Kopano Konnect implements an OpenID provider
(OP) with integrated web login and consent forms.

Either download a Konnect binary release from https://download.kopano.io/community/konnect:/
or use the Docker image from https://hub.docker.com/r/kopano/konnectd/ to run
Konnect. For details how to run Konnect see below.
Standards supported by Konnect
Konnect provides services based on open standards. To get you an idea what
Konnect can do and how you could use it, this section lists the
OpenID Connect standards which are implemented.
Furthermore the following extensions/base specifications extend, define and
combine the implementation details.
Build dependencies
Make sure you have Go 1.13 or later installed. This project uses Go Modules.
Konnect also includes a modern web app which requires a couple of additional
build dependencies which are furthermore also assumed to be in your $PATH.
To build Konnect, a Makefile
is provided, which requires make.
When building, third party dependencies will tried to be fetched from the Internet
if not there already.
Building from source
git clone <THIS-PROJECT> konnect
cd konnect
Optional build dependencies
Some optional build dependencies are required for linting and continuous
integration. Those tools are mostly used by make to perform various tasks and
are expected to be found in your $PATH.
Build with Docker
docker build -t konnectd-builder -f Dockerfile.build .
docker run -it --rm -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd):/build kapid-konnectd
Running Konnect
Konnect can provide user login with Kopano Groupware Storage server as backend,
use a cookie aware web login area which supports the ?continue parameter, or
also can directly connect to a LDAP server.
All backends require certain general parameters to be present. Create a RSA
key-pair file with openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private-key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096
and provide the key file with the --signing-private-key
parameter. Konnect can
load PEM encoded PKCS#1 and PKCS#8 key files and JSON Web Keys from .json
If you skip this, Konnect will create a random non-persistent RSA key on startup.
To encrypt certain values, Konnect needs a secure encryption key. Create a
suitable key of 32 bytes with openssl rand -out encryption.key 32
and provide
the full path to that file via the --encryption-secret
parameter. If you skip
this, Konnect will generate a random key on startup.
To run a functional OpenID Connect provider, an issuer identifier is required.
The iss
is a full qualified https:// URI pointing to the web server which
serves the requests to Konnect (example: https://example.com). Provide the
Issuer Identifier with the --iss
parametter when starting Konnect.
Furthermore to allow clients to utilize the Konnect services, clients need to
be known/registered. For now Konnect uses a static configuration file which
allows clients and their allowed urls to be registered. See the the example at
. Copy and modify that file to include all
the clients which should be able to use OpenID Connect and/or OAuth2 and start
Konnect with the --identifier-registration-conf
parameter pointing to that
file. Without any explicitly registered clients, Konnect will only accept clients
which redirect to an URI which starts with the value provided with the --iss
Konnect cryptography and validation
A tool can be used to create keys for Konnect and also to validate tokens to
ensure correct operation is Step CLI. This
helps since OpenSSL is not able to create or validate all of the different key
formats, ciphers and curves which are supported by Konnect.
Here are some examples relevant for Konnect.
step crypto keypair 1-rsa.pub 1-rsa.pem \
--kty RSA --size 4096 --no-password --insecure
step crypto keypair 1-ecdsa-p-256.pub 1-ecdsa-p-256.pem \
--kty EC --curve P-256 --no-password --insecure
step crypto jwk create 1-eddsa-ed25519.pub.json 1-eddsa-ed25519.key.json \
-kty OKP --crv Ed25519 --no-password --insecure
echo $TOKEN_VALUE | step crypto jwt verify --iss $ISS \
--aud playground-trusted.js --jwks $ISS/konnect/v1/jwks.json
URL endpoints
Take a look at Caddyfile.example
on the URL endpoints provided by Konnect and
how to expose them through a TLS proxy.
The base URL of the frontend proxy is what will become the value of the --iss
parameter when starting up Konnect. OIDC requires the Issuer Identifier to be
secure (https:// required).
Kopano Groupware Storage server backend
This assumes that Konnect can connect directly to a Kopano server via SOAP
either using a unix socket or a TCP connection.
Kopano Groupware Storage server backend connections can either use a dedicated
service connection which might require a TLS certificate or a certain unix user
to access the unix socket (not recommended) or bind the Konnect session and
tokens to the underlaying Groupware Storage server's session (default).
export KOPANO_SERVER_DEFAULT_URI=http://mykopano.local:236
bin/konnectd serve --listen= \
--iss=https://mykonnect.local \
Give dedicated user session credentials via environment variables as shown in the
example below.
export KOPANO_SERVER_DEFAULT_URI=http://mykopano.local:236
export KOPANO_SERVER_USERNAME=my-kopano-user
export KOPANO_SERVER_PASSWORD=my-kopano-password
bin/konnectd serve --listen= \
--iss=https://mykonnect.local \
Or run Konnect as local_admin_unix user. Only run konnectd like this when you
actually use that authentication scheme. Otherwise ensure that Konnect is not
running as local admin user for best security.
su - kopano
export KOPANO_SERVER_DEFAULT_URI=file:///run/kopano/server.sock
bin/konnectd serve --listen= \
--iss=https://mykonnect.local \
In some situations the only option is to authenticate to the backend by
providing TLS client certificate and private key via environment variables.
export KOPANO_SERVER_DEFAULT_URI=https://mykopano.local:237
export KOPANO_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE=/path/to/client-tls/client-0.pem
export KOPANO_CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY=/path/to/client-tls/client-0.key
bin/konnectd serve --listen= \
--iss=https://mykonnect.local \
LDAP backend
This assumes that Konnect can directly connect to an LDAP server via TCP.
export LDAP_URI=ldap://myldap.local:389
export LDAP_BINDDN="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=local"
export LDAP_BINDPW="its-a-secret"
export LDAP_BASEDN="dc=example,dc=local"
export LDAP_SCOPE=sub
export LDAP_UUID_ATTRIBUTE=uidNumber
export LDAP_FILTER="(objectClass=organizationalPerson)"
bin/konnectd serve --listen= \
--iss=https://mykonnect.local \
Cookie backend
A cookie backend is also there for testing. It has limited amount of features
and should not be used in production. Essentially this backend assumes a login
area uses a HTTP cookie for authentication and Konnect is runnig in the same
scope as this cookie so the Konnect request can read and validate the cookie
using an internal proxy request.
This assumes that you have a set-up Kopano with a reverse proxy on
together with the proper proxy configuration to
pass through all requests to the /konnect/v1/
prefix to
Kopano Webapp supports the ?continue=
request parameter and the domains
of possible OIDC clients need to be added into webapp/config.php
with the
bin/konnectd serve --listen= \
--iss=https://mykopano.local \
--sign-in-uri=https://mykopano.local/webapp/ \
cookie https://mykopano.local/webapp/?load=custom&name=oidcuser "KOPANO_WEBAPP encryption-store-key"
Run with Docker
Kopano Konnect supports Docker to easily be run inside a container. Running with
Docker supports all features of Kopano Konnect and can make use of Docker
Secrets to manage sensitive data like keys.
Kopano provides official Docker images for Konnect.
docker pull kopano/konnectd
Run Konnect with Docker Swarm
Setup the Docker container in swarm mode like this:
cat /etc/kopano/konnectd-tokens-signing-key.pem | docker secret create konnectd_signing_private_key -
openssl rand 32 | docker secret create konnectd_encryption_secret -
docker service create \
--read-only \
--user=$(id -u kopano) \
--group=$(id -g kopano) \
--mount type=bind,source=/etc/ssl/certs,target=/etc/ssl/certs,readonly \
--secret konnectd_signing_private_key \
--secret konnectd_encryption_secret \
--env KOPANO_SERVER_DEFAULT_URI=file:///run/kopano/server.sock \
--mount type=bind,source=/run/kopano,target=/run/kopano \
--publish published=8777,target=8777,mode=host \
--name=konnectd \
kopano/konnectd \
serve \
--iss=https://mykonnect.local \
This example assumes the local system has a user kopano
which can access
the Kopano Groupware Core unix socket as admin user SYSTEM
Run Konnect from Docker image
openssl rand 32 -out /etc/kopano/konnectd-encryption-secret.key
docker run --rm=true --name=konnectd \
--read-only \
--user=$(id -u kopano):$(id -g kopano) \
--volume /etc/ssl/certs:/etc/ssl/certs:ro \
--volume /etc/kopano/konnectd-tokens-signing-key.pem:/run/secrets/konnectd_signing_private_key:ro \
--volume /etc/kopano/konnectd-encryption.key:/run/secrets/konnectd_encryption_secret:ro \
--env KOPANO_SERVER_DEFAULT_URI=file:///run/kopano/server.sock \
--volume /run/kopano:/run/kopano:rw \
--publish \
kopano/konnectd \
serve \
--iss=https://mykonnect.local \
Of course modify the paths and ports according to your requirements. The Docker
examples are for the kc identity manager, but work for the others as well if
you adapt the parameters and environment variables. The above example assumes
the local system has a user kopano
which can access the Kopano Groupware Core
unix socket as admin user SYSTEM
Build Konnect Docker image
This project includes a Dockerfile
which can be used to build a Docker
container from the locally build version. Similarly the Dockerfile.release
builds the Docker image locally from the latest release download.
docker build -t kopano/konnectd .
docker build -f Dockerfile.release -t kopano/konnectd .
Run unit tests
cd ~/go/src/stash.kopano.io/kc/konnect
make test
As Konnect includes a web application (identifier), a Caddyfile.dev
file is
provided which exposes the identifier's web application directly via a
webpack dev server.
Konnect is built stripped and without debug symbols by default. To build for
debugging, compile with additional environment variables which override/reset
build optimization like this
LDFLAGS="" GCFLAGS="all=-N -l" ASMFLAGS="" make cmd/konnectd
The resulting binary is not stripped and sutiable to be debugged with Delve.
To connect Delve to a running Konnect binary you can use the make dlv
Control its behavior via DLV_*
environment variables. See the Makefile
for details.
DLV_ARGS= make dlv
Remote debugging
To use remote debugging, pass additional args like this.
DLV_ARGS=--listen=:2345 make dlv
IDE integration for development and debugging
Some editors like VSCode are offering integrated debugger support for Go based
software via extensions. Konnect can be started directly from such an IDE by
pointing the IDE to the corresponding cmd
which should be debugged. This is
most likely cmd/konnect
Example .vscode/launch.json
for building and running konnectd
directly from
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Run Konnect kc",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "debug",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/cmd/konnectd",
"args": [
"env": {
"name": "Attach",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"remotePath": "${workspaceFolder}/.gopath/src/stash.kopano.io/kc/konnect",
"mode": "remote",
"port": 2345,
"host": "",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}",
The Run konnect kc
launcher builds and runs konnectd with the debugger
attached to it directly, while the Attach
launcher connects to a remote
See https://github.com/go-delve/delve/blob/master/Documentation/EditorIntegration.md
for further examples and details.
Usage survey
By default, any running konnectd regularly transmits survey data to a Kopano
user survey service at https://stats.kopano.io . To disable participation, set
to no
The survey data includes system and platform information and the following
specific settings:
- Identify manager name (as selected when starting konnectd)
See here for further
documentation and customization possibilities.
for licensing information of this project.