PlanHistoryReq, ) ([]motion.PlanWithStatus, error)
PlanHistory calls the injected PlanHistory or the real variant.
func (*MotionService) StopPlan ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (mgs *MotionService) StopPlan( ctx context.Context, req motion.StopPlanReq, ) error
StopPlan calls the injected StopPlan or the real variant.
type Motor ¶
type Motor struct { motor.Motor DoFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) SetPowerFunc func(ctx context.Context, powerPct float64, extra map[string]interface{}) error GoForFunc func(ctx context.Context, rpm, rotations float64, extra map[string]interface{}) error GoToFunc func(ctx context.Context, rpm, position float64, extra map[string]interface{}) error ResetZeroPositionFunc func(ctx context.Context, offset float64, extra map[string]interface{}) error PositionFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (float64, error) PropertiesFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (motor.Properties, error) StopFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) error IsPoweredFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (bool, float64, error) IsMovingFunc func(context.Context) (bool, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Motor is an injected motor.
func (*Motor) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (m *Motor) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real version.
func (*Motor) GoFor ¶
func (m *Motor) GoFor(ctx context.Context, rpm, revolutions float64, extra map[string]interface{}) error
GoFor calls the injected GoFor or the real version.
func (*Motor) GoTo ¶
func (m *Motor) GoTo(ctx context.Context, rpm, positionRevolutions float64, extra map[string]interface{}) error
GoTo calls the injected GoTo or the real version.
func (*Motor) Properties ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (m *Motor) Properties(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (motor.Properties, error)
Properties calls the injected Properties or the real version.
func (*Motor) ResetZeroPosition ¶
func (m *Motor) ResetZeroPosition(ctx context.Context, offset float64, extra map[string]interface{}) error
ResetZeroPosition calls the injected Zero or the real version.
type MovementSensor ¶ added in v0.0.6
type MovementSensor struct { movementsensor.MovementSensor Mu sync.RWMutex PositionFuncExtraCap map[string]interface{} PositionFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (*geo.Point, float64, error) LinearVelocityFuncExtraCap map[string]interface{} LinearVelocityFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (r3.Vector, error) AngularVelocityFuncExtraCap map[string]interface{} AngularVelocityFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (spatialmath.AngularVelocity, error) CompassHeadingFuncExtraCap map[string]interface{} CompassHeadingFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (float64, error) LinearAccelerationExtraCap map[string]interface{} LinearAccelerationFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (r3.Vector, error) OrientationFuncExtraCap map[string]interface{} OrientationFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (spatialmath.Orientation, error) PropertiesFuncExtraCap map[string]interface{} PropertiesFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (*movementsensor.Properties, error) AccuracyFuncExtraCap map[string]interface{} AccuracyFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (map[string]float32, error) DoFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) CloseFunc func() error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
MovementSensor is an injected MovementSensor.
func NewMovementSensor ¶ added in v0.2.36
func NewMovementSensor(name string) *MovementSensor
NewMovementSensor returns a new injected movement sensor.
func (*MovementSensor) Accuracy ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (i *MovementSensor) Accuracy(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (map[string]float32, error)
Accuracy func or passthrough.
func (*MovementSensor) AngularVelocity ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (i *MovementSensor) AngularVelocity(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (spatialmath.AngularVelocity, error)
AngularVelocity func or passthrough.
func (*MovementSensor) Close ¶ added in v0.0.6
func (i *MovementSensor) Close(ctx context.Context) error
Close calls the injected Close or the real version.
func (*MovementSensor) CompassHeading ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (i *MovementSensor) CompassHeading(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (float64, error)
CompassHeading func or passthrough.
func (*MovementSensor) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (i *MovementSensor) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real version.
func (*MovementSensor) LinearAcceleration ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (i *MovementSensor) LinearAcceleration(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (r3.Vector, error)
LinearAcceleration func or passthrough.
func (*MovementSensor) LinearVelocity ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (i *MovementSensor) LinearVelocity(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (r3.Vector, error)
LinearVelocity func or passthrough.
func (*MovementSensor) Name ¶ added in v0.2.36
func (i *MovementSensor) Name() resource.Name
Name returns the name of the resource.
func (*MovementSensor) Orientation ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (i *MovementSensor) Orientation(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (spatialmath.Orientation, error)
Orientation func or passthrough.
func (*MovementSensor) Position ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (i *MovementSensor) Position(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (*geo.Point, float64, error)
Position func or passthrough.
func (*MovementSensor) Properties ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (i *MovementSensor) Properties(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (*movementsensor.Properties, error)
Properties func or passthrough.
type NavigationService ¶
type NavigationService struct { string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }cmd map[
NavigationService represents a fake instance of a navigation service.
func NewNavigationService ¶ added in v0.2.36
func NewNavigationService(name string) *NavigationService
NewNavigationService returns a new injected navigation service.
func (*NavigationService) AddWaypoint ¶
func (ns *NavigationService) AddWaypoint(ctx context.Context, point *geo.Point, extra map[string]interface{}) error
AddWaypoint calls the injected AddWaypointFunc or the real version.
func (*NavigationService) Close ¶ added in v0.2.36
func (ns *NavigationService) Close(ctx context.Context) error
Close calls the injected Close or the real version.
func (*NavigationService) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.2.20
func (ns *NavigationService) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}, ) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real variant.
func (*NavigationService) Location ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (ns *NavigationService) Location(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (*spatialmath.GeoPose, error)
Location calls the injected LocationFunc or the real version.
func (*NavigationService) Mode ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (ns *NavigationService) Mode(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (navigation.Mode, error)
Mode calls the injected ModeFunc or the real version.
func (*NavigationService) Name ¶ added in v0.2.36
func (ns *NavigationService) Name() resource.Name
Name returns the name of the resource.
func (*NavigationService) RemoveWaypoint ¶
func (ns *NavigationService) RemoveWaypoint(ctx context.Context, id primitive.ObjectID, extra map[string]interface{}) error
RemoveWaypoint calls the injected RemoveWaypointFunc or the real version.
func (*NavigationService) SetMode ¶
func (ns *NavigationService) SetMode(ctx context.Context, mode navigation.Mode, extra map[string]interface{}) error
SetMode calls the injected SetModeFunc or the real version.
func (*NavigationService) Waypoints ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (ns *NavigationService) Waypoints(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) ([]navigation.Waypoint, error)
Waypoints calls the injected WaypointsFunc or the real version.
type PoseTracker ¶
type PoseTracker struct { posetracker.PoseTracker PosesFunc func(ctx context.Context, bodyNames []string, extra map[string]interface{}) (posetracker.BodyToPoseInFrame, error) DoFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PoseTracker is an injected pose tracker.
func NewPoseTracker ¶ added in v0.2.36
func NewPoseTracker(name string) *PoseTracker
NewPoseTracker returns a new injected pose tracker.
func (*PoseTracker) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (pT *PoseTracker) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real version.
func (*PoseTracker) Name ¶ added in v0.2.36
func (pT *PoseTracker) Name() resource.Name
Name returns the name of the resource.
func (*PoseTracker) Poses ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (pT *PoseTracker) Poses( ctx context.Context, bodyNames []string, extra map[string]interface{}, ) (posetracker.BodyToPoseInFrame, error)
Poses calls the injected Poses or the real version.
type PowerSensor ¶ added in v0.7.0
type PowerSensor struct { powersensor.PowerSensor VoltageFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (float64, bool, error) CurrentFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (float64, bool, error) PowerFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (float64, error) DoFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
A PowerSensor reports information about voltage, current and power.
func NewPowerSensor ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewPowerSensor(name string) *PowerSensor
NewPowerSensor returns a new injected movement sensor.
func (*PowerSensor) Current ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (i *PowerSensor) Current(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (float64, bool, error)
Current func or passthrough.
func (*PowerSensor) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (i *PowerSensor) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real version.
func (*PowerSensor) Name ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (i *PowerSensor) Name() resource.Name
Name returns the name of the resource.
type ReadWriteCloser ¶
type ReadWriteCloser struct { io.ReadWriteCloser ReadFunc func(p []byte) (n int, err error) WriteFunc func(p []byte) (n int, err error) CloseFunc func() error }
ReadWriteCloser is an injected read write closer.
func (*ReadWriteCloser) Close ¶
func (rwc *ReadWriteCloser) Close() error
Close calls the injected Close or the real version.
type Robot ¶
type Robot struct { robot.LocalRobot Mu sync.RWMutex // Ugly, has to be manually locked if a test means to swap funcs on an in-use robot. DiscoverComponentsFunc func(ctx context.Context, keys []resource.DiscoveryQuery) ([]resource.Discovery, error) RemoteByNameFunc func(name string) (robot.Robot, bool) ResourceByNameFunc func(name resource.Name) (resource.Resource, error) RemoteNamesFunc func() []string ResourceNamesFunc func() []resource.Name ResourceRPCAPIsFunc func() []resource.RPCAPI ProcessManagerFunc func() pexec.ProcessManager ConfigFunc func() *config.Config LoggerFunc func() golog.Logger CloseFunc func(ctx context.Context) error StopAllFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[resource.Name]map[string]interface{}) error FrameSystemConfigFunc func(ctx context.Context) (*framesystem.Config, error) TransformPoseFunc func( ctx context.Context, pose *referenceframe.PoseInFrame, dst string, additionalTransforms []*referenceframe.LinkInFrame, ) (*referenceframe.PoseInFrame, error) TransformPointCloudFunc func(ctx context.Context, srcpc pointcloud.PointCloud, srcName, dstName string) (pointcloud.PointCloud, error) StatusFunc func(ctx context.Context, resourceNames []resource.Name) ([]robot.Status, error) ModuleAddressFunc func() (string, error) SessMgr session.Manager PackageMgr packages.Manager // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Robot is an injected robot.
func (*Robot) DiscoverComponents ¶
func (r *Robot) DiscoverComponents(ctx context.Context, keys []resource.DiscoveryQuery) ([]resource.Discovery, error)
DiscoverComponents calls the injected DiscoverComponents or the real one.
func (*Robot) FrameSystemConfig ¶
FrameSystemConfig calls the injected FrameSystemConfig or the real version.
func (*Robot) MockResourcesFromMap ¶
MockResourcesFromMap mocks ResourceNames and ResourceByName based on a resource map.
func (*Robot) ModuleAddress ¶ added in v0.2.8
ModuleAddress calls the injected ModuleAddress or the real one.
func (*Robot) OperationManager ¶
OperationManager calls the injected OperationManager or the real version.
func (*Robot) PackageManager ¶ added in v0.2.15
PackageManager calls the injected PackageManager or the real version.
func (*Robot) ProcessManager ¶
func (r *Robot) ProcessManager() pexec.ProcessManager
ProcessManager calls the injected ProcessManager or the real version.
func (*Robot) RemoteByName ¶
RemoteByName calls the injected RemoteByName or the real version.
func (*Robot) RemoteNames ¶
RemoteNames calls the injected RemoteNames or the real version.
func (*Robot) ResourceByName ¶
ResourceByName calls the injected ResourceByName or the real version.
func (*Robot) ResourceNames ¶
ResourceNames calls the injected ResourceNames or the real version.
func (*Robot) ResourceRPCAPIs ¶ added in v0.2.36
ResourceRPCAPIs returns a list of all known resource RPC APIs.
func (*Robot) SessionManager ¶ added in v0.2.5
SessionManager calls the injected SessionManager or the real version.
func (*Robot) TransformPointCloud ¶ added in v0.2.11
func (r *Robot) TransformPointCloud(ctx context.Context, srcpc pointcloud.PointCloud, srcName, dstName string, ) (pointcloud.PointCloud, error)
TransformPointCloud calls the injected TransformPointCloud or the real version.
func (*Robot) TransformPose ¶
func (r *Robot) TransformPose( ctx context.Context, pose *referenceframe.PoseInFrame, dst string, additionalTransforms []*referenceframe.LinkInFrame, ) (*referenceframe.PoseInFrame, error)
TransformPose calls the injected TransformPose or the real version.
type SLAMService ¶
type SLAMService struct { slam.Service PositionFunc func(ctx context.Context) (spatialmath.Pose, string, error) PointCloudMapFunc func(ctx context.Context) (func() ([]byte, error), error) InternalStateFunc func(ctx context.Context) (func() ([]byte, error), error) LatestMapInfoFunc func(ctx context.Context) (time.Time, error) DoCommandFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) CloseFunc func(ctx context.Context) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SLAMService represents a fake instance of a slam service.
func NewSLAMService ¶ added in v0.2.36
func NewSLAMService(name string) *SLAMService
NewSLAMService returns a new injected SLAM service.
func (*SLAMService) Close ¶ added in v0.2.36
func (slamSvc *SLAMService) Close(ctx context.Context) error
Close calls the injected Close or the real version.
func (*SLAMService) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.2.20
func (slamSvc *SLAMService) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}, ) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real variant.
func (*SLAMService) InternalState ¶ added in v0.8.0
InternalState calls the injected InternalState or the real version.
func (*SLAMService) LatestMapInfo ¶ added in v0.8.0
LatestMapInfo calls the injected LatestMapInfoFunc or the real version.
func (*SLAMService) Name ¶ added in v0.2.36
func (slamSvc *SLAMService) Name() resource.Name
Name returns the name of the resource.
func (*SLAMService) PointCloudMap ¶ added in v0.8.0
PointCloudMap calls the injected PointCloudMap or the real version.
func (*SLAMService) Position ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (slamSvc *SLAMService) Position(ctx context.Context) (spatialmath.Pose, string, error)
Position calls the injected PositionFunc or the real version.
type Sensor ¶
type Sensor struct { sensor.Sensor DoFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) ReadingsFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Sensor is an injected sensor.
func (*Sensor) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (s *Sensor) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real version.
type SensorsService ¶
type SensorsService struct { sensors.Service SensorsFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) ([]resource.Name, error) ReadingsFunc func(ctx context.Context, resources []resource.Name, extra map[string]interface{}) ([]sensors.Readings, error) DoCommandFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SensorsService represents a fake instance of a sensors service.
func NewSensorsService ¶ added in v0.2.36
func NewSensorsService(name string) *SensorsService
NewSensorsService returns a new injected sensors service.
func (*SensorsService) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.2.20
func (s *SensorsService) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}, ) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real variant.
func (*SensorsService) Name ¶ added in v0.2.36
func (s *SensorsService) Name() resource.Name
Name returns the name of the resource.
type Servo ¶
type Servo struct { servo.Servo DoFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) MoveFunc func(ctx context.Context, angleDeg uint32, extra map[string]interface{}) error PositionFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (uint32, error) StopFunc func(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) error IsMovingFunc func(context.Context) (bool, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Servo is an injected servo.
func (*Servo) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (s *Servo) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real version.
type ShellService ¶ added in v0.2.20
type ShellService struct { shell.Service DoCommandFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) ReconfigureFunc func(ctx context.Context, deps resource.Dependencies, conf resource.Config) error CloseFunc func(ctx context.Context) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ShellService represents a fake instance of a shell service.
func NewShellService ¶ added in v0.2.36
func NewShellService(name string) *ShellService
NewShellService returns a new injected shell service.
func (*ShellService) Close ¶ added in v0.2.36
func (s *ShellService) Close(ctx context.Context) error
Close calls the injected Close or the real version.
func (*ShellService) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.2.20
func (s *ShellService) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}, ) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real variant.
func (*ShellService) Name ¶ added in v0.2.36
func (s *ShellService) Name() resource.Name
Name returns the name of the resource.
func (*ShellService) Reconfigure ¶ added in v0.2.36
func (s *ShellService) Reconfigure(ctx context.Context, deps resource.Dependencies, conf resource.Config) error
Reconfigure calls the injected Reconfigure or the real variant.
type TriggerableInputController ¶
type TriggerableInputController struct { InputController input.Triggerable TriggerEventFunc func(ctx context.Context, event input.Event, extra map[string]interface{}) error }
TriggerableInputController is an injected injectable InputController.
func (*TriggerableInputController) TriggerEvent ¶
func (s *TriggerableInputController) TriggerEvent(ctx context.Context, event input.Event, extra map[string]interface{}) error
TriggerEvent calls the injected function or the real version.
type VisionService ¶
type VisionService struct { vision.Service DetectionsFromCameraFunc func( ctx context.Context, cameraName string, extra map[string]interface{}, ) ([]objectdetection.Detection, error) DetectionsFunc func( ctx context.Context, img image.Image, extra map[string]interface{}, ) ([]objectdetection.Detection, error) // classification functions ClassificationsFromCameraFunc func(ctx context.Context, cameraName string, n int, extra map[string]interface{}) (classification.Classifications, error) ClassificationsFunc func(ctx context.Context, img image.Image, n int, extra map[string]interface{}) (classification.Classifications, error) // segmentation functions GetObjectPointCloudsFunc func(ctx context.Context, cameraName string, extra map[string]interface{}) ([]*viz.Object, error) DoCommandFunc func(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) CloseFunc func(ctx context.Context) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
VisionService represents a fake instance of a vision service.
func NewVisionService ¶ added in v0.2.36
func NewVisionService(name string) *VisionService
NewVisionService returns a new injected vision service.
func (*VisionService) Classifications ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (vs *VisionService) Classifications(ctx context.Context, img image.Image, n int, extra map[string]interface{}, ) (classification.Classifications, error)
Classifications calls the injected Classifier or the real variant.
func (*VisionService) ClassificationsFromCamera ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (vs *VisionService) ClassificationsFromCamera(ctx context.Context, cameraName string, n int, extra map[string]interface{}, ) (classification.Classifications, error)
ClassificationsFromCamera calls the injected Classifer or the real variant.
func (*VisionService) Close ¶ added in v0.2.36
func (vs *VisionService) Close(ctx context.Context) error
Close calls the injected Close or the real version.
func (*VisionService) Detections ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (vs *VisionService) Detections(ctx context.Context, img image.Image, extra map[string]interface{}, ) ([]objectdetection.Detection, error)
Detections calls the injected Detect or the real variant.
func (*VisionService) DetectionsFromCamera ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (vs *VisionService) DetectionsFromCamera(ctx context.Context, cameraName string, extra map[string]interface{}, ) ([]objectdetection.Detection, error)
DetectionsFromCamera calls the injected DetectionsFromCamera or the real variant.
func (*VisionService) DoCommand ¶ added in v0.2.20
func (vs *VisionService) DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}, ) (map[string]interface{}, error)
DoCommand calls the injected DoCommand or the real variant.
func (*VisionService) GetObjectPointClouds ¶
func (vs *VisionService) GetObjectPointClouds( ctx context.Context, cameraName string, extra map[string]interface{}, ) ([]*viz.Object, error)
GetObjectPointClouds calls the injected GetObjectPointClouds or the real variant.
func (*VisionService) Name ¶ added in v0.2.36
func (vs *VisionService) Name() resource.Name
Name returns the name of the resource.
Source Files
- analog_reader.go
- app_service_client.go
- arm.go
- audioinput.go
- base.go
- board.go
- camera.go
- data_service_client.go
- datamanager_service.go
- digital_interrupt.go
- encoder.go
- framesystem_service.go
- gantry.go
- generic.go
- gpio_pin.go
- gripper.go
- i2c.go
- input.go
- io.go
- mlmodel_service.go
- motion_service.go
- motor.go
- movementsensor.go
- navigation_service.go
- pose_tracker.go
- powersensor.go
- robot.go
- sensor.go
- sensors.go
- servo.go
- shell_service.go
- slam_service.go
- spi.go
- vision_service.go