
v0.28.0-alpha.2 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 9, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 22 Imported by: 14




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var (
	AuthorizerType    = cel.ObjectType("kubernetes.authorization.Authorizer")
	PathCheckType     = cel.ObjectType("kubernetes.authorization.PathCheck")
	GroupCheckType    = cel.ObjectType("kubernetes.authorization.GroupCheck")
	ResourceCheckType = cel.ObjectType("kubernetes.authorization.ResourceCheck")
	DecisionType      = cel.ObjectType("kubernetes.authorization.Decision")
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var FindAllRegexOptimization = &interpreter.RegexOptimization{
	Function:   "findAll",
	RegexIndex: 1,
	Factory: func(call interpreter.InterpretableCall, regexPattern string) (interpreter.InterpretableCall, error) {
		compiledRegex, err := regexp.Compile(regexPattern)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return interpreter.NewCall(call.ID(), call.Function(), call.OverloadID(), call.Args(), func(args ...ref.Val) ref.Val {
			argn := len(args)
			if argn < 2 || argn > 3 {
				return types.NoSuchOverloadErr()
			str, ok := args[0].Value().(string)
			if !ok {
				return types.MaybeNoSuchOverloadErr(args[0])
			n := int64(-1)
			if argn == 3 {
				n, ok = args[2].Value().(int64)
				if !ok {
					return types.MaybeNoSuchOverloadErr(args[2])

			result := compiledRegex.FindAllString(str, int(n))
			return types.NewStringList(types.DefaultTypeAdapter, result)
		}), nil

FindAllRegexOptimization optimizes the 'findAll' function by compiling the regex pattern and reporting any compilation errors at program creation time, and using the compiled regex pattern for all function call invocations.

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var FindRegexOptimization = &interpreter.RegexOptimization{
	Function:   "find",
	RegexIndex: 1,
	Factory: func(call interpreter.InterpretableCall, regexPattern string) (interpreter.InterpretableCall, error) {
		compiledRegex, err := regexp.Compile(regexPattern)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return interpreter.NewCall(call.ID(), call.Function(), call.OverloadID(), call.Args(), func(args ...ref.Val) ref.Val {
			if len(args) != 2 {
				return types.NoSuchOverloadErr()
			in, ok := args[0].Value().(string)
			if !ok {
				return types.MaybeNoSuchOverloadErr(args[0])
			return types.String(compiledRegex.FindString(in))
		}), nil

FindRegexOptimization optimizes the 'find' function by compiling the regex pattern and reporting any compilation errors at program creation time, and using the compiled regex pattern for all function call invocations.


func Authz added in v0.27.0

func Authz() cel.EnvOption

Authz provides a CEL function library extension for performing authorization checks. Note that authorization checks are only supported for CEL expression fields in the API where an 'authorizer' variable is provided to the CEL expression. See the documentation of API fields where CEL expressions are used to learn if the 'authorizer' variable is provided.


Returns a PathCheck configured to check authorization for a non-resource request path (e.g. /healthz). If path is an empty string, an error is returned. Note that the leading '/' is not required.

<Authorizer>.path(<string>) <PathCheck>


authorizer.path('/healthz') // returns a PathCheck for the '/healthz' API path
authorizer.path('') // results in "path must not be empty" error
authorizer.path('  ') // results in "path must not be empty" error


Returns a GroupCheck configured to check authorization for the API resources for a particular API group. Note that authorization checks are only supported for CEL expression fields in the API where an 'authorizer' variable is provided to the CEL expression. Check the documentation of API fields where CEL expressions are used to learn if the 'authorizer' variable is provided.

<Authorizer>.group(<string>) <GroupCheck>

Examples:'apps') // returns a GroupCheck for the 'apps' API group'') // returns a GroupCheck for the core API group'') // returns a GroupCheck for the custom resources in the '' API group


Returns an Authorizer configured to check authorization for the provided service account namespace and name. If the name is not a valid DNS subdomain string (as defined by RFC 1123), an error is returned. If the namespace is not a valid DNS label (as defined by RFC 1123), an error is returned.

<Authorizer>.serviceAccount(<string>, <string>) <Authorizer>


authorizer.serviceAccount('default', 'myserviceaccount') // returns an Authorizer for the service account with namespace 'default' and name 'myserviceaccount'
authorizer.serviceAccount('not@a#valid!namespace', 'validname') // returns an error
authorizer.serviceAccount('', 'invalid@*name') // returns an error


Returns a ResourceCheck configured to check authorization for a particular API resource. Note that the provided resource string should be a lower case plural name of a Kubernetes API resource.

<GroupCheck>.resource(<string>) <ResourceCheck>

Examples:'apps').resource('deployments') // returns a ResourceCheck for the 'deployments' resources in the 'apps' group.'').resource('pods') // returns a ResourceCheck for the 'pods' resources in the core group.'apps').resource('') // results in "resource must not be empty" error'apps').resource('  ') // results in "resource must not be empty" error


Returns a ResourceCheck configured to check authorization for a particular subresource of an API resource. If subresource is set to "", the subresource field of this ResourceCheck is considered unset.

<ResourceCheck>.subresource(<string>) <ResourceCheck>

Examples:'').resource('pods').subresource('status') // returns a ResourceCheck the 'status' subresource of 'pods''apps').resource('deployments').subresource('scale') // returns a ResourceCheck the 'scale' subresource of 'deployments''').resource('widgets').subresource('scale') // returns a ResourceCheck for the 'scale' subresource of the 'widgets' custom resource'').resource('widgets').subresource('') // returns a ResourceCheck for the 'widgets' resource.


Returns a ResourceCheck configured to check authorization for a particular namespace. For cluster scoped resources, namespace() does not need to be called; namespace defaults to "", which is the correct namespace value to use to check cluster scoped resources. If namespace is set to "", the ResourceCheck will check authorization for the cluster scope.

<ResourceCheck>.namespace(<string>) <ResourceCheck>

Examples:'apps').resource('deployments').namespace('test') // returns a ResourceCheck for 'deployments' in the 'test' namespace'').resource('pods').namespace('default') // returns a ResourceCheck for 'pods' in the 'default' namespace'').resource('widgets').namespace('') // returns a ResourceCheck for 'widgets' in the cluster scope


Returns a ResourceCheck configured to check authorization for a particular resource name. If name is set to "", the name field of this ResourceCheck is considered unset.

<ResourceCheck>.name(<name>) <ResourceCheck>

Examples:'apps').resource('deployments').namespace('test').name('backend') // returns a ResourceCheck for the 'backend' 'deployments' resource in the 'test' namespace'apps').resource('deployments').namespace('test').name('') // returns a ResourceCheck for the 'deployments' resource in the 'test' namespace


For PathCheck, checks if the principal (user or service account) that sent the request is authorized for the HTTP request verb of the path. For ResourceCheck, checks if the principal (user or service account) that sent the request is authorized for the API verb and the configured authorization checks of the ResourceCheck. The check operation can be expensive, particularly in clusters using the webhook authorization mode.

<PathCheck>.check(<check>) <Decision>
<ResourceCheck>.check(<check>) <Decision>

Examples:'').resource('pods').namespace('default').check('create') // Checks if the principal (user or service account) is authorized create pods in the 'default' namespace.
authorizer.path('/healthz').check('get') // Checks if the principal (user or service account) is authorized to make HTTP GET requests to the /healthz API path.


Returns true if the authorizer's decision for the check is "allow". Note that if the authorizer's decision is "no opinion", that the 'allowed' function will return false.

<Decision>.allowed() <bool>

Examples:'').resource('pods').namespace('default').check('create').allowed() // Returns true if the principal (user or service account) is allowed create pods in the 'default' namespace.
authorizer.path('/healthz').check('get').allowed()  // Returns true if the principal (user or service account) is allowed to make HTTP GET requests to the /healthz API path.


Returns a string reason for the authorization decision

<Decision>.reason() <string>



func Lists

func Lists() cel.EnvOption

Lists provides a CEL function library extension of list utility functions.


Returns true if the provided list of comparable elements is sorted, else returns false.

<list<T>>.isSorted() <bool>, T must be a comparable type


[1, 2, 3].isSorted()  // return true
['a', 'b', 'b', 'c'].isSorted()  // return true
[2.0, 1.0].isSorted()  // return false
[1].isSorted()  // return true
[].isSorted()  // return true


Returns the sum of the elements of the provided list. Supports CEL number (int, uint, double) and duration types.

<list<T>>.sum() <T>, T must be a numeric type or a duration


[1, 3].sum() // returns 4
[1.0, 3.0].sum() // returns 4.0
['1m', '1s'].sum() // returns '1m1s'
emptyIntList.sum() // returns 0
emptyDoubleList.sum() // returns 0.0
[].sum() // returns 0

min / max

Returns the minimum/maximum valued element of the provided list. Supports all comparable types. If the list is empty, an error is returned.

<list<T>>.min() <T>, T must be a comparable type
<list<T>>.max() <T>, T must be a comparable type


[1, 3].min() // returns 1
[1, 3].max() // returns 3
[].min() // error
[1].min() // returns 1
([0] + emptyList).min() // returns 0

indexOf / lastIndexOf

Returns either the first or last positional index of the provided element in the list. If the element is not found, -1 is returned. Supports all equatable types.

<list<T>>.indexOf(<T>) <int>, T must be an equatable type
<list<T>>.lastIndexOf(<T>) <int>, T must be an equatable type


[1, 2, 2, 3].indexOf(2) // returns 1
['a', 'b', 'b', 'c'].lastIndexOf('b') // returns 2
[1.0].indexOf(1.1) // returns -1
[].indexOf('string') // returns -1

func NewAuthorizerVal added in v0.27.0

func NewAuthorizerVal(userInfo user.Info, authorizer authorizer.Authorizer) ref.Val

func NewResourceAuthorizerVal added in v0.27.0

func NewResourceAuthorizerVal(userInfo user.Info, authorizer authorizer.Authorizer, requestResource Resource) ref.Val

func Regex

func Regex() cel.EnvOption

Regex provides a CEL function library extension of regex utility functions.

find / findAll

Returns substrings that match the provided regular expression. find returns the first match. findAll may optionally be provided a limit. If the limit is set and >= 0, no more than the limit number of matches are returned.

<string>.find(<string>) <string>
<string>.findAll(<string>) <list <string>>
<string>.findAll(<string>, <int>) <list <string>>


"abc 123".find('[0-9]*') // returns '123'
"abc 123".find('xyz') // returns ''
"123 abc 456".findAll('[0-9]*') // returns ['123', '456']
"123 abc 456".findAll('[0-9]*', 1) // returns ['123']
"123 abc 456".findAll('xyz') // returns []

func Test added in v0.28.0

func Test(options ...TestOption) cel.EnvOption

Test provides a test() function that returns true.

func TestVersion added in v0.28.0

func TestVersion(version uint32) func(lib *testLib) *testLib

func URLs

func URLs() cel.EnvOption

URLs provides a CEL function library extension of URL parsing functions.


Converts a string to a URL or results in an error if the string is not a valid URL. The URL must be an absolute URI or an absolute path.

url(<string>) <URL>


url('https://user:[email protected]:80/path?query=val#fragment') // returns a URL
url('/absolute-path') // returns a URL
url('https://a:b:c/') // error
url('../relative-path') // error


Returns true if a string is a valid URL. The URL must be an absolute URI or an absolute path.

isURL( <string>) <bool>


isURL('https://user:[email protected]:80/path?query=val#fragment') // returns true
isURL('/absolute-path') // returns true
isURL('https://a:b:c/') // returns false
isURL('../relative-path') // returns false

getScheme / getHost / getHostname / getPort / getEscapedPath / getQuery

Return the parsed components of a URL.

  • getScheme: If absent in the URL, returns an empty string.

  • getHostname: IPv6 addresses are returned without braces, e.g. "::1". If absent in the URL, returns an empty string.

  • getHost: IPv6 addresses are returned with braces, e.g. "[::1]". If absent in the URL, returns an empty string.

  • getEscapedPath: The string returned by getEscapedPath is URL escaped, e.g. "with space" becomes "with%20space". If absent in the URL, returns an empty string.

  • getPort: If absent in the URL, returns an empty string.

  • getQuery: Returns the query parameters in "matrix" form where a repeated query key is interpreted to mean that there are multiple values for that key. The keys and values are returned unescaped. If absent in the URL, returns an empty map.

    <URL>.getScheme() <string> <URL>.getHost() <string> <URL>.getHostname() <string> <URL>.getPort() <string> <URL>.getEscapedPath() <string> <URL>.getQuery() <map <string>, <list <string>>


url('/path').getScheme() // returns ''
url('').getScheme() // returns 'https'
url('').getHost() // returns ''
url('').getHost() // returns ''
url('https://[::1]:80/').getHost() // returns '[::1]:80'
url('https://[::1]/').getHost() // returns '[::1]'
url('/path').getHost() // returns ''
url('').getHostname() // returns ''
url('').getHostname() // returns ''
url('https://[::1]:80/').getHostname() // returns '::1'
url('/path').getHostname() // returns ''
url('').getPort() // returns '80'
url('').getPort() // returns ''
url('/path').getPort() // returns ''
url('').getEscapedPath() // returns '/path'
url(' with spaces/').getEscapedPath() // returns '/path%20with%20spaces/'
url('').getEscapedPath() // returns ''
url('').getQuery() // returns { 'k1': ['a'], 'k2': ['b', 'c']}
url(' with spaces=value with spaces').getQuery() // returns { 'key with spaces': ['value with spaces']}
url('').getQuery() // returns {}
url('').getQuery() // returns {}


type CostEstimator

type CostEstimator struct {
	// SizeEstimator provides a CostEstimator.EstimateSize that this CostEstimator will delegate size estimation
	// calculations to if the size is not well known (i.e. a constant).
	SizeEstimator checker.CostEstimator

CostEstimator implements CEL's interpretable.ActualCostEstimator and checker.CostEstimator.

func (*CostEstimator) CallCost

func (l *CostEstimator) CallCost(function, overloadId string, args []ref.Val, result ref.Val) *uint64

func (*CostEstimator) EstimateCallCost

func (l *CostEstimator) EstimateCallCost(function, overloadId string, target *checker.AstNode, args []checker.AstNode) *checker.CallEstimate

func (*CostEstimator) EstimateSize

func (l *CostEstimator) EstimateSize(element checker.AstNode) *checker.SizeEstimate

type Resource added in v0.27.0

type Resource interface {
	// GetName returns the name of the object as presented in the request.  On a CREATE operation, the client
	// may omit name and rely on the server to generate the name.  If that is the case, this method will return
	// the empty string
	GetName() string
	// GetNamespace is the namespace associated with the request (if any)
	GetNamespace() string
	// GetResource is the name of the resource being requested.  This is not the kind.  For example: pods
	GetResource() schema.GroupVersionResource
	// GetSubresource is the name of the subresource being requested.  This is a different resource, scoped to the parent resource, but it may have a different kind.
	// For instance, /pods has the resource "pods" and the kind "Pod", while /pods/foo/status has the resource "pods", the sub resource "status", and the kind "Pod"
	// (because status operates on pods). The binding resource for a pod though may be /pods/foo/binding, which has resource "pods", subresource "binding", and kind "Binding".
	GetSubresource() string

Resource represents an API resource

type TestOption added in v0.28.0

type TestOption func(*testLib) *testLib

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