Path | Synopsis |
appfile is a command-line interface to an appfs file system.
appfile is a command-line interface to an appfs file system. |
appmount mounts an appfs file system.
appmount mounts an appfs file system. |
Package client implements a basic appfs client.
Package client implements a basic appfs client. |
Package fs is an indirection layer, allowing code to use a file system without knowing whether it is the host file system (running without App Engine) or the datastore-based app file system (running on App Engine).
Package fs is an indirection layer, allowing code to use a file system without knowing whether it is the host file system (running without App Engine) or the datastore-based app file system (running on App Engine). |
Package proto defines the protocol between appfs client and server.
Package proto defines the protocol between appfs client and server. |
Package server implements an appfs server backed by the App Engine datastore.
Package server implements an appfs server backed by the App Engine datastore. |
Package arq implements read-only access to Arq backups stored on S3.
Package arq implements read-only access to Arq backups stored on S3. |
Arqfs implements a file system interface to a collection of Arq backups.
Arqfs implements a file system interface to a collection of Arq backups. |
Hist shows the history of a given file, using Arq backups.
Hist shows the history of a given file, using Arq backups. |
Package atom defines XML data structures for an Atom feed.
Package atom defines XML data structures for an Atom feed. |
Package cc implements parsing, type checking, and printing of C programs.
Package cc implements parsing, type checking, and printing of C programs. |
Package cloudprint implements sending and receiving print jobs using Google Cloud Print (
Package cloudprint implements sending and receiving print jobs using Google Cloud Print ( |
Acmego watches acme for .go files being written.
Acmego watches acme for .go files being written. |
Asmlint looks for errors in and sometimes rewrites assembly source files.
Asmlint looks for errors in and sometimes rewrites assembly source files. |
Bundle combines all source files for a given package into a single source file, optionally adding a prefix to all top-level names.
Bundle combines all source files for a given package into a single source file, optionally adding a prefix to all top-level names. |
Crypt is a simple password-based encryption program, demonstrating how to use
Crypt is a simple password-based encryption program, demonstrating how to use |
Dateseq prints a sequence of dates.
Dateseq prints a sequence of dates. |
Editpcln displays and edits the file names stored in a Go object file or archive.
Editpcln displays and edits the file names stored in a Go object file or archive. |
Googlecsv prints a spreadsheet from Google Drive in CSV format.
Googlecsv prints a spreadsheet from Google Drive in CSV format. |
jfmt reads JSON from standard input, formats it, and writes it to standard output.
jfmt reads JSON from standard input, formats it, and writes it to standard output. |
Labels converts comma-separated-value records to PostScript mailing labels.
Labels converts comma-separated-value records to PostScript mailing labels. |
Mkzip creates a zip file from a 'proto' file describing the contents.
Mkzip creates a zip file from a 'proto' file describing the contents. |
Numbers is a text-based calculator language.
Numbers is a text-based calculator language. |
pprof_mac_fix moved.
pprof_mac_fix moved. |
Uploadbot uploads tgz snapshots of Mercurial repositories to the download section of a Google Code project.
Uploadbot uploads tgz snapshots of Mercurial repositories to the download section of a Google Code project. |
Package crypt provides simple, password-based encryption and decryption of data blobs.
Package crypt provides simple, password-based encryption and decryption of data blobs. |
Package dbstore stores and retrieves Go data structures as rows in a SQL database.
Package dbstore stores and retrieves Go data structures as rows in a SQL database. |
Devweb is a simple environment for developing a web server.
Devweb is a simple environment for developing a web server. |
Package ext2 implements read-only access to EXT2 file systems.
Package ext2 implements read-only access to EXT2 file systems. |
Package fuse enables writing FUSE file systems on FreeBSD, Linux, and OS X.
Package fuse enables writing FUSE file systems on FreeBSD, Linux, and OS X. |
Hellofs implements a simple "hello world" file system.
Hellofs implements a simple "hello world" file system. |
Package gf256 implements arithmetic over the Galois Field GF(256).
Package gf256 implements arithmetic over the Galois Field GF(256). |
Package issue provides access to the Google Code Issue Tracker API.
Package issue provides access to the Google Code Issue Tracker API. |
Package dashboard implements the issue dashboard for an upcoming Go release.
Package dashboard implements the issue dashboard for an upcoming Go release. |
Package keychain implements access to the passwords and other keys stored in the system-provided keychain.
Package keychain implements access to the passwords and other keys stored in the system-provided keychain. |
Package oauthprompt implements prompting a local user for an OAuth token and caching the result in the user's home directory.
Package oauthprompt implements prompting a local user for an OAuth token and caching the result in the user's home directory. |
Package plist implements parsing of Apple plist files.
Package plist implements parsing of Apple plist files. |
Package qr encodes QR codes.
Package qr encodes QR codes. |
Package coding implements low-level QR coding details.
Package coding implements low-level QR coding details. |
Package libqrencode wraps the C libqrencode library.
Package libqrencode wraps the C libqrencode library. |
S3get fetches a single object from or lists the objects in an S3 bucket.
S3get fetches a single object from or lists the objects in an S3 bucket. |
Scancab is an implementation of a document scanning cabinet.
Scancab is an implementation of a document scanning cabinet. |
Package database implements the database for the scanning cabinet.
Package database implements the database for the scanning cabinet. |
Package smugmug uses the SmugMug API to manipulate photo albums stored on
Package smugmug uses the SmugMug API to manipulate photo albums stored on |
Smugup uploads a collection of photos to SmugMug.
Smugup uploads a collection of photos to SmugMug. |
Package webdriver implements a client for the Selenium WebDriver wire protocol.
Package webdriver implements a client for the Selenium WebDriver wire protocol. |
Package websrv provides a stylized way to write HTTP handlers and run an HTTP server.
Package websrv provides a stylized way to write HTTP handlers and run an HTTP server. |
Package xmpp implements a simple Google Talk client using the XMPP protocol described in RFC 3920 and RFC 3921.
Package xmpp implements a simple Google Talk client using the XMPP protocol described in RFC 3920 and RFC 3921. |
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.