Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func EtherscanURL(tx string) string
- func GetRequest(ctx context.Context) *http.Request
- func NewMFAPasscode(secretKey string, t time.Time) (string, error)
- func NewMFARecoveryCode() (string, error)
- func NewMFASecretKey() (string, error)
- func NewMFAValidationOpts() totp.ValidateOpts
- func ValidateFullName(name string) error
- func ValidateMFAPasscode(passcode string, secretKey string, t time.Time) (bool, error)
- func ValidateNameAndDescription(name string, description string) error
- func ValidateNewPassword(pass string) error
- func WithRequest(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request) context.Context
- func WithUser(ctx context.Context, user *User) context.Context
- type APIKeyCursor
- type APIKeyInfo
- type APIKeyOrder
- type APIKeyPage
- type APIKeys
- type AccountActivationEmail
- type AccountAlreadyExistsEmail
- type AccountFreezeEvent
- type AccountFreezeEventLimits
- type AccountFreezeEventType
- type AccountFreezeEvents
- type AccountFreezeService
- func (s *AccountFreezeService) FreezeUser(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) (err error)
- func (s *AccountFreezeService) GetAll(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) (freeze *AccountFreezeEvent, warning *AccountFreezeEvent, err error)
- func (s *AccountFreezeService) IsUserFrozen(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) (_ bool, err error)
- func (s *AccountFreezeService) TestChangeFreezeTracker(t analytics.FreezeTracker)
- func (s *AccountFreezeService) UnWarnUser(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) (err error)
- func (s *AccountFreezeService) UnfreezeUser(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) (err error)
- func (s *AccountFreezeService) WarnUser(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) (err error)
- type AuthUser
- type BandwidthLimitConfig
- type BillingHistoryItem
- type BillingHistoryItemType
- type CaptchaConfig
- type CaptchaHandler
- type CaptchaType
- type Config
- type CreateAPIKeyRequest
- type CreateAPIKeyResponse
- type CreateUser
- type DB
- type DBTx
- type ForgotPasswordEmail
- type LockAccountEmail
- type MultiCaptchaConfig
- type OrderDirection
- type PaymentInfo
- type Payments
- func (payment Payments) AccountBalance(ctx context.Context) (balance payments.Balance, err error)
- func (payment Payments) AddCreditCard(ctx context.Context, creditCardToken string) (card payments.CreditCard, err error)
- func (payment Payments) ApplyCoupon(ctx context.Context, couponID string) (coupon *payments.Coupon, err error)
- func (payment Payments) ApplyCouponCode(ctx context.Context, couponCode string) (coupon *payments.Coupon, err error)
- func (payment Payments) ApplyCredit(ctx context.Context, amount int64, desc string) (err error)
- func (payment Payments) ApplyFreeTierCoupon(ctx context.Context) (coupon *payments.Coupon, err error)
- func (payment Payments) AttemptPayOverdueInvoices(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- func (payment Payments) BillingHistory(ctx context.Context) (billingHistory []*BillingHistoryItem, err error)
- func (payment Payments) ClaimWallet(ctx context.Context) (_ WalletInfo, err error)
- func (payment Payments) GetCoupon(ctx context.Context) (coupon *payments.Coupon, err error)
- func (payment Payments) GetProjectUsagePriceModel(partner string) (_ *payments.ProjectUsagePriceModel)
- func (payment Payments) GetWallet(ctx context.Context) (_ WalletInfo, err error)
- func (payment Payments) ListCreditCards(ctx context.Context) (_ []payments.CreditCard, err error)
- func (payment Payments) MakeCreditCardDefault(ctx context.Context, cardID string) (err error)
- func (payment Payments) ProjectsCharges(ctx context.Context, since, before time.Time) (_ payments.ProjectChargesResponse, err error)
- func (payment Payments) Purchase(ctx context.Context, price int64, desc string, paymentMethodID string) (err error)
- func (payment Payments) RemoveCreditCard(ctx context.Context, cardID string) (err error)
- func (payment Payments) SetupAccount(ctx context.Context) (_ payments.CouponType, err error)
- func (payment Payments) UpdatePackage(ctx context.Context, packagePlan string, purchaseTime time.Time) (err error)
- func (payment Payments) WalletPayments(ctx context.Context) (_ WalletPayments, err error)
- type Project
- type ProjectInfo
- type ProjectInvitationEmail
- type ProjectLimitConfig
- type ProjectLimits
- type ProjectMember
- type ProjectMemberOrder
- type ProjectMembers
- type ProjectMembersCursor
- type ProjectMembersPage
- type ProjectUsageLimits
- type Projects
- type ProjectsCursor
- type ProjectsPage
- type RESTKeys
- type RegistrationSecret
- type RegistrationToken
- type RegistrationTokens
- type ResetPasswordSecret
- type ResetPasswordToken
- type ResetPasswordTokens
- type ResponseUser
- type SegmentLimitConfig
- type Service
- func (s *Service) ActivateAccount(ctx context.Context, activationToken string) (user *User, err error)
- func (s *Service) AddProjectMembers(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, emails []string) (users []*User, err error)
- func (s *Service) ChangeEmail(ctx context.Context, newEmail string) (err error)
- func (s *Service) ChangePassword(ctx context.Context, pass, newPass string) (err error)
- func (s *Service) CreateAPIKey(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, name string) (_ *APIKeyInfo, _ *macaroon.APIKey, err error)
- func (s *Service) CreateProject(ctx context.Context, projectInfo ProjectInfo) (p *Project, err error)
- func (s *Service) CreateRESTKey(ctx context.Context, expiration time.Duration) (apiKey string, expiresAt time.Time, err error)
- func (s *Service) CreateRegToken(ctx context.Context, projLimit int) (_ *RegistrationToken, err error)
- func (s *Service) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, user CreateUser, tokenSecret RegistrationSecret) (u *User, err error)
- func (s *Service) DeleteAPIKeyByNameAndProjectID(ctx context.Context, name string, projectID uuid.UUID) (err error)
- func (s *Service) DeleteAPIKeys(ctx context.Context, ids []uuid.UUID) (err error)
- func (s *Service) DeleteAccount(ctx context.Context, password string) (err error)
- func (s *Service) DeleteAllSessionsByUserIDExcept(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID, sessionID uuid.UUID) (err error)
- func (s *Service) DeleteProject(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (err error)
- func (s *Service) DeleteProjectMembers(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, emails []string) (err error)
- func (s *Service) DeleteSession(ctx context.Context, sessionID uuid.UUID) (err error)
- func (s *Service) DisableUserMFA(ctx context.Context, passcode string, t time.Time, recoveryCode string) (err error)
- func (s *Service) EnableUserMFA(ctx context.Context, passcode string, t time.Time) (err error)
- func (s *Service) GenCreateAPIKey(ctx context.Context, requestInfo CreateAPIKeyRequest) (*CreateAPIKeyResponse, api.HTTPError)
- func (s *Service) GenCreateProject(ctx context.Context, projectInfo ProjectInfo) (p *Project, httpError api.HTTPError)
- func (s *Service) GenDeleteAPIKey(ctx context.Context, keyID uuid.UUID) (httpError api.HTTPError)
- func (s *Service) GenDeleteProject(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (httpError api.HTTPError)
- func (s *Service) GenGetAPIKeys(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, search string, limit, page uint, ...) (*APIKeyPage, api.HTTPError)
- func (s *Service) GenGetBucketUsageRollups(ctx context.Context, reqProjectID uuid.UUID, since, before time.Time) (rollups []accounting.BucketUsageRollup, httpError api.HTTPError)
- func (s *Service) GenGetSingleBucketUsageRollup(ctx context.Context, reqProjectID uuid.UUID, bucket string, ...) (rollup *accounting.BucketUsageRollup, httpError api.HTTPError)
- func (s *Service) GenGetUser(ctx context.Context) (*ResponseUser, api.HTTPError)
- func (s *Service) GenGetUsersProjects(ctx context.Context) (ps []Project, httpErr api.HTTPError)
- func (s *Service) GenUpdateProject(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, projectInfo ProjectInfo) (p *Project, httpError api.HTTPError)
- func (s *Service) GenerateActivationToken(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID, email string) (token string, err error)
- func (s *Service) GeneratePasswordRecoveryToken(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (token string, err error)
- func (s *Service) GenerateSessionToken(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID, email, ip, userAgent string) (_ *TokenInfo, err error)
- func (s *Service) GetAPIKeyInfo(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (_ *APIKeyInfo, err error)
- func (s *Service) GetAPIKeyInfoByName(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, name string) (_ *APIKeyInfo, err error)
- func (s *Service) GetAPIKeys(ctx context.Context, reqProjectID uuid.UUID, cursor APIKeyCursor) (page *APIKeyPage, err error)
- func (s *Service) GetAllBucketNames(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (_ []string, err error)
- func (s *Service) GetBucketTotals(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, cursor accounting.BucketUsageCursor, ...) (_ *accounting.BucketUsagePage, err error)
- func (s *Service) GetDailyProjectUsage(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, from, to time.Time) (_ *accounting.ProjectDailyUsage, err error)
- func (s *Service) GetProject(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (p *Project, err error)
- func (s *Service) GetProjectMembers(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, cursor ProjectMembersCursor) (pmp *ProjectMembersPage, err error)
- func (s *Service) GetProjectUsage(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, since, before time.Time) (_ *accounting.ProjectUsage, err error)
- func (s *Service) GetProjectUsageLimits(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (_ *ProjectUsageLimits, err error)
- func (s *Service) GetSalt(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (salt []byte, err error)
- func (s *Service) GetTotalUsageLimits(ctx context.Context) (_ *ProjectUsageLimits, err error)
- func (s *Service) GetUser(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (u *User, err error)
- func (s *Service) GetUserByEmailWithUnverified(ctx context.Context, email string) (verified *User, unverified []User, err error)
- func (s *Service) GetUserID(ctx context.Context) (id uuid.UUID, err error)
- func (s *Service) GetUserSettings(ctx context.Context) (settings *UserSettings, err error)
- func (s *Service) GetUsersOwnedProjectsPage(ctx context.Context, cursor ProjectsCursor) (_ ProjectsPage, err error)
- func (s *Service) GetUsersProjects(ctx context.Context) (ps []Project, err error)
- func (s *Service) KeyAuth(ctx context.Context, apikey string, authTime time.Time) (_ context.Context, err error)
- func (s *Service) Payments() Payments
- func (s *Service) RefreshSession(ctx context.Context, sessionID uuid.UUID) (expiresAt time.Time, err error)
- func (s *Service) ResetMFARecoveryCodes(ctx context.Context) (codes []string, err error)
- func (s *Service) ResetMFASecretKey(ctx context.Context) (key string, err error)
- func (s *Service) ResetPassword(ctx context.Context, resetPasswordToken, password string, passcode string, ...) (err error)
- func (s *Service) RevokeRESTKey(ctx context.Context, apiKey string) (err error)
- func (s *Service) RevokeResetPasswordToken(ctx context.Context, resetPasswordToken string) (err error)
- func (s *Service) SetUserSettings(ctx context.Context, request UpsertUserSettingsRequest) (settings *UserSettings, err error)
- func (s *Service) TestSwapCaptchaHandler(h CaptchaHandler)
- func (s *Service) Token(ctx context.Context, request AuthUser) (response *TokenInfo, err error)
- func (s *Service) TokenAuth(ctx context.Context, token consoleauth.Token, authTime time.Time) (_ context.Context, err error)
- func (s *Service) UpdateAccount(ctx context.Context, fullName string, shortName string) (err error)
- func (s *Service) UpdateProject(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, updatedProject ProjectInfo) (p *Project, err error)
- func (s *Service) UpdateUsersFailedLoginState(ctx context.Context, user *User) (err error)
- func (s *Service) VerifyForgotPasswordCaptcha(ctx context.Context, responseToken, userIP string) (valid bool, err error)
- type SessionConfig
- type SingleCaptchaConfig
- type StorageLimitConfig
- type TokenInfo
- type UnknownResetPasswordEmail
- type UpdateUserRequest
- type UpsertUserSettingsRequest
- type UsageLimits
- type UsageLimitsConfig
- type User
- type UserInfo
- type UserSettings
- type UserStatus
- type Users
- type WalletInfo
- type WalletPayments
Constants ¶
const ( // PasswordMinimumLength is the minimum allowed length for user account passwords. PasswordMinimumLength = 6 // PasswordMaximumLength is the maximum allowed length for user account passwords. PasswordMaximumLength = 72 )
const (
// MFARecoveryCodeCount specifies how many MFA recovery codes to generate.
MFARecoveryCodeCount = 10
const ( // TestPasswordCost is the hashing complexity to use for testing. TestPasswordCost = bcrypt.MinCost )
Variables ¶
var ( // ErrMFAMissing is error type that occurs when a request is incomplete // due to missing MFA passcode or recovery code. ErrMFAMissing = errs.Class("MFA credentials missing") // ErrMFAConflict is error type that occurs when both a passcode and recovery code are given. ErrMFAConflict = errs.Class("MFA conflict") // ErrMFARecoveryCode is error type that represents usage of invalid MFA recovery code. ErrMFARecoveryCode = errs.Class("MFA recovery code") // ErrMFAPasscode is error type that represents usage of invalid MFA passcode. ErrMFAPasscode = errs.Class("MFA passcode") )
var ( // Error describes internal console error. Error = errs.Class("console service") ErrUnauthorized = errs.Class("unauthorized") // ErrNoMembership is error type of not belonging to a specific project. ErrNoMembership = errs.Class("no membership") // ErrTokenExpiration is error type of token reached expiration time. ErrTokenExpiration = errs.Class("token expiration") // ErrTokenInvalid is error type of tokens which are invalid. ErrTokenInvalid = errs.Class("invalid token") // ErrProjLimit is error type of project limit. ErrProjLimit = errs.Class("project limit") // ErrUsage is error type of project usage. ErrUsage = errs.Class("project usage") // ErrLoginCredentials occurs when provided invalid login credentials. ErrLoginCredentials = errs.Class("login credentials") // ErrChangePassword occurs when provided old password is incorrect. ErrChangePassword = errs.Class("change password") // ErrEmailUsed is error type that occurs on repeating auth attempts with email. ErrEmailUsed = errs.Class("email used") // ErrEmailNotFound occurs when no users have the specified email. ErrEmailNotFound = errs.Class("email not found") // ErrNoAPIKey is error type that occurs when there is no api key found. ErrNoAPIKey = errs.Class("no api key found") // ErrAPIKeyRequest is returned when there is an error parsing a request for api keys. ErrAPIKeyRequest = errs.Class("api key request") // ErrRegToken describes registration token errors. ErrRegToken = errs.Class("registration token") // ErrCaptcha describes captcha validation errors. ErrCaptcha = errs.Class("captcha validation") // ErrRecoveryToken describes account recovery token errors. ErrRecoveryToken = errs.Class("recovery token") // ErrProjName is error that occurs with reused project names. ErrProjName = errs.Class("project name") // ErrPurchaseDesc is error that occurs when something is wrong with Purchase description. ErrPurchaseDesc = errs.Class("purchase description") // ErrAlreadyHasPackage is error that occurs when a user tries to update package, but already has one. ErrAlreadyHasPackage = errs.Class("user already has package") )
var ErrAccountFreeze = errs.Class("account freeze service")
ErrAccountFreeze is the class for errors that occur during operation of the account freeze service.
var ErrValidation = errs.Class("validation")
ErrValidation validation related error class.
var ErrWalletNotClaimed = errs.Class("wallet is not claimed")
ErrWalletNotClaimed shows that no address is claimed by the user.
Functions ¶
func EtherscanURL ¶ added in v1.62.1
EtherscanURL creates etherscan transaction URI.
func GetRequest ¶ added in v1.12.3
GetRequest gets *http.Request from context.
func NewMFAPasscode ¶ added in v1.36.1
NewMFAPasscode derives a TOTP passcode from a secret key using a timestamp.
func NewMFARecoveryCode ¶ added in v1.36.1
NewMFARecoveryCode returns a randomly generated MFA recovery code. Recovery codes are uppercase and alphanumeric. They are of the form XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.
func NewMFASecretKey ¶ added in v1.36.1
NewMFASecretKey generates a new TOTP secret key.
func NewMFAValidationOpts ¶ added in v1.36.1
func NewMFAValidationOpts() totp.ValidateOpts
NewMFAValidationOpts returns the options used to validate TOTP passcodes. These settings are also used to generate MFA secret keys for use in testing.
func ValidateFullName ¶ added in v0.27.0
ValidateFullName validates full name. It returns an plain error (not wrapped in a errs.Class) if name is invalid.
func ValidateMFAPasscode ¶ added in v1.36.1
ValidateMFAPasscode returns whether the TOTP passcode is valid for the secret key at the given time.
func ValidateNameAndDescription ¶ added in v1.13.1
ValidateNameAndDescription validates project name and description strings. Project name must have more than 0 and less than 21 symbols. Project description can't have more than hundred symbols.
func ValidateNewPassword ¶ added in v1.73.4
ValidateNewPassword validates password for creation. It returns an plain error (not wrapped in a errs.Class) if pass is invalid.
Previously the limit was 128, however, bcrypt ignores any characters beyond 72, hence this checks new passwords -- old passwords might be longer.
func WithRequest ¶ added in v1.12.3
WithRequest creates new context with *http.Request.
Types ¶
type APIKeyCursor ¶ added in v0.21.0
type APIKeyCursor struct { Search string `json:"search"` Limit uint `json:"limit"` Page uint `json:"page"` Order APIKeyOrder `json:"order"` OrderDirection OrderDirection `json:"orderDirection"` }
APIKeyCursor holds info for api keys cursor pagination.
type APIKeyInfo ¶
type APIKeyInfo struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id"` ProjectID uuid.UUID `json:"projectId"` ProjectPublicID uuid.UUID `json:"projectPublicId"` UserAgent []byte `json:"userAgent"` Name string `json:"name"` Head []byte `json:"-"` Secret []byte `json:"-"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` }
APIKeyInfo describing api key model in the database.
type APIKeyOrder ¶ added in v0.21.0
type APIKeyOrder uint8
APIKeyOrder is used for querying api keys in specified order.
const ( // KeyName indicates that we should order by key name. KeyName APIKeyOrder = 1 // CreationDate indicates that we should order by creation date. CreationDate APIKeyOrder = 2 )
type APIKeyPage ¶ added in v0.21.0
type APIKeyPage struct { APIKeys []APIKeyInfo `json:"apiKeys"` Search string `json:"search"` Limit uint `json:"limit"` Order APIKeyOrder `json:"order"` OrderDirection OrderDirection `json:"orderDirection"` Offset uint64 `json:"offset"` PageCount uint `json:"pageCount"` CurrentPage uint `json:"currentPage"` TotalCount uint64 `json:"totalCount"` }
APIKeyPage represent api key page result.
type APIKeys ¶
type APIKeys interface { // GetPagedByProjectID is a method for querying API keys from the database by projectID and cursor GetPagedByProjectID(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, cursor APIKeyCursor) (akp *APIKeyPage, err error) // Get retrieves APIKeyInfo with given ID Get(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (*APIKeyInfo, error) // GetByHead retrieves APIKeyInfo for given key head GetByHead(ctx context.Context, head []byte) (*APIKeyInfo, error) // GetByNameAndProjectID retrieves APIKeyInfo for given key name and projectID GetByNameAndProjectID(ctx context.Context, name string, projectID uuid.UUID) (*APIKeyInfo, error) // Create creates and stores new APIKeyInfo Create(ctx context.Context, head []byte, info APIKeyInfo) (*APIKeyInfo, error) // Update updates APIKeyInfo in store Update(ctx context.Context, key APIKeyInfo) error // Delete deletes APIKeyInfo from store Delete(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) error }
APIKeys is interface for working with api keys store.
architecture: Database
type AccountActivationEmail ¶ added in v1.62.1
type AccountActivationEmail struct { Origin string ActivationLink string ContactInfoURL string TermsAndConditionsURL string }
AccountActivationEmail is mailservice template with activation data.
func (*AccountActivationEmail) Subject ¶ added in v1.62.1
func (*AccountActivationEmail) Subject() string
Subject gets email subject.
func (*AccountActivationEmail) Template ¶ added in v1.62.1
func (*AccountActivationEmail) Template() string
Template returns email template name.
type AccountAlreadyExistsEmail ¶ added in v1.62.1
type AccountAlreadyExistsEmail struct { Origin string SatelliteName string SignInLink string ResetPasswordLink string CreateAccountLink string }
AccountAlreadyExistsEmail is mailservice template for email where user tries to create account, but one already exists.
func (*AccountAlreadyExistsEmail) Subject ¶ added in v1.62.1
func (*AccountAlreadyExistsEmail) Subject() string
Subject gets email subject.
func (*AccountAlreadyExistsEmail) Template ¶ added in v1.62.1
func (*AccountAlreadyExistsEmail) Template() string
Template returns email template name.
type AccountFreezeEvent ¶ added in v1.70.1
type AccountFreezeEvent struct { UserID uuid.UUID Type AccountFreezeEventType Limits *AccountFreezeEventLimits CreatedAt time.Time }
AccountFreezeEvent represents an event related to account freezing.
type AccountFreezeEventLimits ¶ added in v1.70.1
type AccountFreezeEventLimits struct { User UsageLimits `json:"user"` Projects map[uuid.UUID]UsageLimits `json:"projects"` }
AccountFreezeEventLimits represents the usage limits for a user's account and projects before they were frozen.
type AccountFreezeEventType ¶ added in v1.70.1
type AccountFreezeEventType int
AccountFreezeEventType is used to indicate the account freeze event's type.
const ( // Freeze signifies that the user has been frozen. Freeze AccountFreezeEventType = 0 // Warning signifies that the user has been warned that they may be frozen soon. Warning AccountFreezeEventType = 1 )
type AccountFreezeEvents ¶ added in v1.70.1
type AccountFreezeEvents interface { // Upsert is a method for updating an account freeze event if it exists and inserting it otherwise. Upsert(ctx context.Context, event *AccountFreezeEvent) (*AccountFreezeEvent, error) // Get is a method for querying account freeze event from the database by user ID and event type. Get(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID, eventType AccountFreezeEventType) (*AccountFreezeEvent, error) // GetAll is a method for querying all account freeze events from the database by user ID. GetAll(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) (freeze *AccountFreezeEvent, warning *AccountFreezeEvent, err error) // DeleteAllByUserID is a method for deleting all account freeze events from the database by user ID. DeleteAllByUserID(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) error // DeleteByUserIDAndEvent is a method for deleting all account `eventType` events from the database by user ID. DeleteByUserIDAndEvent(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID, eventType AccountFreezeEventType) error }
AccountFreezeEvents exposes methods to manage the account freeze events table in database.
architecture: Database
type AccountFreezeService ¶ added in v1.70.1
type AccountFreezeService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AccountFreezeService encapsulates operations concerning account freezes.
func NewAccountFreezeService ¶ added in v1.70.1
func NewAccountFreezeService(freezeEventsDB AccountFreezeEvents, usersDB Users, projectsDB Projects, tracker analytics.FreezeTracker) *AccountFreezeService
NewAccountFreezeService creates a new account freeze service.
func (*AccountFreezeService) FreezeUser ¶ added in v1.70.1
FreezeUser freezes the user specified by the given ID.
func (*AccountFreezeService) GetAll ¶ added in v1.74.1
func (s *AccountFreezeService) GetAll(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) (freeze *AccountFreezeEvent, warning *AccountFreezeEvent, err error)
GetAll returns all events for a user.
func (*AccountFreezeService) IsUserFrozen ¶ added in v1.70.1
func (s *AccountFreezeService) IsUserFrozen(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) (_ bool, err error)
IsUserFrozen returns whether the user specified by the given ID is frozen.
func (*AccountFreezeService) TestChangeFreezeTracker ¶ added in v1.78.1
func (s *AccountFreezeService) TestChangeFreezeTracker(t analytics.FreezeTracker)
TestChangeFreezeTracker changes the freeze tracker service for tests.
func (*AccountFreezeService) UnWarnUser ¶ added in v1.76.1
UnWarnUser reverses the warning placed on the user specified by the given ID.
func (*AccountFreezeService) UnfreezeUser ¶ added in v1.70.1
UnfreezeUser reverses the freeze placed on the user specified by the given ID.
type AuthUser ¶ added in v1.36.1
type AuthUser struct { Email string `json:"email"` Password string `json:"password"` MFAPasscode string `json:"mfaPasscode"` MFARecoveryCode string `json:"mfaRecoveryCode"` CaptchaResponse string `json:"captchaResponse"` IP string `json:"-"` UserAgent string `json:"-"` }
AuthUser holds info for user authentication token requests.
type BandwidthLimitConfig ¶ added in v1.34.1
type BandwidthLimitConfig struct { Free memory.Size `help:"the default free-tier bandwidth usage limit" default:"25.00GB" testDefault:"25.00 GB"` Paid memory.Size `help:"the default paid-tier bandwidth usage limit" default:"100.00TB" testDefault:"25.00 GB"` }
BandwidthLimitConfig is a configuration struct for default bandwidth per-project usage limits.
type BillingHistoryItem ¶ added in v0.25.0
type BillingHistoryItem struct { ID string `json:"id"` Description string `json:"description"` Amount int64 `json:"amount"` Remaining int64 `json:"remaining"` Received int64 `json:"received"` Status string `json:"status"` Link string `json:"link"` Start time.Time `json:"start"` End time.Time `json:"end"` Type BillingHistoryItemType `json:"type"` }
BillingHistoryItem holds all public information about billing history line.
type BillingHistoryItemType ¶ added in v0.25.0
type BillingHistoryItemType int
BillingHistoryItemType indicates type of billing history item.
const ( // Invoice is a Stripe invoice billing item. Invoice BillingHistoryItemType = 0 // Transaction is a Coinpayments transaction billing item. Transaction BillingHistoryItemType = 1 // Charge is a credit card charge billing item. Charge BillingHistoryItemType = 2 // Coupon is an entity that adds some funds to Accounts balance for some fixed period. Coupon BillingHistoryItemType = 3 // DepositBonus is an entity that adds some funds to Accounts balance after deposit with storj coins. DepositBonus BillingHistoryItemType = 4 )
type CaptchaConfig ¶ added in v1.62.1
type CaptchaConfig struct { Login MultiCaptchaConfig `json:"login"` Registration MultiCaptchaConfig `json:"registration"` }
CaptchaConfig contains configurations for login/registration captcha system.
type CaptchaHandler ¶ added in v1.56.1
type CaptchaHandler interface {
Verify(ctx context.Context, responseToken string, userIP string) (bool, *float64, error)
CaptchaHandler is responsible for contacting a captcha API and returning whether the user response characterized by the given response token and IP is valid.
func NewDefaultCaptcha ¶ added in v1.56.1
func NewDefaultCaptcha(kind CaptchaType, secretKey string) CaptchaHandler
NewDefaultCaptcha returns a captcha handler that contacts a reCAPTCHA or hCaptcha API.
type CaptchaType ¶ added in v1.56.1
type CaptchaType int
CaptchaType is a type of captcha.
const ( // Recaptcha is the type for reCAPTCHA. Recaptcha CaptchaType = iota // Hcaptcha is the type for hCaptcha. Hcaptcha )
type Config ¶ added in v0.34.8
type Config struct { PasswordCost int `help:"password hashing cost (0=automatic)" testDefault:"4" default:"0"` OpenRegistrationEnabled bool `help:"enable open registration" default:"false" testDefault:"true"` DefaultProjectLimit int `help:"default project limits for users" default:"1" testDefault:"5"` AsOfSystemTimeDuration time.Duration `help:"default duration for AS OF SYSTEM TIME" devDefault:"-5m" releaseDefault:"-5m" testDefault:"0"` LoginAttemptsWithoutPenalty int `help:"number of times user can try to login without penalty" default:"3"` FailedLoginPenalty float64 `help:"incremental duration of penalty for failed login attempts in minutes" default:"2.0"` UsageLimits UsageLimitsConfig Captcha CaptchaConfig Session SessionConfig }
Config keeps track of core console service configuration parameters.
type CreateAPIKeyRequest ¶ added in v1.57.1
CreateAPIKeyRequest holds create API key info.
type CreateAPIKeyResponse ¶ added in v1.57.1
type CreateAPIKeyResponse struct { Key string `json:"key"` KeyInfo *APIKeyInfo `json:"keyInfo"` }
CreateAPIKeyResponse holds macaroon.APIKey and APIKeyInfo.
type CreateUser ¶
type CreateUser struct { FullName string `json:"fullName"` ShortName string `json:"shortName"` Email string `json:"email"` UserAgent []byte `json:"userAgent"` Password string `json:"password"` IsProfessional bool `json:"isProfessional"` Position string `json:"position"` CompanyName string `json:"companyName"` WorkingOn string `json:"workingOn"` EmployeeCount string `json:"employeeCount"` HaveSalesContact bool `json:"haveSalesContact"` CaptchaResponse string `json:"captchaResponse"` IP string `json:"ip"` SignupPromoCode string `json:"signupPromoCode"` }
CreateUser struct holds info for User creation.
func (*CreateUser) IsValid ¶
func (user *CreateUser) IsValid() error
IsValid checks CreateUser validity and returns error describing whats wrong. The returned error has the class ErrValiation.
type DB ¶
type DB interface { // Users is a getter for Users repository. Users() Users // Projects is a getter for Projects repository. Projects() Projects // ProjectMembers is a getter for ProjectMembers repository. ProjectMembers() ProjectMembers // APIKeys is a getter for APIKeys repository. APIKeys() APIKeys // RegistrationTokens is a getter for RegistrationTokens repository. RegistrationTokens() RegistrationTokens // ResetPasswordTokens is a getter for ResetPasswordTokens repository. ResetPasswordTokens() ResetPasswordTokens // WebappSessions is a getter for WebappSessions repository. WebappSessions() consoleauth.WebappSessions // AccountFreezeEvents is a getter for AccountFreezeEvents repository. AccountFreezeEvents() AccountFreezeEvents // WithTx is a method for executing transactions with retrying as necessary. WithTx(ctx context.Context, fn func(ctx context.Context, tx DBTx) error) error }
DB contains access to different satellite databases.
architecture: Database
type DBTx ¶
type DBTx interface { DB // Commit is a method for committing and closing transaction. Commit() error // Rollback is a method for rollback and closing transaction. Rollback() error }
DBTx extends Database with transaction scope.
type ForgotPasswordEmail ¶ added in v1.62.1
type ForgotPasswordEmail struct { Origin string UserName string ResetLink string CancelPasswordRecoveryLink string LetUsKnowURL string ContactInfoURL string TermsAndConditionsURL string }
ForgotPasswordEmail is mailservice template with reset password data.
func (*ForgotPasswordEmail) Subject ¶ added in v1.62.1
func (*ForgotPasswordEmail) Subject() string
Subject gets email subject.
func (*ForgotPasswordEmail) Template ¶ added in v1.62.1
func (*ForgotPasswordEmail) Template() string
Template returns email template name.
type LockAccountEmail ¶ added in v1.62.1
LockAccountEmail is mailservice template with lock account data.
func (*LockAccountEmail) Subject ¶ added in v1.62.1
func (*LockAccountEmail) Subject() string
Subject gets email subject.
func (*LockAccountEmail) Template ¶ added in v1.62.1
func (*LockAccountEmail) Template() string
Template returns email template name.
type MultiCaptchaConfig ¶ added in v1.62.1
type MultiCaptchaConfig struct { Recaptcha SingleCaptchaConfig `json:"recaptcha"` Hcaptcha SingleCaptchaConfig `json:"hcaptcha"` }
MultiCaptchaConfig contains configurations for Recaptcha and Hcaptcha systems.
type OrderDirection ¶ added in v0.21.0
type OrderDirection uint8
OrderDirection is used for members in specific order direction.
const ( // Ascending indicates that we should order ascending. Ascending OrderDirection = 1 // Descending indicates that we should order descending. Descending OrderDirection = 2 )
type PaymentInfo ¶ added in v1.62.1
type PaymentInfo struct { ID string Type string Wallet string Amount currency.Amount Received currency.Amount Status string Link string Timestamp time.Time }
PaymentInfo includes token payment information required by GUI.
type Payments ¶ added in v1.57.1
type Payments struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Payments separates all payment related functionality.
func (Payments) AccountBalance ¶ added in v1.57.1
AccountBalance return account balance.
func (Payments) AddCreditCard ¶ added in v1.57.1
func (payment Payments) AddCreditCard(ctx context.Context, creditCardToken string) (card payments.CreditCard, err error)
AddCreditCard is used to save new credit card and attach it to payment account.
func (Payments) ApplyCoupon ¶ added in v1.74.1
func (payment Payments) ApplyCoupon(ctx context.Context, couponID string) (coupon *payments.Coupon, err error)
ApplyCoupon applies a coupon to an account based on couponID.
func (Payments) ApplyCouponCode ¶ added in v1.57.1
func (payment Payments) ApplyCouponCode(ctx context.Context, couponCode string) (coupon *payments.Coupon, err error)
ApplyCouponCode applies a coupon code to a Stripe customer and returns the coupon corresponding to the code.
func (Payments) ApplyCredit ¶ added in v1.76.2
ApplyCredit applies a credit of `amount` with description of `desc` to the user's balance. `amount` is in cents USD. If a credit with `desc` already exists, another one will not be created.
func (Payments) ApplyFreeTierCoupon ¶ added in v1.74.1
func (payment Payments) ApplyFreeTierCoupon(ctx context.Context) (coupon *payments.Coupon, err error)
ApplyFreeTierCoupon applies the default free tier coupon to an account.
func (Payments) AttemptPayOverdueInvoices ¶ added in v1.70.1
AttemptPayOverdueInvoices attempts to pay a user's open, overdue invoices.
func (Payments) BillingHistory ¶ added in v1.57.1
func (payment Payments) BillingHistory(ctx context.Context) (billingHistory []*BillingHistoryItem, err error)
BillingHistory returns a list of billing history items for payment account.
func (Payments) ClaimWallet ¶ added in v1.57.1
func (payment Payments) ClaimWallet(ctx context.Context) (_ WalletInfo, err error)
ClaimWallet requests a new wallet for the users to be used for payments. If wallet is already claimed, it will return with the info without error.
func (Payments) GetCoupon ¶ added in v1.57.1
GetCoupon returns the coupon applied to the user's account.
func (Payments) GetProjectUsagePriceModel ¶ added in v1.71.1
func (payment Payments) GetProjectUsagePriceModel(partner string) (_ *payments.ProjectUsagePriceModel)
GetProjectUsagePriceModel returns the project usage price model for the partner.
func (Payments) GetWallet ¶ added in v1.57.1
func (payment Payments) GetWallet(ctx context.Context) (_ WalletInfo, err error)
GetWallet returns with the assigned wallet, or with ErrWalletNotClaimed if not yet claimed.
func (Payments) ListCreditCards ¶ added in v1.57.1
ListCreditCards returns a list of credit cards for a given payment account.
func (Payments) MakeCreditCardDefault ¶ added in v1.57.1
MakeCreditCardDefault makes a credit card default payment method.
func (Payments) ProjectsCharges ¶ added in v1.57.1
func (payment Payments) ProjectsCharges(ctx context.Context, since, before time.Time) (_ payments.ProjectChargesResponse, err error)
ProjectsCharges returns how much money current user will be charged for each project which he owns.
func (Payments) Purchase ¶ added in v1.74.1
func (payment Payments) Purchase(ctx context.Context, price int64, desc string, paymentMethodID string) (err error)
Purchase makes a purchase of `price` amount with description of `desc` and payment method with id of `paymentMethodID`. If a paid invoice with the same description exists, then we assume this is a retried request and don't create and pay another invoice.
func (Payments) RemoveCreditCard ¶ added in v1.57.1
RemoveCreditCard is used to detach a credit card from payment account.
func (Payments) SetupAccount ¶ added in v1.57.1
SetupAccount creates payment account for authorized user.
func (Payments) UpdatePackage ¶ added in v1.76.2
func (payment Payments) UpdatePackage(ctx context.Context, packagePlan string, purchaseTime time.Time) (err error)
UpdatePackage updates a user's package information unless they already have a package.
func (Payments) WalletPayments ¶ added in v1.62.1
func (payment Payments) WalletPayments(ctx context.Context) (_ WalletPayments, err error)
WalletPayments returns with all the native blockchain payments for a user's wallet.
type Project ¶
type Project struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id"` PublicID uuid.UUID `json:"publicId"` Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` UserAgent []byte `json:"userAgent"` OwnerID uuid.UUID `json:"ownerId"` RateLimit *int `json:"rateLimit"` BurstLimit *int `json:"burstLimit"` MaxBuckets *int `json:"maxBuckets"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` MemberCount int `json:"memberCount"` StorageLimit *memory.Size `json:"storageLimit"` BandwidthLimit *memory.Size `json:"bandwidthLimit"` UserSpecifiedStorageLimit *memory.Size `json:"userSpecifiedStorageLimit"` UserSpecifiedBandwidthLimit *memory.Size `json:"userSpecifiedBandwidthLimit"` SegmentLimit *int64 `json:"segmentLimit"` }
Project is a database object that describes Project entity.
type ProjectInfo ¶
type ProjectInfo struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` StorageLimit memory.Size `json:"storageLimit"` BandwidthLimit memory.Size `json:"bandwidthLimit"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` }
ProjectInfo holds data needed to create/update Project.
type ProjectInvitationEmail ¶ added in v1.62.1
type ProjectInvitationEmail struct { Origin string UserName string InviterEmail string SignInLink string LetUsKnowURL string ContactInfoURL string TermsAndConditionsURL string }
ProjectInvitationEmail is mailservice template for project invitation email.
func (*ProjectInvitationEmail) Subject ¶ added in v1.62.1
func (email *ProjectInvitationEmail) Subject() string
Subject gets email subject.
func (*ProjectInvitationEmail) Template ¶ added in v1.62.1
func (*ProjectInvitationEmail) Template() string
Template returns email template name.
type ProjectLimitConfig ¶ added in v1.51.1
type ProjectLimitConfig struct { Free int `help:"the default free-tier project limit" default:"1"` Paid int `help:"the default paid-tier project limit" default:"3"` }
ProjectLimitConfig is a configuration struct for default project limits.
type ProjectLimits ¶ added in v1.43.1
type ProjectLimits struct { ProjectBandwidthLimit memory.Size `json:"projectBandwidthLimit"` ProjectStorageLimit memory.Size `json:"projectStorageLimit"` ProjectSegmentLimit int64 `json:"projectSegmentLimit"` }
ProjectLimits holds info for a users bandwidth and storage limits for new projects.
type ProjectMember ¶
type ProjectMember struct { // FK on Users table. MemberID uuid.UUID // FK on Projects table. ProjectID uuid.UUID CreatedAt time.Time }
ProjectMember is a database object that describes ProjectMember entity.
type ProjectMemberOrder ¶
type ProjectMemberOrder int8
ProjectMemberOrder is used for querying project members in specified order.
const ( // Name indicates that we should order by full name. Name ProjectMemberOrder = 1 // Email indicates that we should order by email. Email ProjectMemberOrder = 2 // Created indicates that we should order by created date. Created ProjectMemberOrder = 3 )
type ProjectMembers ¶
type ProjectMembers interface { // GetByMemberID is a method for querying project members from the database by memberID. GetByMemberID(ctx context.Context, memberID uuid.UUID) ([]ProjectMember, error) // GetPagedByProjectID is a method for querying project members from the database by projectID and cursor GetPagedByProjectID(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, cursor ProjectMembersCursor) (*ProjectMembersPage, error) // Insert is a method for inserting project member into the database. Insert(ctx context.Context, memberID, projectID uuid.UUID) (*ProjectMember, error) // Delete is a method for deleting project member by memberID and projectID from the database. Delete(ctx context.Context, memberID, projectID uuid.UUID) error }
ProjectMembers exposes methods to manage ProjectMembers table in database.
architecture: Database
type ProjectMembersCursor ¶ added in v0.17.0
type ProjectMembersCursor struct { Search string Limit uint Page uint Order ProjectMemberOrder OrderDirection OrderDirection }
ProjectMembersCursor holds info for project members cursor pagination.
type ProjectMembersPage ¶ added in v0.17.0
type ProjectMembersPage struct { ProjectMembers []ProjectMember Search string Limit uint Order ProjectMemberOrder OrderDirection OrderDirection Offset uint64 PageCount uint CurrentPage uint TotalCount uint64 }
ProjectMembersPage represent project members page result.
type ProjectUsageLimits ¶ added in v0.28.0
type ProjectUsageLimits struct { StorageLimit int64 `json:"storageLimit"` BandwidthLimit int64 `json:"bandwidthLimit"` StorageUsed int64 `json:"storageUsed"` BandwidthUsed int64 `json:"bandwidthUsed"` ObjectCount int64 `json:"objectCount"` SegmentCount int64 `json:"segmentCount"` RateLimit int64 `json:"rateLimit"` SegmentLimit int64 `json:"segmentLimit"` RateUsed int64 `json:"rateUsed"` SegmentUsed int64 `json:"segmentUsed"` }
ProjectUsageLimits holds project usage limits and current usage.
type Projects ¶
type Projects interface { // GetAll is a method for querying all projects from the database. GetAll(ctx context.Context) ([]Project, error) // GetCreatedBefore retrieves all projects created before provided date. GetCreatedBefore(ctx context.Context, before time.Time) ([]Project, error) // GetByUserID returns a list of projects where user is a project member. GetByUserID(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) ([]Project, error) // GetOwn returns a list of projects where user is an owner. GetOwn(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) ([]Project, error) // Get is a method for querying project from the database by id. Get(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (*Project, error) // GetSalt returns the project's salt. GetSalt(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) ([]byte, error) // GetByPublicID is a method for querying project from the database by public_id. GetByPublicID(ctx context.Context, publicID uuid.UUID) (*Project, error) // Insert is a method for inserting project into the database. Insert(ctx context.Context, project *Project) (*Project, error) // Delete is a method for deleting project by Id from the database. Delete(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) error // Update is a method for updating project entity. Update(ctx context.Context, project *Project) error // List returns paginated projects, created before provided timestamp. List(ctx context.Context, offset int64, limit int, before time.Time) (ProjectsPage, error) // ListByOwnerID is a method for querying all projects from the database by ownerID. It also includes the number of members for each project. ListByOwnerID(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID, cursor ProjectsCursor) (ProjectsPage, error) // UpdateRateLimit is a method for updating projects rate limit. UpdateRateLimit(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID, newLimit int) error // UpdateBurstLimit is a method for updating projects burst limit. UpdateBurstLimit(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID, newLimit int) error // GetMaxBuckets is a method to get the maximum number of buckets allowed for the project GetMaxBuckets(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (*int, error) // UpdateBucketLimit is a method for updating projects bucket limit. UpdateBucketLimit(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID, newLimit int) error // UpdateUsageLimits is a method for updating project's usage limits. UpdateUsageLimits(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID, limits UsageLimits) error }
Projects exposes methods to manage Project table in database.
architecture: Database
type ProjectsCursor ¶ added in v1.21.1
ProjectsCursor holds info for project cursor pagination.
type ProjectsPage ¶ added in v0.25.0
type ProjectsPage struct { Projects []Project Next bool NextOffset int64 Limit int Offset int64 PageCount int CurrentPage int TotalCount int64 }
ProjectsPage returns paginated projects, providing next offset if there are more projects to retrieve.
type RESTKeys ¶ added in v1.54.1
type RESTKeys interface { Create(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID, expiration time.Duration) (apiKey string, expiresAt time.Time, err error) GetUserAndExpirationFromKey(ctx context.Context, apiKey string) (userID uuid.UUID, exp time.Time, err error) Revoke(ctx context.Context, apiKey string) (err error) }
RESTKeys is an interface for rest key operations.
type RegistrationSecret ¶
type RegistrationSecret [32]byte
RegistrationSecret stores secret of registration token.
func NewRegistrationSecret ¶
func NewRegistrationSecret() (RegistrationSecret, error)
NewRegistrationSecret creates new registration secret.
func RegistrationSecretFromBase64 ¶
func RegistrationSecretFromBase64(s string) (RegistrationSecret, error)
RegistrationSecretFromBase64 creates new registration secret from base64 string.
func (RegistrationSecret) IsZero ¶ added in v0.34.8
func (secret RegistrationSecret) IsZero() bool
IsZero returns if the RegistrationSecret is not set.
func (RegistrationSecret) String ¶
func (secret RegistrationSecret) String() string
String implements Stringer.
type RegistrationToken ¶
type RegistrationToken struct { // Secret is PK of the table and keeps unique value forRegToken Secret RegistrationSecret // OwnerID stores current token owner ID OwnerID *uuid.UUID // ProjectLimit defines how many projects user is able to create ProjectLimit int `json:"projectLimit"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` }
RegistrationToken describing api key model in the database.
type RegistrationTokens ¶
type RegistrationTokens interface { // Create creates new registration token Create(ctx context.Context, projectLimit int) (*RegistrationToken, error) // GetBySecret retrieves RegTokenInfo with given Secret GetBySecret(ctx context.Context, secret RegistrationSecret) (*RegistrationToken, error) // GetByOwnerID retrieves RegTokenInfo by ownerID GetByOwnerID(ctx context.Context, ownerID uuid.UUID) (*RegistrationToken, error) // UpdateOwner updates registration token's owner UpdateOwner(ctx context.Context, secret RegistrationSecret, ownerID uuid.UUID) error }
RegistrationTokens is interface for working with registration tokens.
architecture: Database
type ResetPasswordSecret ¶ added in v0.12.0
type ResetPasswordSecret [32]byte
ResetPasswordSecret stores secret of registration token.
func NewResetPasswordSecret ¶ added in v0.12.0
func NewResetPasswordSecret() (ResetPasswordSecret, error)
NewResetPasswordSecret creates new reset password secret.
func ResetPasswordSecretFromBase64 ¶ added in v0.12.0
func ResetPasswordSecretFromBase64(s string) (ResetPasswordSecret, error)
ResetPasswordSecretFromBase64 creates new reset password secret from base64 string.
func (ResetPasswordSecret) String ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (secret ResetPasswordSecret) String() string
String implements Stringer.
type ResetPasswordToken ¶ added in v0.12.0
type ResetPasswordToken struct { // Secret is PK of the table and keeps unique value for reset password token Secret ResetPasswordSecret // OwnerID stores current token owner ID OwnerID *uuid.UUID CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` }
ResetPasswordToken describing reset password model in the database.
type ResetPasswordTokens ¶ added in v0.12.0
type ResetPasswordTokens interface { // Create creates new reset password token Create(ctx context.Context, ownerID uuid.UUID) (*ResetPasswordToken, error) // GetBySecret retrieves ResetPasswordToken with given secret GetBySecret(ctx context.Context, secret ResetPasswordSecret) (*ResetPasswordToken, error) // GetByOwnerID retrieves ResetPasswordToken by ownerID GetByOwnerID(ctx context.Context, ownerID uuid.UUID) (*ResetPasswordToken, error) // Delete deletes ResetPasswordToken by ResetPasswordSecret Delete(ctx context.Context, secret ResetPasswordSecret) error }
ResetPasswordTokens is interface for working with reset password tokens.
architecture: Database
type ResponseUser ¶ added in v1.57.1
type ResponseUser struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id"` FullName string `json:"fullName"` ShortName string `json:"shortName"` Email string `json:"email"` UserAgent []byte `json:"userAgent"` ProjectLimit int `json:"projectLimit"` IsProfessional bool `json:"isProfessional"` Position string `json:"position"` CompanyName string `json:"companyName"` EmployeeCount string `json:"employeeCount"` HaveSalesContact bool `json:"haveSalesContact"` PaidTier bool `json:"paidTier"` MFAEnabled bool `json:"isMFAEnabled"` MFARecoveryCodeCount int `json:"mfaRecoveryCodeCount"` }
ResponseUser is an entity which describes db User and can be sent in response.
type SegmentLimitConfig ¶ added in v1.46.3
type SegmentLimitConfig struct { Free int64 `help:"the default free-tier segment usage limit" default:"10000"` Paid int64 `help:"the default paid-tier segment usage limit" default:"100000000"` }
SegmentLimitConfig is a configuration struct for default segments per-project usage limits.
type Service ¶
type Service struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Service is handling accounts related logic.
architecture: Service
func NewService ¶
func NewService(log *zap.Logger, store DB, restKeys RESTKeys, projectAccounting accounting.ProjectAccounting, projectUsage *accounting.Service, buckets buckets.DB, accounts payments.Accounts, depositWallets payments.DepositWallets, billing billing.TransactionsDB, analytics *analytics.Service, tokens *consoleauth.Service, mailService *mailservice.Service, satelliteAddress string, config Config) (*Service, error)
NewService returns new instance of Service.
func (*Service) ActivateAccount ¶
func (s *Service) ActivateAccount(ctx context.Context, activationToken string) (user *User, err error)
ActivateAccount - is a method for activating user account after registration.
func (*Service) AddProjectMembers ¶
func (s *Service) AddProjectMembers(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, emails []string) (users []*User, err error)
AddProjectMembers adds users by email to given project. Email addresses not belonging to a user are ignored. projectID here may be project.PublicID or project.ID.
func (*Service) ChangeEmail ¶ added in v1.17.1
ChangeEmail updates email for a given user.
func (*Service) ChangePassword ¶
ChangePassword updates password for a given user.
func (*Service) CreateAPIKey ¶
func (s *Service) CreateAPIKey(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, name string) (_ *APIKeyInfo, _ *macaroon.APIKey, err error)
CreateAPIKey creates new api key. projectID here may be project.PublicID or project.ID.
func (*Service) CreateProject ¶
func (s *Service) CreateProject(ctx context.Context, projectInfo ProjectInfo) (p *Project, err error)
CreateProject is a method for creating new project.
func (*Service) CreateRESTKey ¶ added in v1.54.1
func (s *Service) CreateRESTKey(ctx context.Context, expiration time.Duration) (apiKey string, expiresAt time.Time, err error)
CreateRESTKey creates a satellite rest key.
func (*Service) CreateRegToken ¶
func (s *Service) CreateRegToken(ctx context.Context, projLimit int) (_ *RegistrationToken, err error)
CreateRegToken creates new registration token. Needed for testing.
func (*Service) CreateUser ¶
func (s *Service) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, user CreateUser, tokenSecret RegistrationSecret) (u *User, err error)
CreateUser gets password hash value and creates new inactive User.
func (*Service) DeleteAPIKeyByNameAndProjectID ¶ added in v1.26.2
func (s *Service) DeleteAPIKeyByNameAndProjectID(ctx context.Context, name string, projectID uuid.UUID) (err error)
DeleteAPIKeyByNameAndProjectID deletes api key by name and project ID. ID here may be project.publicID or project.ID.
func (*Service) DeleteAPIKeys ¶
DeleteAPIKeys deletes api key by id.
func (*Service) DeleteAccount ¶
DeleteAccount deletes User.
func (*Service) DeleteAllSessionsByUserIDExcept ¶ added in v1.70.1
func (s *Service) DeleteAllSessionsByUserIDExcept(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID, sessionID uuid.UUID) (err error)
DeleteAllSessionsByUserIDExcept removes all sessions except the specified session from the database.
func (*Service) DeleteProject ¶
DeleteProject is a method for deleting project by id.
func (*Service) DeleteProjectMembers ¶
func (s *Service) DeleteProjectMembers(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, emails []string) (err error)
DeleteProjectMembers removes users by email from given project. projectID here may be project.PublicID or project.ID.
func (*Service) DeleteSession ¶ added in v1.63.1
DeleteSession removes the session from the database.
func (*Service) DisableUserMFA ¶ added in v1.36.1
func (s *Service) DisableUserMFA(ctx context.Context, passcode string, t time.Time, recoveryCode string) (err error)
DisableUserMFA disables multi-factor authentication for the user if the given secret key and password are valid.
func (*Service) EnableUserMFA ¶ added in v1.36.1
EnableUserMFA enables multi-factor authentication for the user if the given secret key and password are valid.
func (*Service) GenCreateAPIKey ¶ added in v1.57.1
func (s *Service) GenCreateAPIKey(ctx context.Context, requestInfo CreateAPIKeyRequest) (*CreateAPIKeyResponse, api.HTTPError)
GenCreateAPIKey creates new api key for generated api.
func (*Service) GenCreateProject ¶ added in v1.53.1
func (s *Service) GenCreateProject(ctx context.Context, projectInfo ProjectInfo) (p *Project, httpError api.HTTPError)
GenCreateProject is a method for creating new project for generated api.
func (*Service) GenDeleteAPIKey ¶ added in v1.64.1
GenDeleteAPIKey deletes api key for generated api.
func (*Service) GenDeleteProject ¶ added in v1.57.1
func (s *Service) GenDeleteProject(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (httpError api.HTTPError)
GenDeleteProject is a method for deleting project by id for generated API.
func (*Service) GenGetAPIKeys ¶ added in v1.64.1
func (s *Service) GenGetAPIKeys(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, search string, limit, page uint, order APIKeyOrder, orderDirection OrderDirection) (*APIKeyPage, api.HTTPError)
GenGetAPIKeys returns api keys belonging to a project for generated api.
func (*Service) GenGetBucketUsageRollups ¶ added in v1.52.1
func (s *Service) GenGetBucketUsageRollups(ctx context.Context, reqProjectID uuid.UUID, since, before time.Time) (rollups []accounting.BucketUsageRollup, httpError api.HTTPError)
GenGetBucketUsageRollups retrieves summed usage rollups for every bucket of particular project for a given period for generated api.
func (*Service) GenGetSingleBucketUsageRollup ¶ added in v1.51.1
func (s *Service) GenGetSingleBucketUsageRollup(ctx context.Context, reqProjectID uuid.UUID, bucket string, since, before time.Time) (rollup *accounting.BucketUsageRollup, httpError api.HTTPError)
GenGetSingleBucketUsageRollup retrieves usage rollup for single bucket of particular project for a given period for generated api.
func (*Service) GenGetUser ¶ added in v1.57.1
GenGetUser returns ResponseUser by request context for generated api.
func (*Service) GenGetUsersProjects ¶ added in v1.51.1
GenGetUsersProjects is a method for querying all projects for generated api.
func (*Service) GenUpdateProject ¶ added in v1.54.1
func (s *Service) GenUpdateProject(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, projectInfo ProjectInfo) (p *Project, httpError api.HTTPError)
GenUpdateProject is a method for updating project name and description by id for generated api.
func (*Service) GenerateActivationToken ¶
func (s *Service) GenerateActivationToken(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID, email string) (token string, err error)
GenerateActivationToken - is a method for generating activation token.
func (*Service) GeneratePasswordRecoveryToken ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (s *Service) GeneratePasswordRecoveryToken(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (token string, err error)
GeneratePasswordRecoveryToken - is a method for generating password recovery token.
func (*Service) GenerateSessionToken ¶ added in v1.58.1
func (s *Service) GenerateSessionToken(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID, email, ip, userAgent string) (_ *TokenInfo, err error)
GenerateSessionToken creates a new session and returns the string representation of its token.
func (*Service) GetAPIKeyInfo ¶
GetAPIKeyInfo retrieves api key by id.
func (*Service) GetAPIKeyInfoByName ¶ added in v1.51.1
func (s *Service) GetAPIKeyInfoByName(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, name string) (_ *APIKeyInfo, err error)
GetAPIKeyInfoByName retrieves an api key by its name and project id.
func (*Service) GetAPIKeys ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (s *Service) GetAPIKeys(ctx context.Context, reqProjectID uuid.UUID, cursor APIKeyCursor) (page *APIKeyPage, err error)
GetAPIKeys returns paged api key list for given Project.
func (*Service) GetAllBucketNames ¶ added in v1.18.1
func (s *Service) GetAllBucketNames(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (_ []string, err error)
GetAllBucketNames retrieves all bucket names of a specific project. projectID here may be Project.ID or Project.PublicID.
func (*Service) GetBucketTotals ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (s *Service) GetBucketTotals(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, cursor accounting.BucketUsageCursor, before time.Time) (_ *accounting.BucketUsagePage, err error)
GetBucketTotals retrieves paged bucket total usages since project creation.
func (*Service) GetDailyProjectUsage ¶ added in v1.48.1
func (s *Service) GetDailyProjectUsage(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, from, to time.Time) (_ *accounting.ProjectDailyUsage, err error)
GetDailyProjectUsage returns daily usage by project ID. ID here may be project.ID or project.PublicID.
func (*Service) GetProject ¶
GetProject is a method for querying project by id. projectID here may be project.PublicID or project.ID.
func (*Service) GetProjectMembers ¶
func (s *Service) GetProjectMembers(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, cursor ProjectMembersCursor) (pmp *ProjectMembersPage, err error)
GetProjectMembers returns ProjectMembers for given Project.
func (*Service) GetProjectUsage ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (s *Service) GetProjectUsage(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, since, before time.Time) (_ *accounting.ProjectUsage, err error)
GetProjectUsage retrieves project usage for a given period.
func (*Service) GetProjectUsageLimits ¶ added in v0.28.0
func (s *Service) GetProjectUsageLimits(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID) (_ *ProjectUsageLimits, err error)
GetProjectUsageLimits returns project limits and current usage.
Among others,it can return one of the following errors returned by, wrapped Error.
func (*Service) GetSalt ¶ added in v1.65.1
GetSalt is a method for querying project salt by id. id may be project.ID or project.PublicID.
func (*Service) GetTotalUsageLimits ¶ added in v1.34.1
func (s *Service) GetTotalUsageLimits(ctx context.Context) (_ *ProjectUsageLimits, err error)
GetTotalUsageLimits returns total limits and current usage for all the projects.
func (*Service) GetUserByEmailWithUnverified ¶ added in v1.46.3
func (s *Service) GetUserByEmailWithUnverified(ctx context.Context, email string) (verified *User, unverified []User, err error)
GetUserByEmailWithUnverified returns Users by email.
func (*Service) GetUserSettings ¶ added in v1.76.1
func (s *Service) GetUserSettings(ctx context.Context) (settings *UserSettings, err error)
GetUserSettings fetches a user's settings. It creates default settings if none exists.
func (*Service) GetUsersOwnedProjectsPage ¶ added in v1.22.1
func (s *Service) GetUsersOwnedProjectsPage(ctx context.Context, cursor ProjectsCursor) (_ ProjectsPage, err error)
GetUsersOwnedProjectsPage is a method for querying paged projects.
func (*Service) GetUsersProjects ¶
GetUsersProjects is a method for querying all projects.
func (*Service) KeyAuth ¶ added in v1.58.1
func (s *Service) KeyAuth(ctx context.Context, apikey string, authTime time.Time) (_ context.Context, err error)
KeyAuth returns an authenticated context by api key.
func (*Service) RefreshSession ¶ added in v1.63.1
func (s *Service) RefreshSession(ctx context.Context, sessionID uuid.UUID) (expiresAt time.Time, err error)
RefreshSession resets the expiration time of the session.
func (*Service) ResetMFARecoveryCodes ¶ added in v1.36.1
ResetMFARecoveryCodes creates a new set of MFA recovery codes for the user.
func (*Service) ResetMFASecretKey ¶ added in v1.36.1
ResetMFASecretKey creates a new TOTP secret key for the user.
func (*Service) ResetPassword ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (s *Service) ResetPassword(ctx context.Context, resetPasswordToken, password string, passcode string, recoveryCode string, t time.Time) (err error)
ResetPassword - is a method for resetting user password.
func (*Service) RevokeRESTKey ¶ added in v1.54.1
RevokeRESTKey revokes a satellite REST key.
func (*Service) RevokeResetPasswordToken ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (s *Service) RevokeResetPasswordToken(ctx context.Context, resetPasswordToken string) (err error)
RevokeResetPasswordToken - is a method to revoke reset password token.
func (*Service) SetUserSettings ¶ added in v1.76.1
func (s *Service) SetUserSettings(ctx context.Context, request UpsertUserSettingsRequest) (settings *UserSettings, err error)
SetUserSettings updates a user's settings.
func (*Service) TestSwapCaptchaHandler ¶ added in v1.56.1
func (s *Service) TestSwapCaptchaHandler(h CaptchaHandler)
TestSwapCaptchaHandler replaces the existing handler for captchas with the one specified for use in testing.
func (*Service) TokenAuth ¶ added in v1.58.1
func (s *Service) TokenAuth(ctx context.Context, token consoleauth.Token, authTime time.Time) (_ context.Context, err error)
TokenAuth returns an authenticated context by session token.
func (*Service) UpdateAccount ¶
UpdateAccount updates User.
func (*Service) UpdateProject ¶
func (s *Service) UpdateProject(ctx context.Context, projectID uuid.UUID, updatedProject ProjectInfo) (p *Project, err error)
UpdateProject is a method for updating project name and description by id. projectID here may be project.PublicID or project.ID.
func (*Service) UpdateUsersFailedLoginState ¶ added in v1.55.1
UpdateUsersFailedLoginState updates User's failed login state.
func (*Service) VerifyForgotPasswordCaptcha ¶ added in v1.65.1
func (s *Service) VerifyForgotPasswordCaptcha(ctx context.Context, responseToken, userIP string) (valid bool, err error)
VerifyForgotPasswordCaptcha returns whether the given captcha response for the forgot password page is valid. It will return true without error if the captcha handler has not been set.
type SessionConfig ¶ added in v1.63.1
type SessionConfig struct { InactivityTimerEnabled bool `help:"indicates if session can be timed out due inactivity" default:"true"` InactivityTimerDuration int `help:"inactivity timer delay in seconds" default:"600"` InactivityTimerViewerEnabled bool `help:"indicates whether remaining session time is shown for debugging" default:"false"` Duration time.Duration `help:"duration a session is valid for (superseded by inactivity timer delay if inactivity timer is enabled)" default:"168h"` }
SessionConfig contains configurations for session management.
type SingleCaptchaConfig ¶ added in v1.62.1
type SingleCaptchaConfig struct { Enabled bool `help:"whether or not captcha is enabled" default:"false" json:"enabled"` SiteKey string `help:"captcha site key" json:"siteKey"` SecretKey string `help:"captcha secret key" json:"-"` }
SingleCaptchaConfig contains configurations abstract captcha system.
type StorageLimitConfig ¶ added in v1.34.1
type StorageLimitConfig struct { Free memory.Size `help:"the default free-tier storage usage limit" default:"25.00GB" testDefault:"25.00 GB"` Paid memory.Size `help:"the default paid-tier storage usage limit" default:"25.00TB" testDefault:"25.00 GB"` }
StorageLimitConfig is a configuration struct for default storage per-project usage limits.
type TokenInfo ¶ added in v1.63.1
type TokenInfo struct { consoleauth.Token `json:"token"` ExpiresAt time.Time `json:"expiresAt"` }
TokenInfo holds info for user authentication token responses.
type UnknownResetPasswordEmail ¶ added in v1.62.1
type UnknownResetPasswordEmail struct { Satellite string Email string DoubleCheckLink string ResetPasswordLink string CreateAnAccountLink string SupportTeamLink string }
UnknownResetPasswordEmail is mailservice template with unknown password reset data.
func (*UnknownResetPasswordEmail) Subject ¶ added in v1.62.1
func (*UnknownResetPasswordEmail) Subject() string
Subject gets email subject.
func (*UnknownResetPasswordEmail) Template ¶ added in v1.62.1
func (*UnknownResetPasswordEmail) Template() string
Template returns email template name.
type UpdateUserRequest ¶ added in v1.58.1
type UpdateUserRequest struct { FullName *string ShortName **string Email *string PasswordHash []byte Status *UserStatus ProjectLimit *int ProjectStorageLimit *int64 ProjectBandwidthLimit *int64 ProjectSegmentLimit *int64 PaidTier *bool MFAEnabled *bool MFASecretKey **string MFARecoveryCodes *[]string // failed_login_count is nullable, but we don't really have a reason // to set it to NULL, so it doesn't need to be a double pointer here. FailedLoginCount *int LoginLockoutExpiration **time.Time }
UpdateUserRequest contains all columns which are optionally updatable by users.Update.
type UpsertUserSettingsRequest ¶ added in v1.73.4
type UpsertUserSettingsRequest struct { // The DB stores this value with minute granularity. Finer time units are ignored. SessionDuration **time.Duration OnboardingStart *bool OnboardingEnd *bool OnboardingStep *string }
UpsertUserSettingsRequest contains all user settings which are configurable via Users.UpsertSettings.
type UsageLimits ¶ added in v1.70.1
type UsageLimits struct { Storage int64 `json:"storage"` Bandwidth int64 `json:"bandwidth"` Segment int64 `json:"segment"` }
UsageLimits represents storage, bandwidth, and segment limits imposed on an entity.
type UsageLimitsConfig ¶ added in v1.26.2
type UsageLimitsConfig struct { Storage StorageLimitConfig Bandwidth BandwidthLimitConfig Segment SegmentLimitConfig Project ProjectLimitConfig }
UsageLimitsConfig is a configuration struct for default per-project usage limits.
type User ¶
type User struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id"` FullName string `json:"fullName"` ShortName string `json:"shortName"` Email string `json:"email"` PasswordHash []byte `json:"passwordHash"` Status UserStatus `json:"status"` UserAgent []byte `json:"userAgent"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` ProjectLimit int `json:"projectLimit"` ProjectStorageLimit int64 `json:"projectStorageLimit"` ProjectBandwidthLimit int64 `json:"projectBandwidthLimit"` ProjectSegmentLimit int64 `json:"projectSegmentLimit"` PaidTier bool `json:"paidTier"` IsProfessional bool `json:"isProfessional"` Position string `json:"position"` CompanyName string `json:"companyName"` CompanySize int `json:"companySize"` WorkingOn string `json:"workingOn"` EmployeeCount string `json:"employeeCount"` HaveSalesContact bool `json:"haveSalesContact"` MFAEnabled bool `json:"mfaEnabled"` MFASecretKey string `json:"mfaSecretKey"` MFARecoveryCodes []string `json:"mfaRecoveryCodes"` SignupPromoCode string `json:"signupPromoCode"` VerificationReminders int `json:"verificationReminders"` FailedLoginCount int `json:"failedLoginCount"` LoginLockoutExpiration time.Time `json:"loginLockoutExpiration"` SignupCaptcha *float64 `json:"-"` }
User is a database object that describes User entity.
type UserSettings ¶ added in v1.73.4
type UserSettings struct { SessionDuration *time.Duration `json:"sessionDuration"` OnboardingStart bool `json:"onboardingStart"` OnboardingEnd bool `json:"onboardingEnd"` OnboardingStep *string `json:"onboardingStep"` }
UserSettings contains configurations for a user.
type UserStatus ¶
type UserStatus int
UserStatus - is used to indicate status of the users account.
const ( // Inactive is a user status that he receives after registration. Inactive UserStatus = 0 // Active is a user status that he receives after account activation. Active UserStatus = 1 // Deleted is a user status that he receives after deleting account. Deleted UserStatus = 2 )
type Users ¶
type Users interface { // Get is a method for querying user from the database by id. Get(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (*User, error) // GetUnverifiedNeedingReminder gets unverified users needing a reminder to verify their email. GetUnverifiedNeedingReminder(ctx context.Context, firstReminder, secondReminder, cutoff time.Time) ([]*User, error) // UpdateVerificationReminders increments verification_reminders. UpdateVerificationReminders(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) error // UpdateFailedLoginCountAndExpiration increments failed_login_count and sets login_lockout_expiration appropriately. UpdateFailedLoginCountAndExpiration(ctx context.Context, failedLoginPenalty *float64, id uuid.UUID) error // GetByEmailWithUnverified is a method for querying users by email from the database. GetByEmailWithUnverified(ctx context.Context, email string) (*User, []User, error) // GetByEmail is a method for querying user by verified email from the database. GetByEmail(ctx context.Context, email string) (*User, error) // Insert is a method for inserting user into the database. Insert(ctx context.Context, user *User) (*User, error) // Delete is a method for deleting user by Id from the database. Delete(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) error // Update is a method for updating user entity. Update(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID, request UpdateUserRequest) error // UpdatePaidTier sets whether the user is in the paid tier. UpdatePaidTier(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID, paidTier bool, projectBandwidthLimit, projectStorageLimit memory.Size, projectSegmentLimit int64, projectLimit int) error // UpdateUserProjectLimits is a method to update the user's usage limits for new projects. UpdateUserProjectLimits(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID, limits UsageLimits) error // GetProjectLimit is a method to get the users project limit GetProjectLimit(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (limit int, err error) // GetUserProjectLimits is a method to get the users storage and bandwidth limits for new projects. GetUserProjectLimits(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (limit *ProjectLimits, err error) // GetUserPaidTier is a method to gather whether the specified user is on the Paid Tier or not. GetUserPaidTier(ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID) (isPaid bool, err error) // GetSettings is a method for returning a user's set of configurations. GetSettings(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID) (*UserSettings, error) // UpsertSettings is a method for updating a user's set of configurations if it exists and inserting it otherwise. UpsertSettings(ctx context.Context, userID uuid.UUID, settings UpsertUserSettingsRequest) error }
Users exposes methods to manage User table in database.
architecture: Database
type WalletInfo ¶ added in v1.56.1
type WalletInfo struct { Address blockchain.Address `json:"address"` Balance currency.Amount `json:"balance"` }
WalletInfo contains all the information about a destination wallet assigned to a user.
type WalletPayments ¶ added in v1.62.1
type WalletPayments struct {
Payments []PaymentInfo `json:"payments"`
WalletPayments represents the list of ERC-20 token payments.