
v2.0.5+incompatible Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 11, 2019 License: MIT Imports: 24 Imported by: 447



Package expr defines expressions and data types used by the DSL and the code generators. The expressions implement the Preparer, Validator, and Finalizer interfaces. The code generators use the finalized expressions to generate the final output.

The data types defined in the expr package are primitive types corresponding to scalar values (bool, string, integers, and numbers), array types which repressent a collection of items, map types which represent maps of key/value pairs, and object types describing data structures with fields. The package also defines user types which can also be a result types. A result type is a user type used to describe response messages rendered using a view.



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const (
	// FormatDate describes RFC3339 date values.
	FormatDate ValidationFormat = "date"

	// FormatDateTime describes RFC3339 date time values.
	FormatDateTime ValidationFormat = "date-time"

	// FormatUUID describes RFC4122 UUID values.
	FormatUUID = "uuid"

	// FormatEmail describes RFC5322 email addresses.
	FormatEmail = "email"

	// FormatHostname describes RFC1035 Internet hostnames.
	FormatHostname = "hostname"

	// FormatIPv4 describes RFC2373 IPv4 address values.
	FormatIPv4 = "ipv4"

	// FormatIPv6 describes RFC2373 IPv6 address values.
	FormatIPv6 = "ipv6"

	// FormatIP describes RFC2373 IPv4 or IPv6 address values.
	FormatIP = "ip"

	// FormatURI describes RFC3986 URI values.
	FormatURI = "uri"

	// FormatMAC describes IEEE 802 MAC-48, EUI-48 or EUI-64 MAC address values.
	FormatMAC = "mac"

	// FormatCIDR describes RFC4632 and RFC4291 CIDR notation IP address values.
	FormatCIDR = "cidr"

	// FormatRegexp describes regular expression syntax accepted by RE2.
	FormatRegexp = "regexp"

	// FormatJSON describes JSON text.
	FormatJSON = "json"

	// FormatRFC1123 describes RFC1123 date time values.
	FormatRFC1123 = "rfc1123"
View Source
const (
	StatusContinue           = 100 // RFC 7231, 6.2.1
	StatusSwitchingProtocols = 101 // RFC 7231, 6.2.2
	StatusProcessing         = 102 // RFC 2518, 10.1

	StatusOK                   = 200 // RFC 7231, 6.3.1
	StatusCreated              = 201 // RFC 7231, 6.3.2
	StatusAccepted             = 202 // RFC 7231, 6.3.3
	StatusNonAuthoritativeInfo = 203 // RFC 7231, 6.3.4
	StatusNoContent            = 204 // RFC 7231, 6.3.5
	StatusResetContent         = 205 // RFC 7231, 6.3.6
	StatusPartialContent       = 206 // RFC 7233, 4.1
	StatusMultiStatus          = 207 // RFC 4918, 11.1
	StatusAlreadyReported      = 208 // RFC 5842, 7.1
	StatusIMUsed               = 226 // RFC 3229, 10.4.1

	StatusMultipleChoices  = 300 // RFC 7231, 6.4.1
	StatusMovedPermanently = 301 // RFC 7231, 6.4.2
	StatusFound            = 302 // RFC 7231, 6.4.3
	StatusSeeOther         = 303 // RFC 7231, 6.4.4
	StatusNotModified      = 304 // RFC 7232, 4.1
	StatusUseProxy         = 305 // RFC 7231, 6.4.5

	StatusTemporaryRedirect = 307 // RFC 7231, 6.4.7
	StatusPermanentRedirect = 308 // RFC 7538, 3

	StatusBadRequest                   = 400 // RFC 7231, 6.5.1
	StatusUnauthorized                 = 401 // RFC 7235, 3.1
	StatusPaymentRequired              = 402 // RFC 7231, 6.5.2
	StatusForbidden                    = 403 // RFC 7231, 6.5.3
	StatusNotFound                     = 404 // RFC 7231, 6.5.4
	StatusMethodNotAllowed             = 405 // RFC 7231, 6.5.5
	StatusNotAcceptable                = 406 // RFC 7231, 6.5.6
	StatusProxyAuthRequired            = 407 // RFC 7235, 3.2
	StatusRequestTimeout               = 408 // RFC 7231, 6.5.7
	StatusConflict                     = 409 // RFC 7231, 6.5.8
	StatusGone                         = 410 // RFC 7231, 6.5.9
	StatusLengthRequired               = 411 // RFC 7231, 6.5.10
	StatusPreconditionFailed           = 412 // RFC 7232, 4.2
	StatusRequestEntityTooLarge        = 413 // RFC 7231, 6.5.11
	StatusRequestURITooLong            = 414 // RFC 7231, 6.5.12
	StatusUnsupportedResultType        = 415 // RFC 7231, 6.5.13
	StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416 // RFC 7233, 4.4
	StatusExpectationFailed            = 417 // RFC 7231, 6.5.14
	StatusTeapot                       = 418 // RFC 7168, 2.3.3
	StatusUnprocessableEntity          = 422 // RFC 4918, 11.2
	StatusLocked                       = 423 // RFC 4918, 11.3
	StatusFailedDependency             = 424 // RFC 4918, 11.4
	StatusUpgradeRequired              = 426 // RFC 7231, 6.5.15
	StatusPreconditionRequired         = 428 // RFC 6585, 3
	StatusTooManyRequests              = 429 // RFC 6585, 4
	StatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge  = 431 // RFC 6585, 5
	StatusUnavailableForLegalReasons   = 451 // RFC 7725, 3

	StatusInternalServerError           = 500 // RFC 7231, 6.6.1
	StatusNotImplemented                = 501 // RFC 7231, 6.6.2
	StatusBadGateway                    = 502 // RFC 7231, 6.6.3
	StatusServiceUnavailable            = 503 // RFC 7231, 6.6.4
	StatusGatewayTimeout                = 504 // RFC 7231, 6.6.5
	StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported       = 505 // RFC 7231, 6.6.6
	StatusVariantAlsoNegotiates         = 506 // RFC 2295, 8.1
	StatusInsufficientStorage           = 507 // RFC 4918, 11.5
	StatusLoopDetected                  = 508 // RFC 5842, 7.2
	StatusNotExtended                   = 510 // RFC 2774, 7
	StatusNetworkAuthenticationRequired = 511 // RFC 6585, 6
View Source
const (
	// Boolean is the type for a JSON boolean.
	Boolean = Primitive(BooleanKind)

	// Int is the type for a signed integer.
	Int = Primitive(IntKind)

	// Int32 is the type for a signed 32-bit integer.
	Int32 = Primitive(Int32Kind)

	// Int64 is the type for a signed 64-bit integer.
	Int64 = Primitive(Int64Kind)

	// UInt is the type for an unsigned integer.
	UInt = Primitive(UIntKind)

	// UInt32 is the type for an unsigned 32-bit integer.
	UInt32 = Primitive(UInt32Kind)

	// UInt64 is the type for an unsigned 64-bit integer.
	UInt64 = Primitive(UInt64Kind)

	// Float32 is the type for a 32-bit floating number.
	Float32 = Primitive(Float32Kind)

	// Float64 is the type for a 64-bit floating number.
	Float64 = Primitive(Float64Kind)

	// String is the type for a JSON string.
	String = Primitive(StringKind)

	// Bytes is the type for binary data.
	Bytes = Primitive(BytesKind)

	// Any is the type for an arbitrary JSON value (interface{} in Go).
	Any = Primitive(AnyKind)
View Source
const (
	// DefaultView is the name of the default result type view.
	DefaultView = "default"


View Source
var (
	// ErrorResultIdentifier is the result type identifier used for error
	// responses.
	ErrorResultIdentifier = "application/vnd.goa.error"

	// ErrorResult is the built-in result type for error responses.
	ErrorResult = &ResultTypeExpr{
		UserTypeExpr: &UserTypeExpr{
			AttributeExpr: &AttributeExpr{
				Type:        errorResultType,
				Description: "Error response result type",
				UserExamples: []*ExampleExpr{{
					Summary: "BadRequest",
					Value: Val{
						"name":    "bad_request",
						"id":      "3F1FKVRR",
						"message": "Value of ID must be an integer",
				Validation: &ValidationExpr{Required: []string{"name", "id", "message", "temporary", "timeout", "fault"}},
			TypeName: "error",
		Identifier: ErrorResultIdentifier,
		Views:      []*ViewExpr{errorResultView},
View Source
var Empty = &UserTypeExpr{
	TypeName: "Empty",
	AttributeExpr: &AttributeExpr{
		Description: "Empty represents empty values",
		Type:        &Object{},

Empty represents empty values.

View Source
var HTTPWildcardRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`/{\*?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)}`)

HTTPWildcardRegex is the regular expression used to capture path parameters.

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var Root = &RootExpr{GeneratedTypes: &GeneratedRoot{}}

Root is the root object built by the DSL.


func CanonicalIdentifier

func CanonicalIdentifier(identifier string) string

CanonicalIdentifier returns the result type identifier sans suffix which is what the DSL uses to store and lookup result types.

func CreateTempFile

func CreateTempFile(t *testing.T, content string) string

CreateTempFile creates a temporary file and writes the given content. It is used only for testing.

func Diff

func Diff(t *testing.T, s1, s2 string) string

Diff returns a diff between s1 and s2. It uses the diff tool if installed otherwise degrades to using the dmp package.

func Equal

func Equal(dt, dt2 DataType) bool

Equal compares the types recursively and returns true if they are equal. Two types are equal if:

  • both types have the same kind
  • array types have elements whose types are equal
  • map types have keys and elements whose types are equal
  • objects have the same attribute names and the attribute types are equal

Note: calling Equal is not equivalent to evaluation dt.Hash() == dt2.Hash() as the former may return true for two user types with different names and thus with different hash values.

func ExtractHTTPWildcards

func ExtractHTTPWildcards(path string) []string

ExtractHTTPWildcards returns the names of the wildcards that appear in a HTTP path.

func IsArray

func IsArray(dt DataType) bool

IsArray returns true if the data type is an array.

func IsMap

func IsMap(dt DataType) bool

IsMap returns true if the data type is a map.

func IsObject

func IsObject(dt DataType) bool

IsObject returns true if the data type is an object.

func IsPrimitive

func IsPrimitive(dt DataType) bool

IsPrimitive returns true if the data type is a primitive type.

func NewLength

func NewLength(a *AttributeExpr, r *Random) int

NewLength returns an int that validates the generator attribute length validations if any.

func QualifiedTypeName

func QualifiedTypeName(t DataType) string

QualifiedTypeName returns the qualified type name for the given data type. The qualified type name includes the name of the type of the elements of array or map types. This is useful in reporting types in error messages, examples of qualified type names:

"map<string, string>"
"map<string, array<int32>>"

func RunInvalidDSL

func RunInvalidDSL(t *testing.T, dsl func()) error

RunInvalidDSL returns the error resulting from running the given DSL. It is used only in tests.

func TaggedAttribute

func TaggedAttribute(a *AttributeExpr, tag string) string

TaggedAttribute returns the name of the child attribute of a with the given tag if a is an object.

func WalkMappedAttr

func WalkMappedAttr(ma *MappedAttributeExpr, it MappedAttributeWalker) error

WalkMappedAttr iterates over the mapped attributes. It calls the given function giving each attribute as it iterates. WalkMappedAttr stops if there is no more attribute to iterate over or if the iterator function returns an error in which case it returns the error.


type APIExpr

type APIExpr struct {
	// DSLFunc contains the DSL used to initialize the expression.
	// Name of API
	Name string
	// Title of API
	Title string
	// Description of API
	Description string
	// Version is the version of the API described by this DSL.
	Version string
	// Servers lists the API hosts.
	Servers []*ServerExpr
	// TermsOfService describes or links to the service terms of API.
	TermsOfService string
	// Contact provides the API users with contact information.
	Contact *ContactExpr
	// License describes the API license.
	License *LicenseExpr
	// Docs points to the API external documentation.
	Docs *DocsExpr
	// Meta is a list of key/value pairs.
	Meta MetaExpr
	// Requirements contains the security requirements that apply to
	// all the API service methods. One requirement is composed of
	// potentially multiple schemes. Incoming requests must validate
	// at least one requirement to be authorized.
	Requirements []*SecurityExpr
	// HTTP contains the HTTP specific API level expressions.
	// GRPC contains the gRPC specific API level expressions.
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

APIExpr contains the global properties for a API expression.

func NewAPIExpr

func NewAPIExpr(name string, dsl func()) *APIExpr

NewAPIExpr initializes an API expression.

func (*APIExpr) DefaultServer

func (a *APIExpr) DefaultServer() *ServerExpr

DefaultServer returns a server expression that describes a server which exposes all the services in the design and listens on localhost port 80 for HTTP requests and port 8080 for gRPC requests.

func (*APIExpr) EvalName

func (a *APIExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName is the qualified name of the expression.

func (*APIExpr) Finalize

func (a *APIExpr) Finalize()

Finalize makes sure that the API name is initialized and there is at least one server definition (if none exists, it creates a default server). If API name is empty, it sets the name of the first service definition as API name.

func (*APIExpr) Hash

func (a *APIExpr) Hash() string

Hash returns a unique hash value for a.

func (*APIExpr) Random

func (a *APIExpr) Random() *Random

Random returns the random generator associated with a. APIs with identical names return generators that return the same sequence of pseudo random values.

func (*APIExpr) Schemes

func (a *APIExpr) Schemes() []string

Schemes returns the list of transport schemes used by all the API servers. The possible values for the elements of the returned slice are "http", "https", "grpc" and "grpcs".

type Array

type Array struct {
	ElemType *AttributeExpr

Array is the type used to describe field arrays or repeated fields.

func AsArray

func AsArray(dt DataType) *Array

AsArray returns the type underlying array if any, nil otherwise.

func (*Array) Example

func (a *Array) Example(r *Random) interface{}

Example generates a pseudo-random array value using the given random generator.

func (*Array) Hash

func (a *Array) Hash() string

Hash returns a unique hash value for a.

func (*Array) IsCompatible

func (a *Array) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool

IsCompatible returns true if val is compatible with p.

func (*Array) Kind

func (a *Array) Kind() Kind

Kind implements DataKind.

func (*Array) MakeSlice

func (a *Array) MakeSlice(s []interface{}) interface{}

MakeSlice examines the key type from the Array and create a slice with builtin type if possible. The idea is to avoid generating []interface{} and produce more precise types.

func (*Array) Name

func (a *Array) Name() string

Name returns the type name.

type ArrayVal

type ArrayVal []interface{}

ArrayVal is the type used to set the default value for arrays.

func (ArrayVal) ToSlice

func (a ArrayVal) ToSlice() []interface{}

ToSlice converts an ArrayVal into a slice.

type AttributeExpr

type AttributeExpr struct {
	// DSLFunc contains the DSL used to initialize the expression.
	// Attribute type
	Type DataType
	// Base types if any
	Bases []DataType
	// Attribute reference types if any
	References []DataType
	// Optional description
	Description string
	// Docs points to external documentation
	Docs *DocsExpr
	// Optional validations
	Validation *ValidationExpr
	// Meta is a list of key/value pairs
	Meta MetaExpr
	// Optional member default value
	DefaultValue interface{}
	// ZeroValue sets the zero value for the attribute type
	ZeroValue interface{}
	// UserExample set in DSL or computed in Finalize
	UserExamples []*ExampleExpr

AttributeExpr defines an object field with optional description, default value and validations.

func DupAtt

func DupAtt(att *AttributeExpr) *AttributeExpr

DupAtt creates a copy of the given attribute.

func (*AttributeExpr) AllRequired

func (a *AttributeExpr) AllRequired() []string

AllRequired returns the list of all required fields from the underlying object. This method recurses if the type is itself an attribute (i.e. a UserType, this happens with the Reference DSL for example).

func (*AttributeExpr) Debug

func (a *AttributeExpr) Debug(prefix string)

Debug dumps the attribute to STDOUT in a goa developer friendly way.

func (*AttributeExpr) Delete

func (a *AttributeExpr) Delete(name string)

Delete removes an attribute with the given name. It does nothing if the attribute expression is not an object type.

func (*AttributeExpr) EvalName

func (a *AttributeExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the name used by the DSL evaluation.

func (*AttributeExpr) Example

func (a *AttributeExpr) Example(r *Random) interface{}

Example returns the example set on the attribute at design time. If there isn't such a value then Example computes a random value for the attribute using the given random value producer.

func (*AttributeExpr) Finalize

func (a *AttributeExpr) Finalize()

Finalize merges base and reference type attributes and finalizes the Type attribute.

func (*AttributeExpr) Find

func (a *AttributeExpr) Find(name string) *AttributeExpr

Find finds a child attribute with the given name in the attribute and its bases and references. If the parent attribute is not an object, it returns nil.

func (*AttributeExpr) GetDefault

func (a *AttributeExpr) GetDefault(attName string) interface{}

GetDefault gets the default value for the child attribute with the given name. It returns nil if the child attribute with the given name does not exist or if the child attribute does not have a default value.

func (*AttributeExpr) HasDefaultValue

func (a *AttributeExpr) HasDefaultValue(attName string) bool

HasDefaultValue returns true if the attribute with the given name has a default value.

func (*AttributeExpr) HasTag

func (a *AttributeExpr) HasTag(tag string) bool

HasTag returns true if the attribute is an object that has an attribute with the given tag.

func (*AttributeExpr) Inherit

func (a *AttributeExpr) Inherit(parent *AttributeExpr)

Inherit merges the properties of existing target type attributes with the argument's. The algorithm is recursive so that child attributes are also merged.

func (*AttributeExpr) IsPrimitivePointer

func (a *AttributeExpr) IsPrimitivePointer(attName string, useDefault bool) bool

IsPrimitivePointer returns true if the field generated for the given attribute should be a pointer to a primitive type. The receiver attribute must be an object.

If useDefault is true and the attribute has a default value then IsPrimitivePointer returns false. This makes it possible to differentiate between request types where attributes with default values should not be generated using a pointer value and response types where they should.

DefaultValue UseDefault Pointer (assuming all other conditions are true)
Yes          True       False
Yes          False      True
No           True       True
No           False      True

func (*AttributeExpr) IsRequired

func (a *AttributeExpr) IsRequired(attName string) bool

IsRequired returns true if the given string matches the name of a required attribute, false otherwise. This method only applies to attributes of type Object.

func (*AttributeExpr) IsRequiredNoDefault

func (a *AttributeExpr) IsRequiredNoDefault(attName string) bool

IsRequiredNoDefault returns true if the given string matches the name of a required attribute and the attribute has no default value, false otherwise. This method only applies to attributes of type Object.

func (*AttributeExpr) IsSupportedValidationFormat

func (a *AttributeExpr) IsSupportedValidationFormat(vf ValidationFormat) bool

IsSupportedValidationFormat checks if the validation format is supported by goa.

func (*AttributeExpr) Merge

func (a *AttributeExpr) Merge(other *AttributeExpr)

Merge merges other's attributes into a overriding attributes of a with attributes of other with identical names.

This only applies to attributes of type Object and Merge panics if the argument or the target is not of type Object.

func (*AttributeExpr) Prepare

func (a *AttributeExpr) Prepare()

Prepare initializes the Meta expression.

func (*AttributeExpr) SetDefault

func (a *AttributeExpr) SetDefault(def interface{})

SetDefault sets the default for the attribute. It also converts HashVal and ArrayVal to map and slice respectively.

func (*AttributeExpr) Validate

func (a *AttributeExpr) Validate(ctx string, parent eval.Expression) *eval.ValidationErrors

Validate tests whether the attribute required fields exist. Since attributes are unaware of their context, additional context information can be provided to be used in error messages. The parent definition context is automatically added to error messages.

type CompositeExpr

type CompositeExpr interface {
	// Attribute returns the composite expression embedded attribute.
	Attribute() *AttributeExpr

CompositeExpr defines a generic composite expression that contains an attribute. This makes it possible for plugins to use attributes in their own data structures.

type ContactExpr

type ContactExpr struct {
	// Name of the contact person/organization
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// Email address of the contact person/organization
	Email string `json:"email,omitempty"`
	// URL pointing to the contact information
	URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`

ContactExpr contains the API contact information.

func (*ContactExpr) EvalName

func (c *ContactExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName is the qualified name of the expression.

type DataType

type DataType interface {
	// Kind of data type, one of the Kind enum.
	Kind() Kind
	// Name returns the type name.
	Name() string
	// IsCompatible checks whether val has a Go type that is compatible with the data
	// type.
	IsCompatible(interface{}) bool
	// Example generates a pseudo-random value using the given random generator.
	Example(*Random) interface{}
	// Hash returns a unique hash value for the instance of the type.
	Hash() string

DataType is the common interface to all types.

func Dup

func Dup(d DataType) DataType

Dup creates a copy the given data type.

type DocsExpr

type DocsExpr struct {
	// Description of documentation.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// URL to documentation.
	URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`

DocsExpr points to external documentation.

func (*DocsExpr) EvalName

func (d *DocsExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName is the qualified name of the expression.

type ErrorExpr

type ErrorExpr struct {
	// AttributeExpr is the underlying attribute.
	// Name is the unique name of the error.
	Name string

ErrorExpr defines an error response. It consists of a named attribute.

func (*ErrorExpr) Finalize

func (e *ErrorExpr) Finalize()

Finalize makes sure the error type is a user type since it has to generate a Go error. Note: this may produce a user type with an attribute that is not an object!

func (*ErrorExpr) Validate

func (e *ErrorExpr) Validate() error

Validate checks that the error name is found in the result meta for custom error types.

type ExampleExpr

type ExampleExpr struct {
	// Summary is the example short summary.
	Summary string
	// Description is an optional long description.
	Description string
	// Value is the example value.
	Value interface{}

ExampleExpr represents an example.

func (*ExampleExpr) EvalName

func (a *ExampleExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the name used by the DSL evaluation.

type FlowExpr

type FlowExpr struct {
	// Kind is the kind of flow.
	Kind FlowKind
	// AuthorizationURL to be used for implicit or authorizationCode
	// flows.
	AuthorizationURL string
	// TokenURL to be used for password, clientCredentials or
	// authorizationCode flows.
	TokenURL string
	// RefreshURL to be used for obtaining refresh token.
	RefreshURL string

FlowExpr describes a specific OAuth2 flow.

func (*FlowExpr) EvalName

func (f *FlowExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the name of the expression used in error messages.

func (*FlowExpr) Type

func (f *FlowExpr) Type() string

Type returns the grant type of the OAuth2 grant.

func (*FlowExpr) Validate

func (f *FlowExpr) Validate() *eval.ValidationErrors

Validate ensures that TokenURL and AuthorizationURL are valid URLs.

type FlowKind

type FlowKind int

FlowKind is a type of OAuth2 flow.

const (
	// AuthorizationCodeFlowKind identifies a OAuth2 authorization code
	// flow.
	AuthorizationCodeFlowKind FlowKind = iota + 1
	// ImplicitFlowKind identifiers a OAuth2 implicit flow.
	// PasswordFlowKind identifies a Resource Owner Password flow.
	// ClientCredentialsFlowKind identifies a OAuth Client Credentials flow.

type GRPCEndpointExpr

type GRPCEndpointExpr struct {
	// MethodExpr is the underlying method expression.
	MethodExpr *MethodExpr
	// Service is the parent service.
	Service *GRPCServiceExpr
	// Request is the message passed to the gRPC method.
	Request *AttributeExpr
	// StreamingRequest is the message passed to the gRPC method through a
	// stream.
	StreamingRequest *AttributeExpr
	// Responses is the success gRPC response from the method.
	Response *GRPCResponseExpr
	// GRPCErrors is the list of all the possible error gRPC responses.
	GRPCErrors []*GRPCErrorExpr
	// Metadata is the metadata to be sent in a gRPC request.
	Metadata *MappedAttributeExpr
	// Requirements is the list of security requirements for the gRPC endpoint.
	Requirements []*SecurityExpr
	// Meta is a set of key/value pairs with semantic that is
	// specific to each generator, see dsl.Meta.
	Meta MetaExpr

GRPCEndpointExpr describes a gRPC endpoint. It embeds a MethodExpr and adds gRPC specific properties.

func (*GRPCEndpointExpr) Description

func (e *GRPCEndpointExpr) Description() string

Description of gRPC endpoint

func (*GRPCEndpointExpr) EvalName

func (e *GRPCEndpointExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the generic expression name used in error messages.

func (*GRPCEndpointExpr) Finalize

func (e *GRPCEndpointExpr) Finalize()

Finalize ensures the request and response attributes are initialized.

func (*GRPCEndpointExpr) Name

func (e *GRPCEndpointExpr) Name() string

Name of gRPC endpoint

func (*GRPCEndpointExpr) Prepare

func (e *GRPCEndpointExpr) Prepare()

Prepare initializes the Request and Response if nil.

func (*GRPCEndpointExpr) Validate

func (e *GRPCEndpointExpr) Validate() error

Validate validates the endpoint expression by checking if the request and responses contains the "rpc:tag" in the meta. It also makes sure that there is only one response per status code.

type GRPCErrorExpr

type GRPCErrorExpr struct {
	// ErrorExpr is the underlying goa design error expression.
	// Name of error to match it up with the appropriate ErrorExpr.
	Name string
	// Response is the corresponding gRPC response.
	Response *GRPCResponseExpr

GRPCErrorExpr defines a gRPC error response including its name, status, and result type.

func (*GRPCErrorExpr) Dup

func (e *GRPCErrorExpr) Dup() *GRPCErrorExpr

Dup creates a copy of the error expression.

func (*GRPCErrorExpr) EvalName

func (e *GRPCErrorExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the generic definition name used in error messages.

func (*GRPCErrorExpr) Finalize

func (e *GRPCErrorExpr) Finalize(a *GRPCEndpointExpr)

Finalize looks up the corresponding method error expression.

func (*GRPCErrorExpr) Validate

func (e *GRPCErrorExpr) Validate() *eval.ValidationErrors

Validate makes sure there is a error expression that matches the gRPC error expression.

type GRPCExpr

type GRPCExpr struct {
	// Services contains the gRPC services created by the DSL.
	Services []*GRPCServiceExpr
	// Errors lists the error gRPC error responses defined globally.
	Errors []*GRPCErrorExpr

GRPCExpr contains the API level gRPC specific expressions.

func (*GRPCExpr) EvalName

func (g *GRPCExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the name printed in case of evaluation error.

func (*GRPCExpr) Service

func (g *GRPCExpr) Service(name string) *GRPCServiceExpr

Service returns the service with the given name if any.

func (*GRPCExpr) ServiceFor

func (g *GRPCExpr) ServiceFor(s *ServiceExpr) *GRPCServiceExpr

ServiceFor creates a new or returns the existing service definition for the given service.

type GRPCResponseExpr

type GRPCResponseExpr struct {
	// gRPC status code
	StatusCode int
	// Response description
	Description string
	// Response Message if any
	Message *AttributeExpr
	// Parent expression, one of EndpointExpr, ServiceExpr or
	// RootExpr.
	Parent eval.Expression
	// Headers is the header metadata to be sent in the gRPC response.
	Headers *MappedAttributeExpr
	// Trailers is the trailer metadata to be sent in the gRPC response.
	Trailers *MappedAttributeExpr
	// Meta is a list of key/value pairs.
	Meta MetaExpr

GRPCResponseExpr defines a gRPC response including its status code, result type, and metadata.

func (*GRPCResponseExpr) Dup

Dup creates a copy of the response expression.

func (*GRPCResponseExpr) EvalName

func (r *GRPCResponseExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the generic definition name used in error messages.

func (*GRPCResponseExpr) Finalize

func (r *GRPCResponseExpr) Finalize(a *GRPCEndpointExpr, svcAtt *AttributeExpr)

Finalize ensures that the response message type is set. If Message DSL is used to set the response message then the message type is set by mapping the attributes to the method Result expression. If no response message set explicitly, the message is set from the method Result expression.

func (*GRPCResponseExpr) Prepare

func (r *GRPCResponseExpr) Prepare()

Prepare makes sure the response message and metadata are initialized.

func (*GRPCResponseExpr) Validate

Validate checks that the response definition is consistent: its status is set and the result type definition if any is valid.

type GRPCServiceExpr

type GRPCServiceExpr struct {
	// ServiceExpr is the service expression that backs this service.
	ServiceExpr *ServiceExpr
	// Name of parent service if any
	ParentName string
	// GRPCEndpoints is the list of service endpoints.
	GRPCEndpoints []*GRPCEndpointExpr
	// GRPCErrors lists gRPC errors that apply to all endpoints.
	GRPCErrors []*GRPCErrorExpr
	// Meta is a set of key/value pairs with semantic that is
	// specific to each generator.
	Meta MetaExpr

GRPCServiceExpr describes a gRPC service.

func (*GRPCServiceExpr) Description

func (svc *GRPCServiceExpr) Description() string

Description of service (service)

func (*GRPCServiceExpr) Endpoint

func (svc *GRPCServiceExpr) Endpoint(name string) *GRPCEndpointExpr

Endpoint returns the service endpoint with the given name or nil if there isn't one.

func (*GRPCServiceExpr) EndpointFor

func (svc *GRPCServiceExpr) EndpointFor(name string, m *MethodExpr) *GRPCEndpointExpr

EndpointFor builds the endpoint for the given method.

func (*GRPCServiceExpr) Error

func (svc *GRPCServiceExpr) Error(name string) *ErrorExpr

Error returns the error with the given name.

func (*GRPCServiceExpr) EvalName

func (svc *GRPCServiceExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the generic definition name used in error messages.

func (*GRPCServiceExpr) GRPCError

func (svc *GRPCServiceExpr) GRPCError(name string) *GRPCErrorExpr

GRPCError returns the service gRPC error with given name if any.

func (*GRPCServiceExpr) Name

func (svc *GRPCServiceExpr) Name() string

Name of service (service)

func (*GRPCServiceExpr) Prepare

func (svc *GRPCServiceExpr) Prepare()

Prepare initializes the error responses.

func (*GRPCServiceExpr) Validate

func (svc *GRPCServiceExpr) Validate() error

Validate makes sure the service is valid.

type GeneratedRoot

type GeneratedRoot []UserType

GeneratedRoot records the generated result types and is a DSL root evaluated after Root.

func (*GeneratedRoot) DependsOn

func (r *GeneratedRoot) DependsOn() []eval.Root

DependsOn ensures that Root executes first.

func (*GeneratedRoot) EvalName

func (r *GeneratedRoot) EvalName() string

EvalName is the name of the expression used by eval.

func (*GeneratedRoot) Packages

func (r *GeneratedRoot) Packages() []string

Packages returns the Go import path to this and the dsl packages.

func (*GeneratedRoot) WalkSets

func (r *GeneratedRoot) WalkSets(w eval.SetWalker)

WalkSets returns the generated result types for evaluation.

type HTTPEndpointExpr

type HTTPEndpointExpr struct {
	// MethodExpr is the underlying method expression.
	MethodExpr *MethodExpr
	// Service is the parent service.
	Service *HTTPServiceExpr
	// Endpoint routes
	Routes []*RouteExpr
	// MapQueryParams - when not nil - indicates that the HTTP
	// request query string parameters are used to build a map.
	//    - If the value is the empty string then the map is stored
	//      in the method payload (which must be of type Map)
	//    - If the value is a non-empty string then the map is
	//      stored in the payload attribute with the corresponding
	//      name (which must of be of type Map)
	MapQueryParams *string
	// Params defines the HTTP request path and query parameters.
	Params *MappedAttributeExpr
	// Headers defines the HTTP request headers.
	Headers *MappedAttributeExpr
	// Body describes the HTTP request body.
	Body *AttributeExpr
	// StreamingBody describes the body transferred through the websocket
	// stream.
	StreamingBody *AttributeExpr
	// Responses is the list of all the possible success HTTP
	// responses.
	Responses []*HTTPResponseExpr
	// HTTPErrors is the list of all the possible error HTTP
	// responses.
	HTTPErrors []*HTTPErrorExpr
	// Requirements contains the security requirements for the HTTP endpoint.
	Requirements []*SecurityExpr
	// MultipartRequest indicates that the request content type for
	// the endpoint is a multipart type.
	MultipartRequest bool
	// Meta is a set of key/value pairs with semantic that is
	// specific to each generator, see dsl.Meta.
	Meta MetaExpr

HTTPEndpointExpr describes a HTTP endpoint. It embeds a MethodExpr and adds HTTP specific properties.

It defines both an HTTP endpoint and the shape of HTTP requests and responses made to that endpoint. The shape of requests is defined via "parameters", there are path parameters (i.e. portions of the URL that define parameter values), query string parameters and a payload parameter (request body).

func (*HTTPEndpointExpr) Description

func (e *HTTPEndpointExpr) Description() string

Description of HTTP endpoint

func (*HTTPEndpointExpr) EvalName

func (e *HTTPEndpointExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the generic expression name used in error messages.

func (*HTTPEndpointExpr) Finalize

func (e *HTTPEndpointExpr) Finalize()

Finalize is run post DSL execution. It merges response definitions, creates implicit endpoint parameters and initializes querystring parameters. It also flattens the error responses and makes sure the error types are all user types so that the response encoding code can properly use the type to infer the response that it needs to build.

func (*HTTPEndpointExpr) HasAbsoluteRoutes

func (e *HTTPEndpointExpr) HasAbsoluteRoutes() bool

HasAbsoluteRoutes returns true if all the endpoint routes are absolute.

func (*HTTPEndpointExpr) Name

func (e *HTTPEndpointExpr) Name() string

Name of HTTP endpoint

func (*HTTPEndpointExpr) PathParams

func (e *HTTPEndpointExpr) PathParams() *MappedAttributeExpr

PathParams computes a mapped attribute containing the subset of e.Params that describe path parameters.

func (*HTTPEndpointExpr) Prepare

func (e *HTTPEndpointExpr) Prepare()

Prepare computes the request path and query string parameters as well as the headers and body taking into account the inherited values from the service.

func (*HTTPEndpointExpr) QueryParams

func (e *HTTPEndpointExpr) QueryParams() *MappedAttributeExpr

QueryParams computes a mapped attribute containing the subset of e.Params that describe query parameters.

func (*HTTPEndpointExpr) Validate

func (e *HTTPEndpointExpr) Validate() error

Validate validates the endpoint expression.

type HTTPErrorExpr

type HTTPErrorExpr struct {
	// ErrorExpr is the underlying goa design error expression.
	// Name of error, we need a separate copy of the name to match it
	// up with the appropriate ErrorExpr.
	Name string
	// Response is the corresponding HTTP response.
	Response *HTTPResponseExpr

HTTPErrorExpr defines a HTTP error response including its name, status, headers and result type.

func (*HTTPErrorExpr) Dup

func (e *HTTPErrorExpr) Dup() *HTTPErrorExpr

Dup creates a copy of the error expression.

func (*HTTPErrorExpr) EvalName

func (e *HTTPErrorExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the generic definition name used in error messages.

func (*HTTPErrorExpr) Finalize

func (e *HTTPErrorExpr) Finalize(a *HTTPEndpointExpr)

Finalize looks up the corresponding method error expression.

func (*HTTPErrorExpr) Validate

func (e *HTTPErrorExpr) Validate() *eval.ValidationErrors

Validate makes sure there is a error expression that matches the HTTP error expression.

type HTTPExpr

type HTTPExpr struct {
	// Path is the common request path prefix to all the service
	// HTTP endpoints.
	Path string
	// Params defines the HTTP request path and query parameters
	// common to all the API endpoints.
	Params *MappedAttributeExpr
	// Headers defines the HTTP request headers common to to all
	// the API endpoints.
	Headers *MappedAttributeExpr
	// Consumes lists the mime types supported by the API
	// controllers.
	Consumes []string
	// Produces lists the mime types generated by the API
	// controllers.
	Produces []string
	// Services contains the services created by the DSL.
	Services []*HTTPServiceExpr
	// Errors lists the error HTTP responses.
	Errors []*HTTPErrorExpr

HTTPExpr contains the API level HTTP specific expressions.

func (*HTTPExpr) EvalName

func (h *HTTPExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the name printed in case of evaluation error.

func (*HTTPExpr) Finalize

func (h *HTTPExpr) Finalize()

Finalize initializes Consumes and Produces with defaults if not set.

func (*HTTPExpr) Service

func (h *HTTPExpr) Service(name string) *HTTPServiceExpr

Service returns the service with the given name if any.

func (*HTTPExpr) ServiceFor

func (h *HTTPExpr) ServiceFor(s *ServiceExpr) *HTTPServiceExpr

ServiceFor creates a new or returns the existing service definition for the given service.

type HTTPFileServerExpr

type HTTPFileServerExpr struct {
	// Service is the parent service.
	Service *HTTPServiceExpr
	// Description for docs
	Description string
	// Docs points to the service external documentation
	Docs *DocsExpr
	// FilePath is the file path to the static asset(s)
	FilePath string
	// RequestPaths is the list of HTTP paths that serve the assets.
	RequestPaths []string
	// Meta is a list of key/value pairs
	Meta MetaExpr

HTTPFileServerExpr defines an endpoint that serves static assets through HTTP.

func (*HTTPFileServerExpr) EvalName

func (f *HTTPFileServerExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the generic definition name used in error messages.

func (*HTTPFileServerExpr) Finalize

func (f *HTTPFileServerExpr) Finalize()

Finalize normalizes the request path.

func (*HTTPFileServerExpr) IsDir

func (f *HTTPFileServerExpr) IsDir() bool

IsDir returns true if the file server serves a directory, false otherwise.

type HTTPResponseExpr

type HTTPResponseExpr struct {
	// HTTP status
	StatusCode int
	// Response description
	Description string
	// Headers describe the HTTP response headers.
	Headers *MappedAttributeExpr
	// Response body if any
	Body *AttributeExpr
	// Response Content-Type header value
	ContentType string
	// Tag the value a field of the result must have for this
	// response to be used.
	Tag [2]string
	// Parent expression, one of EndpointExpr, ServiceExpr or
	// RootExpr.
	Parent eval.Expression
	// Meta is a list of key/value pairs
	Meta MetaExpr

HTTPResponseExpr defines a HTTP response including its status code, headers and result type.

func (*HTTPResponseExpr) Dup

Dup creates a copy of the response expression.

func (*HTTPResponseExpr) EvalName

func (r *HTTPResponseExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the generic definition name used in error messages.

func (*HTTPResponseExpr) Finalize

func (r *HTTPResponseExpr) Finalize(a *HTTPEndpointExpr, svcAtt *AttributeExpr)

Finalize sets the response result type from its type if the type is a result type and no result type is already specified.

func (*HTTPResponseExpr) Prepare

func (r *HTTPResponseExpr) Prepare()

Prepare makes sure the response is initialized even if not done explicitly by

func (*HTTPResponseExpr) Validate

Validate checks that the response definition is consistent: its status is set and the result type definition if any is valid.

type HTTPServiceExpr

type HTTPServiceExpr struct {
	// ServiceExpr is the service expression that backs this
	// service.
	ServiceExpr *ServiceExpr
	// Common URL prefixes to all service endpoint HTTP requests
	Paths []string
	// Params defines the HTTP request path and query parameters
	// common to all the service endpoints.
	Params *MappedAttributeExpr
	// Headers defines the HTTP request headers common to all the
	// service endpoints.
	Headers *MappedAttributeExpr
	// Name of parent service if any
	ParentName string
	// Endpoint with canonical service path
	CanonicalEndpointName string
	// HTTPEndpoints is the list of service endpoints.
	HTTPEndpoints []*HTTPEndpointExpr
	// HTTPErrors lists HTTP errors that apply to all endpoints.
	HTTPErrors []*HTTPErrorExpr
	// FileServers is the list of static asset serving endpoints
	FileServers []*HTTPFileServerExpr
	// Meta is a set of key/value pairs with semantic that is
	// specific to each generator.
	Meta MetaExpr

HTTPServiceExpr describes a HTTP service. It defines both a result type and a set of endpoints that can be executed through HTTP requests. HTTPServiceExpr embeds a ServiceExpr and adds HTTP specific properties.

func (*HTTPServiceExpr) CanonicalEndpoint

func (svc *HTTPServiceExpr) CanonicalEndpoint() *HTTPEndpointExpr

CanonicalEndpoint returns the canonical endpoint of the service if any. The canonical endpoint is used to compute hrefs to services.

func (*HTTPServiceExpr) Description

func (svc *HTTPServiceExpr) Description() string

Description of service (service)

func (*HTTPServiceExpr) Endpoint

func (svc *HTTPServiceExpr) Endpoint(name string) *HTTPEndpointExpr

Endpoint returns the service endpoint with the given name or nil if there isn't one.

func (*HTTPServiceExpr) EndpointFor

func (svc *HTTPServiceExpr) EndpointFor(name string, m *MethodExpr) *HTTPEndpointExpr

EndpointFor builds the endpoint for the given method.

func (*HTTPServiceExpr) Error

func (svc *HTTPServiceExpr) Error(name string) *ErrorExpr

Error returns the error with the given name.

func (*HTTPServiceExpr) EvalName

func (svc *HTTPServiceExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the generic definition name used in error messages.

func (*HTTPServiceExpr) Finalize

func (svc *HTTPServiceExpr) Finalize()

Finalize initializes the path if no path is set in design.

func (*HTTPServiceExpr) FullPaths

func (svc *HTTPServiceExpr) FullPaths() []string

FullPaths computes the base paths to the service endpoints concatenating the API and parent service base paths as needed.

func (*HTTPServiceExpr) HTTPError

func (svc *HTTPServiceExpr) HTTPError(name string) *HTTPErrorExpr

HTTPError returns the service HTTP error with given name if any.

func (*HTTPServiceExpr) Name

func (svc *HTTPServiceExpr) Name() string

Name of service (service)

func (*HTTPServiceExpr) Parent

func (svc *HTTPServiceExpr) Parent() *HTTPServiceExpr

Parent returns the parent service if any, nil otherwise.

func (*HTTPServiceExpr) Prepare

func (svc *HTTPServiceExpr) Prepare()

Prepare initializes the error responses.

func (*HTTPServiceExpr) Validate

func (svc *HTTPServiceExpr) Validate() error

Validate makes sure the service is valid.

type HostExpr

type HostExpr struct {
	// Name of host
	Name string
	// Name of server that uses host.
	ServerName string
	// Description of host
	Description string
	// URIs to host if any, may contain parameter elements using
	// the "{param}" syntax.
	URIs []URIExpr
	// Variables defines the URI variables if any.
	Variables *AttributeExpr

HostExpr describes a server host.

func (*HostExpr) Attribute

func (h *HostExpr) Attribute() *AttributeExpr

Attribute returns the variables attribute.

func (*HostExpr) EvalName

func (h *HostExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the name returned in error messages.

func (*HostExpr) Finalize

func (h *HostExpr) Finalize()

Finalize makes sure Variables is set.

func (*HostExpr) HasGRPCScheme

func (h *HostExpr) HasGRPCScheme() bool

HasGRPCScheme returns true if at least one of the URIs in the host expression define "grpc" or "grpcs" scheme.

func (*HostExpr) HasHTTPScheme

func (h *HostExpr) HasHTTPScheme() bool

HasHTTPScheme returns true if at least one of the URIs in the host expression define "http" or "https" scheme.

func (*HostExpr) Schemes

func (h *HostExpr) Schemes() []string

Schemes returns the list of transport schemes defined for the host. The possible values for the elements of the returned slice are "http", "https", "grpc" and "grpcs".

func (*HostExpr) Validate

func (h *HostExpr) Validate() error

Validate validates the host.

type Kind

type Kind uint

A Kind defines the conceptual type that a DataType represents.

const (
	// BooleanKind represents a boolean.
	BooleanKind Kind = iota + 1
	// IntKind represents a signed integer.
	// Int32Kind represents a signed 32-bit integer.
	// Int64Kind represents a signed 64-bit integer.
	// UIntKind represents an unsigned integer.
	// UInt32Kind represents an unsigned 32-bit integer.
	// UInt64Kind represents an unsigned 64-bit integer.
	// Float32Kind represents a 32-bit floating number.
	// Float64Kind represents a 64-bit floating number.
	// StringKind represents a JSON string.
	// BytesKind represent a series of bytes (binary data).
	// ArrayKind represents a JSON array.
	// ObjectKind represents a JSON object.
	// MapKind represents a JSON object where the keys are not known in
	// advance.
	// UserTypeKind represents a user type.
	// ResultTypeKind represents a result type.
	// AnyKind represents an unknown type.

type LicenseExpr

type LicenseExpr struct {
	// Name of license used for the API
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// URL to the license used for the API
	URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`

LicenseExpr contains the license information for the API.

func (*LicenseExpr) EvalName

func (l *LicenseExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName is the qualified name of the expression.

type Map

type Map struct {
	KeyType  *AttributeExpr
	ElemType *AttributeExpr

Map is the type used to describe maps of fields.

func AsMap

func AsMap(dt DataType) *Map

AsMap returns the type underlying map if any, nil otherwise.

func (*Map) Example

func (m *Map) Example(r *Random) interface{}

Example returns a random hash value.

func (*Map) Hash

func (m *Map) Hash() string

Hash returns a unique hash value for m.

func (*Map) IsCompatible

func (m *Map) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool

IsCompatible returns true if o describes the (Go) type of val.

func (*Map) Kind

func (m *Map) Kind() Kind

Kind implements DataKind.

func (*Map) MakeMap

func (m *Map) MakeMap(raw map[interface{}]interface{}) interface{}

MakeMap examines the key type from a Map and create a map with builtin type if possible. The idea is to avoid generating map[interface{}]interface{}, which cannot be handled by json.Marshal.

func (*Map) Name

func (m *Map) Name() string

Name returns the type name.

type MapVal

type MapVal map[interface{}]interface{}

MapVal is the type used to set the default value for maps.

func (MapVal) ToMap

func (m MapVal) ToMap() map[interface{}]interface{}

ToMap converts a MapVal to a map.

type MappedAttributeExpr

type MappedAttributeExpr struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MappedAttributeExpr is an attribute expression of type object that map the object keys to external names (e.g. HTTP header names).

func DupMappedAtt

func DupMappedAtt(ma *MappedAttributeExpr) *MappedAttributeExpr

DupMappedAtt creates a deep copy of ma.

func NewEmptyMappedAttributeExpr

func NewEmptyMappedAttributeExpr() *MappedAttributeExpr

NewEmptyMappedAttributeExpr creates an empty mapped attribute expression.

func NewMappedAttributeExpr

func NewMappedAttributeExpr(att *AttributeExpr) *MappedAttributeExpr

NewMappedAttributeExpr instantiates a mapped attribute expression for the given attribute. The type of att must be Object.

func (*MappedAttributeExpr) Attribute

func (ma *MappedAttributeExpr) Attribute() *AttributeExpr

Attribute returns the original attribute using "att:elem" format for the keys.

func (*MappedAttributeExpr) Delete

func (ma *MappedAttributeExpr) Delete(attName string)

Delete removes a child attribute given its name.

func (*MappedAttributeExpr) ElemName

func (ma *MappedAttributeExpr) ElemName(keyName string) string

ElemName returns the transport element name of the given object key. It returns keyName if it's a key of the mapped attribute object type. It panics if there is no mapping and keyName is not a key.

func (*MappedAttributeExpr) FindKey

func (ma *MappedAttributeExpr) FindKey(keyName string) (string, bool)

FindKey finds the given key in the mapped attribute expression. If key is found, it returns the transport element name of the key and true. Otherwise, it returns an empty string and false.

func (*MappedAttributeExpr) IsEmpty

func (ma *MappedAttributeExpr) IsEmpty() bool

IsEmpty returns true if the mapped attribute contains no key.

func (*MappedAttributeExpr) KeyName

func (ma *MappedAttributeExpr) KeyName(elemName string) string

KeyName returns the object key of the given transport element name. It returns elemName if it's a key of the mapped attribute object type. It panics if there is no mapping and elemName is not a key.

func (*MappedAttributeExpr) Map

func (ma *MappedAttributeExpr) Map(elemName, attName string)

Map records the element name of one of the child attributes. Map panics if attName is not the name of a child attribute.

func (*MappedAttributeExpr) Merge

func (ma *MappedAttributeExpr) Merge(other *MappedAttributeExpr)

Merge merges other's attributes into a overriding attributes of a with attributes of other with identical names.

func (*MappedAttributeExpr) Remap

func (ma *MappedAttributeExpr) Remap()

Remap recomputes the name mappings from the inner attribute. Use this if the underlying attribute is modified after the mapped attribute has been initially created.

type MappedAttributeWalker

type MappedAttributeWalker func(name, elem string, a *AttributeExpr) error

MappedAttributeWalker is the type of functions given to WalkMappedAttr.

name is the name of the attribute elem the name of the corresponding transport element a is the corresponding attribute expression

type MetaExpr

type MetaExpr map[string][]string

MetaExpr is a set of key/value pairs

func (MetaExpr) Dup

func (m MetaExpr) Dup() MetaExpr

Dup creates a new map from the given expression.

func (MetaExpr) Merge

func (m MetaExpr) Merge(src MetaExpr)

Merge merges src meta expression with m. If meta has intersecting set of keys on both m and src, then the values for those keys in src is appended to the values of the keys in m if not already existing.

type MethodExpr

type MethodExpr struct {
	// DSLFunc contains the DSL used to initialize the expression.
	// Name of method.
	Name string
	// Description of method for consumption by humans.
	Description string
	// Docs points to the method external documentation if any.
	Docs *DocsExpr
	// Payload attribute
	Payload *AttributeExpr
	// Result attribute
	Result *AttributeExpr
	// Errors lists the error responses.
	Errors []*ErrorExpr
	// Requirements contains the security requirements for the
	// method. One requirement is composed of potentially multiple
	// schemes. Incoming requests must validate at least one
	// requirement to be authorized.
	Requirements []*SecurityExpr
	// Service that owns method.
	Service *ServiceExpr
	// Meta is an arbitrary set of key/value pairs, see dsl.Meta
	Meta MetaExpr
	// Stream is the kind of stream (none, payload, result, or both)
	// the method defines.
	Stream StreamKind
	// StreamingPayload is the payload sent across the stream.
	StreamingPayload *AttributeExpr

MethodExpr defines a single method.

func (*MethodExpr) Error

func (m *MethodExpr) Error(name string) *ErrorExpr

Error returns the error with the given name. It looks up recursively in the endpoint then the service and finally the root expression.

func (*MethodExpr) EvalName

func (m *MethodExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the generic expression name used in error messages.

func (*MethodExpr) Finalize

func (m *MethodExpr) Finalize()

Finalize makes sure the method payload and result types are set. It also projects the result if it is a result type and a view is explicitly set in the design or a result type having at most one view.

func (*MethodExpr) IsPayloadStreaming

func (m *MethodExpr) IsPayloadStreaming() bool

IsPayloadStreaming determines whether the method streams payload.

func (*MethodExpr) IsStreaming

func (m *MethodExpr) IsStreaming() bool

IsStreaming determines whether the method streams payload or result.

func (*MethodExpr) Prepare

func (m *MethodExpr) Prepare()

Prepare makes sure the payload and result types are initialized (to the Empty type if nil).

func (*MethodExpr) Validate

func (m *MethodExpr) Validate() error

Validate validates the method payloads, results, and errors (if any).

type NamedAttributeExpr

type NamedAttributeExpr struct {
	// Name of attribute
	Name string
	// Attribute
	Attribute *AttributeExpr

NamedAttributeExpr describes object attributes together with their names.

type Object

type Object []*NamedAttributeExpr

Object is the type used to describe composite data structures. Note: not a map because order matters.

func AsObject

func AsObject(dt DataType) *Object

AsObject returns the type underlying object if any, nil otherwise.

func (*Object) Attribute

func (o *Object) Attribute(name string) *AttributeExpr

Attribute returns the attribute with the given name if any, nil otherwise.

func (*Object) Delete

func (o *Object) Delete(n string)

Delete creates a new object with the same named attributes as o but without the named attribute n if any.

func (*Object) Example

func (o *Object) Example(r *Random) interface{}

Example returns a random value of the object.

func (*Object) Hash

func (o *Object) Hash() string

Hash returns a unique hash value for o.

func (*Object) IsCompatible

func (o *Object) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool

IsCompatible returns true if o describes the (Go) type of val.

func (*Object) Kind

func (o *Object) Kind() Kind

Kind implements DataKind.

func (*Object) Merge

func (o *Object) Merge(other *Object) *Object

Merge creates a new object consisting of the named attributes of o appended with duplicates of the named attributes of other. Named attributes of o that have an identical name to named attributes of other get overridden.

func (*Object) Name

func (o *Object) Name() string

Name returns the type name.

func (*Object) Rename

func (o *Object) Rename(n, m string)

Rename changes the name of the named attribute n to m. Rename does nothing if o does not have an attribute named n.

func (*Object) Set

func (o *Object) Set(n string, att *AttributeExpr)

Set replaces the object named attribute n if any - creates a new object by appending to the slice of named attributes otherwise. The resulting object is returned in both cases.

type Primitive

type Primitive Kind

Primitive is the type for null, boolean, integer, number, string, and time.

func (Primitive) Example

func (p Primitive) Example(r *Random) interface{}

Example generates a pseudo-random primitive value using the given random generator.

func (Primitive) Hash

func (p Primitive) Hash() string

Hash returns a unique hash value for p.

func (Primitive) IsCompatible

func (p Primitive) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool

IsCompatible returns true if val is compatible with p.

func (Primitive) Kind

func (p Primitive) Kind() Kind

Kind implements DataKind.

func (Primitive) Name

func (p Primitive) Name() string

Name returns the type name appropriate for logging.

type Random

type Random struct {
	Seed string
	Seen map[string]*interface{}
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Random generates consistent random values of different types given a seed. The random values are consistent in that given the same seed the same random values get generated. The generator tracks the user types that it has processed to avoid infinite recursions, this means a new generator should be created when wanting to generate a new random value for a user type.

func NewRandom

func NewRandom(seed string) *Random

NewRandom returns a random value generator seeded from the given string value.

func (*Random) Bool

func (r *Random) Bool() bool

Bool produces a random boolean.

func (*Random) Float32

func (r *Random) Float32() float32

Float32 produces a random float32 value.

func (*Random) Float64

func (r *Random) Float64() float64

Float64 produces a random float64 value.

func (*Random) Int

func (r *Random) Int() int

Int produces a random integer.

func (*Random) Int32

func (r *Random) Int32() int32

Int32 produces a random 32-bit integer.

func (*Random) Int64

func (r *Random) Int64() int64

Int64 produces a random 64-bit integer.

func (*Random) String

func (r *Random) String() string

String produces a random string.

func (*Random) UInt

func (r *Random) UInt() uint

UInt produces a random uint value.

func (*Random) UInt32

func (r *Random) UInt32() uint32

UInt32 produces a random uint32 value.

func (*Random) UInt64

func (r *Random) UInt64() uint64

UInt64 produces a random uint64 value.

type ResultTypeExpr

type ResultTypeExpr struct {
	// A result type is a user type
	// Identifier is the RFC 6838 result type media type identifier.
	Identifier string
	// ContentType identifies the value written to the response
	// "Content-Type" header.
	ContentType string
	// Views list the supported views indexed by name.
	Views []*ViewExpr

ResultTypeExpr is a user type which describes views used to render responses.

func NewResultTypeExpr

func NewResultTypeExpr(name, identifier string, fn func()) *ResultTypeExpr

NewResultTypeExpr creates a result type definition but does not execute the DSL.

func Project

func Project(m *ResultTypeExpr, view string, seen ...map[string]*AttributeExpr) (*ResultTypeExpr, error)

Project creates a ResultTypeExpr containing the fields defined in the view expression of m named after the view argument.

The resulting result type defines a default view. The result type identifier is computed by adding a parameter called "view" to the original identifier. The value of the "view" parameter is the name of the view.

func (*ResultTypeExpr) Dup

func (m *ResultTypeExpr) Dup(att *AttributeExpr) UserType

Dup creates a deep copy of the result type given a deep copy of its attribute.

func (*ResultTypeExpr) Finalize

func (m *ResultTypeExpr) Finalize()

Finalize builds the default view if not explicitly defined and finalizes the underlying UserTypeExpr.

func (*ResultTypeExpr) HasMultipleViews

func (m *ResultTypeExpr) HasMultipleViews() bool

HasMultipleViews returns true if the result type has more than one view.

func (*ResultTypeExpr) ID

func (m *ResultTypeExpr) ID() string

ID returns the identifier of the result type.

func (*ResultTypeExpr) Kind

func (m *ResultTypeExpr) Kind() Kind

Kind implements DataKind.

func (*ResultTypeExpr) Name

func (m *ResultTypeExpr) Name() string

Name returns the result type name.

func (*ResultTypeExpr) View

func (m *ResultTypeExpr) View(name string) *ViewExpr

View returns the view with the given name.

func (*ResultTypeExpr) ViewHasAttribute

func (m *ResultTypeExpr) ViewHasAttribute(view, attr string) bool

ViewHasAttribute returns true if the result type view has the given attribute.

type RootExpr

type RootExpr struct {
	// API contains the API expression built by the DSL.
	// Services contains the list of services exposed by the API.
	Services []*ServiceExpr
	// Errors contains the list of errors returned by all the API
	// methods.
	Errors []*ErrorExpr
	// Types contains the user types described in the DSL.
	Types []UserType
	// ResultTypes contains the result types described in the DSL.
	ResultTypes []UserType
	// GeneratedTypes contains the types generated during DSL
	// execution.
	GeneratedTypes *GeneratedRoot
	// Conversions list the user type to external type mappings.
	Conversions []*TypeMap
	// Creations list the external type to user type mappings.
	Creations []*TypeMap
	// Schemes list the registered security schemes.
	Schemes []*SchemeExpr
	// Meta is a set of key/value pairs with semantic that is
	// specific to each generator.
	Meta MetaExpr

RootExpr is the struct built by the DSL on process start.

func RunDSL

func RunDSL(t *testing.T, dsl func()) *RootExpr

RunDSL returns the DSL root resulting from running the given DSL. Used only in tests.

func (*RootExpr) DependsOn

func (r *RootExpr) DependsOn() []eval.Root

DependsOn returns nil, the core DSL has no dependency.

func (*RootExpr) Error

func (r *RootExpr) Error(name string) *ErrorExpr

Error returns the error with the given name.

func (*RootExpr) EvalName

func (r *RootExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName is the name of the DSL.

func (*RootExpr) Finalize

func (r *RootExpr) Finalize()

Finalize finalizes the server expressions.

func (*RootExpr) GeneratedResultType

func (r *RootExpr) GeneratedResultType(id string) *ResultTypeExpr

GeneratedResultType returns the generated result type expression with the given id, nil if there isn't one.

func (*RootExpr) HTTPService

func (r *RootExpr) HTTPService(name string) *HTTPServiceExpr

HTTPService returns the HTTP service with the given name if any.

func (*RootExpr) HTTPServiceFor

func (r *RootExpr) HTTPServiceFor(s *ServiceExpr) *HTTPServiceExpr

HTTPServiceFor creates a new or returns the existing HTTP service definition for the given service.

func (*RootExpr) Packages

func (r *RootExpr) Packages() []string

Packages returns the Go import path to this and the dsl packages.

func (*RootExpr) Service

func (r *RootExpr) Service(name string) *ServiceExpr

Service returns the service with the given name.

func (*RootExpr) UserType

func (r *RootExpr) UserType(name string) UserType

UserType returns the user type expression with the given name if found, nil otherwise.

func (*RootExpr) Validate

func (r *RootExpr) Validate() error

Validate makes sure the root expression is valid for code generation.

func (*RootExpr) WalkSets

func (r *RootExpr) WalkSets(walk eval.SetWalker)

WalkSets returns the expressions in order of evaluation.

type RouteExpr

type RouteExpr struct {
	// Method is the HTTP method, e.g. "GET", "POST", etc.
	Method string
	// Path is the URL path e.g. "/tasks/{id}"
	Path string
	// Endpoint is the endpoint this route applies to.
	Endpoint *HTTPEndpointExpr
	// Meta is an arbitrary set of key/value pairs, see
	// dsl.Meta
	Meta MetaExpr

RouteExpr represents an endpoint route (HTTP endpoint).

func (*RouteExpr) EvalName

func (r *RouteExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the generic definition name used in error messages.

func (*RouteExpr) FullPaths

func (r *RouteExpr) FullPaths() []string

FullPaths returns the endpoint full paths computed by concatenating the service base paths with the route specific path.

func (*RouteExpr) IsAbsolute

func (r *RouteExpr) IsAbsolute() bool

IsAbsolute returns true if the endpoint path should not be concatenated to the service and API base paths.

func (*RouteExpr) Params

func (r *RouteExpr) Params() []string

Params returns all the route parameters across all the base paths. For example for the route "GET /foo/{fooID:foo_id}" Params returns []string{"fooID:foo_id"}.

func (*RouteExpr) Validate

func (r *RouteExpr) Validate() *eval.ValidationErrors

Validate validates a route expression by ensuring that the route parameters can be inferred from the method payload and there is no duplicate parameters in an absolute route.

type SchemeExpr

type SchemeExpr struct {
	// Kind is the sort of security scheme this object represents.
	Kind SchemeKind
	// SchemeName is the name of the security scheme, e.g. "googAuth",
	// "my_big_token", "jwt".
	SchemeName string
	// Description describes the security scheme e.g. "Google OAuth2"
	Description string
	// In determines the location of the API key, one of "header" or
	// "query".
	In string
	// Name refers to a header or parameter name, based on In's
	// value.
	Name string
	// Scopes lists the Basic, APIKey, JWT or OAuth2 scopes.
	Scopes []*ScopeExpr
	// Flows determine the oauth2 flows supported by this scheme.
	Flows []*FlowExpr
	// Meta is a list of key/value pairs
	Meta MetaExpr

SchemeExpr defines a security scheme used to authenticate against the method being designed.

func DupScheme

func DupScheme(sch *SchemeExpr) *SchemeExpr

DupScheme creates a copy of the given scheme expression.

func (*SchemeExpr) EvalName

func (s *SchemeExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the generic definition name used in error messages.

func (*SchemeExpr) Hash

func (s *SchemeExpr) Hash() string

Hash returns a unique hash value for s.

func (*SchemeExpr) Type

func (s *SchemeExpr) Type() string

Type returns the type of the scheme.

func (*SchemeExpr) Validate

func (s *SchemeExpr) Validate() *eval.ValidationErrors

Validate ensures that the method payload contains attributes required by the scheme.

type SchemeKind

type SchemeKind int

SchemeKind is a type of security scheme.

const (
	// OAuth2Kind identifies a "OAuth2" security scheme.
	OAuth2Kind SchemeKind = iota + 1
	// BasicAuthKind means "basic" security scheme.
	// APIKeyKind means "apiKey" security scheme.
	// JWTKind means an "apiKey" security scheme, with support for
	// TokenPath and Scopes.
	// NoKind means to have no security for this endpoint.

func (SchemeKind) String

func (k SchemeKind) String() string

type ScopeExpr

type ScopeExpr struct {
	// Name of the scope.
	Name string
	// Description is the description of the scope.
	Description string

ScopeExpr defines a security scope.

type SecurityExpr

type SecurityExpr struct {
	// Schemes is the list of security schemes used for this
	// requirement.
	Schemes []*SchemeExpr
	// Scopes list the required scopes if any.
	Scopes []string

SecurityExpr defines a security requirement.

func DupRequirement

func DupRequirement(req *SecurityExpr) *SecurityExpr

DupRequirement creates a copy of the given security requirement.

func (*SecurityExpr) EvalName

func (s *SecurityExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the generic definition name used in error messages.

type ServerExpr

type ServerExpr struct {
	// Name of server
	Name string
	// Description of server
	Description string
	// Services list the services hosted by the server.
	Services []string
	// Hosts list the server hosts.
	Hosts []*HostExpr

ServerExpr contains a single API host information.

func (*ServerExpr) EvalName

func (s *ServerExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName is the qualified name of the expression.

func (*ServerExpr) Finalize

func (s *ServerExpr) Finalize()

Finalize initializes the server services and/or host with default values if not set explicitly in the design.

func (*ServerExpr) Schemes

func (s *ServerExpr) Schemes() []string

Schemes returns the list of transport schemes used by all the server endpoints. The possible values for the elements of the returned slice are "http", "https", "grpc" and "grpcs".

func (*ServerExpr) Validate

func (s *ServerExpr) Validate() error

Validate validates the server and server hosts.

type ServiceExpr

type ServiceExpr struct {
	// DSLFunc contains the DSL used to initialize the expression.
	// Name of service.
	Name string
	// Description of service used in documentation.
	Description string
	// Docs points to external documentation
	Docs *DocsExpr
	// Methods is the list of service methods.
	Methods []*MethodExpr
	// Errors list the errors common to all the service methods.
	Errors []*ErrorExpr
	// Requirements contains the security requirements that apply to
	// all the service methods. One requirement is composed of
	// potentially multiple schemes. Incoming requests must validate
	// at least one requirement to be authorized.
	Requirements []*SecurityExpr
	// Meta is a set of key/value pairs with semantic that is
	// specific to each generator.
	Meta MetaExpr

ServiceExpr describes a set of related methods.

func (*ServiceExpr) Error

func (s *ServiceExpr) Error(name string) *ErrorExpr

Error returns the error with the given name if any.

func (*ServiceExpr) EvalName

func (s *ServiceExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the generic expression name used in error messages.

func (*ServiceExpr) Finalize

func (s *ServiceExpr) Finalize()

Finalize finalizes all the service methods and errors.

func (*ServiceExpr) Hash

func (s *ServiceExpr) Hash() string

Hash returns a unique hash value for s.

func (*ServiceExpr) Method

func (s *ServiceExpr) Method(n string) *MethodExpr

Method returns the method expression with the given name, nil if there isn't one.

func (*ServiceExpr) Validate

func (s *ServiceExpr) Validate() error

Validate validates the service methods and errors.

type StreamKind

type StreamKind int

StreamKind is a type denoting the kind of stream.

const (
	// NoStreamKind represents no payload or result stream in method.
	NoStreamKind StreamKind = iota + 1
	// ClientStreamKind represents client sends a streaming payload to
	// method.
	// ServerStreamKind represents server sends a streaming result from
	// method.
	// BidirectionalStreamKind represents client and server sending payload
	// and result respectively via a stream.

type TypeMap

type TypeMap struct {
	// User is the user type being converted or created.
	User UserType

	// External is an instance of the type being converted from or to.
	External interface{}

TypeMap defines a user to external type mapping.

type URIExpr

type URIExpr string

URIExpr represents a parameterized URI.

func (URIExpr) Params

func (u URIExpr) Params() []string

Params return the names of the parameters used in URI if any.

type UserType

type UserType interface {
	// Finalizes the underlying type.
	// Provides the underlying type and validations.
	// ID returns the identifier for the user type.
	ID() string
	// Rename changes the type name to the given value.
	// SetAttribute updates the underlying attribute.
	// Dup makes a shallow copy of the type and assigns its
	// attribute with att.
	Dup(att *AttributeExpr) UserType
	// Validate checks that the user type expression is consistent.
	Validate(ctx string, parent eval.Expression) *eval.ValidationErrors

UserType is the interface implemented by all user type implementations. Plugins may leverage this interface to introduce their own types.

type UserTypeExpr

type UserTypeExpr struct {
	// The embedded attribute expression.
	// Name of type
	TypeName string

UserTypeExpr describes user defined types.

func NewUserTypeExpr

func NewUserTypeExpr(name string, fn func()) *UserTypeExpr

NewUserTypeExpr creates a user type expression but does not execute the DSL.

func (*UserTypeExpr) Attribute

func (u *UserTypeExpr) Attribute() *AttributeExpr

Attribute returns the embedded attribute.

func (*UserTypeExpr) Dup

func (u *UserTypeExpr) Dup(att *AttributeExpr) UserType

Dup creates a deep copy of the user type given a deep copy of its attribute.

func (*UserTypeExpr) Example

func (u *UserTypeExpr) Example(r *Random) interface{}

Example produces an example for the user type which is JSON serialization compatible.

func (*UserTypeExpr) Hash

func (u *UserTypeExpr) Hash() string

Hash returns a unique hash value for u.

func (*UserTypeExpr) ID

func (u *UserTypeExpr) ID() string

ID returns the identifier (type name) for the user type.

func (*UserTypeExpr) IsCompatible

func (u *UserTypeExpr) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool

IsCompatible returns true if u describes the (Go) type of val.

func (*UserTypeExpr) Kind

func (u *UserTypeExpr) Kind() Kind

Kind implements DataKind.

func (*UserTypeExpr) Name

func (u *UserTypeExpr) Name() string

Name returns the type name.

func (*UserTypeExpr) Rename

func (u *UserTypeExpr) Rename(n string)

Rename changes the type name to the given value.

func (*UserTypeExpr) SetAttribute

func (u *UserTypeExpr) SetAttribute(att *AttributeExpr)

SetAttribute sets the embedded attribute.

type Val

type Val map[string]interface{}

Val is the type used to provide the value of examples for attributes that are objects.

type ValidationExpr

type ValidationExpr struct {
	// Values represents an enum validation as described at
	// http://json-schema.org/latest/json-schema-validation.html#anchor76.
	Values []interface{}
	// Format represents a format validation as described at
	// http://json-schema.org/latest/json-schema-validation.html#anchor104.
	Format ValidationFormat
	// PatternValidationExpr represents a pattern validation as
	// described at
	// http://json-schema.org/latest/json-schema-validation.html#anchor33
	Pattern string
	// Minimum represents an minimum value validation as described
	// at
	// http://json-schema.org/latest/json-schema-validation.html#anchor21.
	Minimum *float64
	// Maximum represents a maximum value validation as described at
	// http://json-schema.org/latest/json-schema-validation.html#anchor17.
	Maximum *float64
	// MinLength represents an minimum length validation as
	// described at
	// http://json-schema.org/latest/json-schema-validation.html#anchor29.
	MinLength *int
	// MaxLength represents an maximum length validation as
	// described at
	// http://json-schema.org/latest/json-schema-validation.html#anchor26.
	MaxLength *int
	// Required list the required fields of object attributes as
	// described at
	// http://json-schema.org/latest/json-schema-validation.html#anchor61.
	Required []string

ValidationExpr contains validation rules for an attribute.

func (*ValidationExpr) AddRequired

func (v *ValidationExpr) AddRequired(required ...string)

AddRequired merges the required fields into v.

func (*ValidationExpr) Dup

func (v *ValidationExpr) Dup() *ValidationExpr

Dup makes a shallow dup of the validation.

func (*ValidationExpr) HasRequiredOnly

func (v *ValidationExpr) HasRequiredOnly() bool

HasRequiredOnly returns true if the validation only has the Required field with a non-zero value.

func (*ValidationExpr) Merge

func (v *ValidationExpr) Merge(other *ValidationExpr)

Merge merges other into v.

func (*ValidationExpr) RemoveRequired

func (v *ValidationExpr) RemoveRequired(required string)

RemoveRequired removes the given field from the list of required fields.

type ValidationFormat

type ValidationFormat string

ValidationFormat is the type used to enumerate the possible string formats.

type ViewExpr

type ViewExpr struct {
	// Set of properties included in view
	// Name of view
	Name string
	// Parent result Type
	Parent *ResultTypeExpr

ViewExpr defines which fields to render when building a response. The view is an object whose field names must match the names of the parent result type field names. The field definitions are inherited from the parent result type but may be overridden.

func (*ViewExpr) EvalName

func (v *ViewExpr) EvalName() string

EvalName returns the generic definition name used in error messages.

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