Brutally simple pastebin
Brutally simple pastebin in go, utilizing almost nothing but the standard
GET /view/<id> # Returns the contents of the paste at that ID
# Content type is set to text/plain regardless.
# Never requires authentication
POST /new # Create a new paste from the content in the HTTP body.
# No parsing is done server side.
# HTTP response body will contain the ID followed by a
# single newline
# If configured, will require http basic auth in order
# to use this endpoint
GET /list # List all of the pastes
# If configured, will require http basic auth in order
# to use this endpoint
Create a new paste:
curl -X POST --data-binary @/path/to/file http://localhost:6130/new
Display a paste
curl http://localhost:6130/view/<id>
Each paste is a file, a random id assigned at creation. There's no way to edit
or change a paste. The only way to delete it is to remove it from the
filesystem manually.
If you have go already installed and properly configured on your system and
would like to mess with it:
go install
Will install it.
By default if it doesn't detect any users it will run without authentication.
It warns you of this. You do not want this running on a public network
segment without auth.
To setup authentication supply environment variables in the form of:
You can generate a hash interactive from the server executable:
$ go run . -genhash
Enter password:
hash: $2a$10$MdpHOxqyaxVwX7tBmch/MOnuq5jgcy7ciCUGwixVR43SchyDtxLVW
So, to allow Mitch to utilize that password:
$ export USER_mitch='$2a$10$MdpHOxqyaxVwX7tBmch/MOnuq5jgcy7ciCUGwixVR43SchyDtxLVW'
The server will print the users it finds on startup:
$ go run main.go -s storage/
Found user: sally
Found user: bob
Found user: mitch
Found user: ted
listening on: :6130
Production configuration
Put it behind Nginx, Caddy or some other HTTPS capable proxy. Make SURE user
authentication is configured.
The details of that reverse proxy configuration are beyond the scope of this