A tool for decrypting file format version 2 Valv-encrypted files.
★ Releases ★ Changelog ★ 
dvalv takes one or more file arguments, prompts for a password, and then
attempts to decrypt those files. The output file names are read from the
encrypted file metadata.
dvalv EmOz8t9xAdHbMvoJdN0L26AC3VOQcFOr-i.valv
- handle multiple files and directories at a time
- recursively process a directory
- process files concurrently; this can be disabled with
- mirror the source directory structure
- fetch the encryption password from a secret service
- decrypt both v1 and v2 format Valv files
dvalv can decrypt ca. 5GB in ca. 3.5k files in 41s. It can encrypt ca. 4GB in ca. 1600 files in
around 47s
dvalv can be installed directly with go install
go install ser1.net/dvalv@latest
Binaries for Linux, Windows, and Darwin are provided by the CI process. See the
Releases link above.
Run dvalv --help
for usage information, or see the man page included in the distribution archive(s).
Recursively decrypt a directory into a directory called family_photos
dvalv --dest family_photos ~/SyncedDir/Family/
Encrypt a single file:
dvalv -e my_essay.txt
Decrypt a file, getting the password from rook:
dvalv --passcmd "rook show -np EncryptedVault" xAFwZcOPzC1S2G11unHXb7VCkcXbcZBY-x.valv
Encrypt some files and a directory into /tmp
dvalv --dest /tmp -e one.txt two.md three.png